Page 31 of Love, Utley

Maybe we can arrange a company game of dodgeball, and I can chuck something at his face.

It’d make me feel better. And from the looks he was getting today, I don’t think I’d be the only one aiming for him.

I imagine Hannah taking her own shot at him, and it almost makes me grin.

I climb into my car and wait while everyone splits between Brandon’s car and the midsize SUV another guy drove over.

The SUV goes first, then Brandon, and then I pull out.

Traffic isn’t too bad, so we stay in a row as we move down the street.

I decide I might as well head back with everyone else, so I continue to follow along.

The light ahead of us turns yellow, and the SUV goes through, but Brandon stops just as it turns red.

I drum my fingers on the wheel, pleasantly surprised he didn’t try to blow through the light. And glad because he has Hannah in there with him. If he put her in danger with reckless driving, I’d do more than embarrass him.

Leaning forward, I try to see Hannah through the back window. But she’s in the front passenger seat, and she’s short enough that her form is hidden by the seat and headrest.

The light turns green, and Brandon’s car jerks forward. Clearly, he stomped on the gas.

“Fuckin—” I lift my foot off the brake as I start to curse the idiot, but then it happens.

A car crossing from the right is trying to run their red light at the same time Brandon is trying to jump the green. And they collide.


I slam on my brakes.

My heart beats painfully in my chest as I throw my car into park and scramble out.

I leave my door wide open as I sprint toward the two cars blocking the intersection.

Both vehicles are stopped. There’s no smoke. No fire. But still, I feel like I can’t breathe.

My shoes slap against the hard surface of the road.

Five more steps.



I jerk on the passenger door handle, but it doesn’t open.

Bending down, I look into Hannah’s wide eyes through the window. “Open the door for me.”

She nods, but the movement is frantic, and her lips start to tremble.

To my side, I hear someone get out of the other vehicle. It’s gotta be the driver, but I don’t pay them any attention.

“Babe.” I press my finger to the glass, trying to get her to look down at the door handle. “Open the door.”

There’s movement beyond Hannah, and Brandon undoes his seat belt and reaches for his door handle.

The second he opens his, I hear the quiet thud of the rest of the doors unlocking, and I jerk Hannah’s door open.

“Are you okay?” I crouch next to her.