I want her to stay the entire weekend. Want her naked at least twice more before Monday comes.
But she has responsibilities at her house, and I have some things I need to do to mine.
A figure fills my doorway, but I keep my attention on my screen. “Just give me another second to finish this email, then I’ll be ready.”
Instead of answering, my coworker steps into my office.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see them lower into my guest chair, and my fingers stop moving because the body is bigger than the one I’d expected.
My eyes lift. “Maddox?”
He purses his lips. “And who were you expecting?”
There’s an edge of jealousy in his voice, and I almost want to tease him about it. But he’s looking too damn delicious today, so I tell him the truth. “I’m going to lunch with Sarah.” I glance at the clock on my monitor. “In five minutes.”
“Who’s Sarah?”
I try not to look at his big man fingers as they tap on the armrest. “Girl in marketing.”
“You two do lunch a lot?” Maddox is still looking jealous, even though I’m clearly not having some sort of sexy affair with Sarah.
My mouth pulls into a smile. “You’re cute.”
The tension in his shoulders vanishes, and a smirk forms on his lips. “Come sit on my lap and say that.”
“Maddox,” I hiss, glancing at the open door behind him.
He reaches back like he’s going to swing the door shut.
“Stop it.” I snag a paperclip off my desk and throw it at him. “You’re gonna get me in trouble.”
He catches the paperclip.
Of course he does.
“Throwing things, Miss Utley? Might need to send you to HR for some of those workplace training videos.”
“Says the man who just asked me to sit on his lap,” I deadpan.
Maddox twirls the paperclip in his fingers. “Maybe we should watch the movie together.”
I press my lips together.
Maddox wasn’t in the office yesterday, having meetings elsewhere, so now is the first time I’ve gotten to see him since I left his house Saturday morning.
“Sarah agreed to help with the books for some team her daughter skates on. And she offered to take me to lunch in exchange for helping her make sense of the spreadsheets.” I try to get us back on topic. “And she’ll be here any minute.”
“Ice skating.”
“In the summer?”
I roll my eyes. “Oh my god, are you just here to pester me, or did you need something?”