Page 44 of No Love Lost

“The best kind.” Because some of his own family sucked. Big time.

As if reading his thoughts, Addy squeezed his hand. “You’ve got your grandparents in your heart, you’ve got your people at WMW, you’ve got your buddies from the army, and you’ve got Nina and me.”

His heart thumped even more loudly. He wanted them to be his family. Officially. Forever. “That’s more than enough. I’m a lucky man.”


Losing Sleep

Heath couldn’t stop smiling as he and Addy waited for the bus to drop off Nina and the other kids who lived in Phail. They’d ended up staying an extra night in Boston so they could clean out his condo as much as possible and then list it for sale.

Addy had tried to slow him down, worried he would have regrets, but it all felt so right. Being in Phail, being with Addy. Waiting for their daughter to get off the bus.

There were only five kids who got off in Phail, and none of them were Addy’s age, but the kids all interacted like friends. Another advantage of a small town, although it could be a disadvantage, too. Friends of all ages, but not many friends her own age.

Nina’s eyes lit up as she spotted them. She jogged along the sidewalk and threw herself at Addy. “Missed you.”

Then she threw herself at him. “Missed you too, Dad.”

His heart damn near exploded. He would never take that for granted. He hugged her tightly and swallowed hard. “Missed you too, Nina. I’m glad we’re home.”

“I can’t believe you’re selling that huge condo to move to the farmhouse. I’m so glad you’re going to be close.” Her preteen gaze moved between them, assessing. Addy had warned him Nina was incredibly perceptive. But she didn’t ask any questions. Not yet. She’d probably ambush Addy later.

“Are you okay after talking to your parents? They weren’t very nice to you.”

He hugged her again, wanting to be honest without hurting either of them more than they’d already been hurt. “They’re proving to be not very nice people. Your mom says to keep an open mind and give them a chance to digest what we said to each other. Maybe they’ll get in contact with me. Maybe not. But I’ve got you two as my family and some really great friends here in Phail, so I’m okay.”

Her small arms squeezed him back. “I’m glad you’re here. And Mom always says found families are often the best families.”

Heath reached over and pulled Addy into the hug. “Your mom’s pretty smart.”

“She is. Do you two have work to catch up on? I can make supper if you want.”

Addy smiled. “My favorite?”

Nina grinned. “Do you think Dad will like it?”

Hell, he’d eat bugs and cockroaches if she made it. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

Nina rolled her eyes. “You don’t even know what it is yet?”

He shrugged. “I’ll love it, anyway.”

Nina laughed. “Can we stop at Phail Phoods for the things I need?”

Addy nodded, and they strolled along the sidewalk, looking and feeling like a real family. This is what he wanted. What felt right. He lifted Addy’s hand in his for a quick kiss. Her returning smile was everything he wanted.

Inside Phail Phoods, they found Troy chatting with a woman. When he spotted them, he waved them over and introduced Heath to his cousin Fiona who owned the store.

When Nina and Addy went off to pick up the ingredients for their secret meal, Troy motioned him to the side. “How’d it go with the folks?”

Heath was glad he’d mostly worked through his emotions with Addy. “They confirmed that they’re awful people. I told them I’m done with them, and I’m selling the condo.”

Troy’s eyes widened. “That sucks, man. But I’m glad you’re moving here.”

“I didn’t say that.”

Troy laughed and nodded his head toward Addy and Nina. “I’ve seen how you look at that pair. You’re definitely moving here with your real family. And that includes us.”