Page 141 of Love, Utley

“Maddox Lovelace, you told me you were taking me to dinner.” She straightens her shirt. “And I didn’t go through all the stress of getting ready to meet your best friend and brother just for you to change the plan.”

I brush my thumb across her cheek. “Don’t be nervous. They’re gonna love you.”

As much as I do. I think it but don’t say it.

I want to tell her. But I just have a few more things to do first.

“Let’s go.” I hold my hand out for her to take. “I sent Max in already to get our table.”

Hannah slides her hand into mine, and I walk us toward the restaurant’s entrance.

It’s a nice place, great food, moody atmosphere, and hipster enough that even if the clientele recognized me or Waller, or potentially Max, they’d be too cool to approach us. The restaurant has just the right level of douchebag vibes for us to be left alone.

Keeping my hold of Hannah’s hand, I pull open the door and guide her in before me. There’s a second door, and we have to shift around for me to open it again, but I can feel the nerves radiating off my girl, and I’m not letting her go.

“Good evening.” The hostess greets us.

“Hello.” Hannah’s voice is a little more timid than I’m used to hearing, so I squeeze her hand.

“We’re meeting—” I start, then spot Max. “I see our table.”

“Go right ahead.” The hostess smiles, and we step past.

My brother has been spending his summer down in Arizona but flew back for a visit.

I would have invited my parents along, let everyone meet Hannah at the same time, but they’re at some friend’s birthday tonight. So it’s just us, my little brother and Waller.

Hannah peeks out from behind me to look at the table we’re approaching. “I thought you said two people?” she whispers.

I stop at the table, replying loud enough for the guys to hear. “I did say we were meeting two people.”



Maddox shakes the hand of the guy nearest him, and they clap each other on the backs in that way men do. “I was just thinking about you the other day.”

“Either you missed me, or someone pissed you off.” The man chuckles.

With Maddox no longer holding my hand, I twist my fingers together in front of me and keep my focus on the men hugging because I don’t want to have to introduce myself to the other guys.

“Tony.” Maddox pulls away and lifts his hand to my back, pulling me next to him. “This is my girl, Hannah. Hannah, this is Tony Stoleman.”

I try for a relaxed smile as I shake his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Tony is handsome, nearly as tall as Maddox, with a dimple in his cheek and hair almost as dark as Maddox’s. But his energy is a little… different. Kind of intense.

“When I heard our guy was bringing the Hannah Utley to dinner, I had to crash.” He winks at me. “Hope you don’t mind.”

The Hannah Utley?

“And this”— Maddox raises his voice as he pulls my hand free from Tony’s grip— “is my friend Nate Waller. But we just call him Waller.”

“Hi, Hannah.” The man grins, and good grief, he’s just as handsome as the other guy, only he has a way lighter feel about him.

From the opposite side of the round table, Waller starts to reach across. But before I can move, Maddox slaps Waller’s hand away. “You don’t all need to fucking touch her.”

Waller holds his hands up and sits back down in his chair.