Page 7 of No Love Lost

When they both nodded, she pointed at Addison. “No talking, no standing, no stress. Breathing is your only job right now.”

Which was awkward as hell. She wanted to find out what Heath wanted. Well, she probably knew what he wanted. But she wanted to tell him tough beans and send him on his way.

Instead, she closed her eyes and tried to pretend he wasn’t there. Which wasn’t possible. Her body had always known when Heath was in the room. Or when he was looking at her. Which he was doing now. After more than twelve years, her body shouldn’t still react to him, shouldn’t still yearn.

She wondered what he saw. Weakness? An obstacle? Did he feel even a bit of the awareness shivering through her?

A sharp knock on the door preceded its opening. “Mom? Are you okay?”

Dizziness threatened to return, but Addison shoved it down and smiled for her daughter. Nina moved right in front of Addison and threw her arms around her. Addison returned the hug and just held on. Sometimes, Nina was the strong one. Okay, more than sometimes. Her daughter was the best person Addison knew, and she soaked up her warmth and love.

When she broke off from the hug, Nina studied her face with a slight frown. “That was a bad one. Lia says you’re okay. Are you?”

Addison nodded. “I’m good.”

“I was going to help Nimii with one of her projects. She’s going to teach me to make moccasins. But I’ll do that another day.”

Addison shook her head. “Not a chance. I’m fine. I promise. All I’m going to do is rest, anyway. You have fun with Nimii.”

Nina studied her some more but finally nodded. “Okay, but I’ll be checking in on you.” Which she would. Nina was nothing if not responsible and kind.

Then Nina turned to Heath, and Addison’s heart nearly stopped. But instead of asking questions, Nina smiled. “You must be the man who helped my mom get here. Thank you. She’s the best mom in the world.”

Nina threw her arms around Heath and hugged him hard. Shock covered his features for a moment, and then he hugged her back, emotion and tears swimming in his eyes.

Nina repeated her thanks, turned to hug Addison again, and then whirled out of the room before anyone said another word.

After that hug and Heath’s response, Addison struggled to contain her emotions. Nina deserved to know her father, which was why Addison had sent packages of pictures and letters about her development on every birthday.

And even if Heath hadn’t wanted to be in her life before, Addison had no right to keep him out now.

His growly voice drew her attention. “We need to talk.”

Words every woman wanted to hear.


You Lost Me

Heath could barely contain the questions, but this wasn’t the place. He needed to get Addy alone and find out why the hell she hadn’t told him he had a daughter.

And he had to contain the anger. Somehow. Although one look at Addy and a lot of it seeped away. Her beautiful face was pale and drawn. Her eyes held wariness.

The doctor returned with a smile and checked Addy over once again. “Okay. You’re good to go as long as you promise to stay warm and rest. A lot.”

Addison nodded without a smile. “I will.”

Lia nodded. “I’ve got another patient, so I can’t drive you home. Who would you like me to call?”

“I’ll drive her home.” The words spilled out of Heath’s mouth without his permission, but he meant them. He wanted to know everything about Nina, and this would give them some alone time to discuss things.

Lia turned to Addy. “That okay with you?”

Obviously, the doctor had picked up on the tension. Addy studied him for a moment and then nodded.

Lia turned to him again. “She knows the rules, but you don’t. The cold air, especially with a wind chill, is dangerous for Addison. You’ll need to bring your vehicle right to her house and get as close to her door as you can. If you could make her tea and make sure she’s warm and comfortable before you leave, that would be helpful.”

Addison started to protest, but Lia grinned at her. “You need to be resting, not puttering around the house. I’m sure Heath won’t mind.”