Everything was beautiful. Clean lines. Masculine colors. She laughed and turned to him. “I can see why you hate it. The beautiful view, the gorgeous space. It’s just awful.”
She watched the tension drain from Heath’s shoulders as he grinned at her. “Told you.”
She dropped her bag on the floor at her feet and moved to the windows. People, boats, and vehicles bustled down below, going about their lives. How many of theirs had changed as much as Heath’s in the past week?
His arms wound around her from behind, and he leaned his chin on her head, something that he’d often done that had made her smile. She leaned back into his strength and his warmth.
Her body had been amped since their first kiss. No, it had been amped since she’d seen him in the parking lot.
Everything about Heath appealed to her. His heart and genuineness first and foremost. But his body had always been on the list as well. As a teen, he’d been tall and athletic. He’d filled out as a man, and she could feel those muscles wrapped around her.
She’d felt them under her hands a few times. But they’d rarely been alone, and only for moments. They were staying overnight here in his condo. And she knew he had a guest room. And a couch.
But the only place she wanted to spend the night was in his bed with him.
Addy placed her hands over his, where they wrapped around her middle. She played with the hair on his forearms, soft circles and swirls that used to drive him crazy.
They’d been kids. Fumbling lovers who were eager to shuck their virgin statuses as long as it was with the other. They’d only managed to find the time and place to make love a handful of times, but he’d always made her feel special. Loved.
And she’d loved in return.
Still did.
Addy turned and ran her hands over Heath’s chest and then up to cup his face. His eyes flamed with desire, making her smile. “Are we on the same page?” The huskiness in her voice surprised her.
“If that page is that I want to kiss the breath out of you, yes. If that page is that I want to kiss every inch of you, still yes. And if that page includes getting to make love to you for hours, definitely yes.”
Shivers covered her at his growly words. She leaned up on her toes until her mouth was a breath away from his. “Same page.” And then she touched her lips to his and her body nearly exploded right there.
Lost In You
Heath’s condo might not have been a home, but the moment his lips touched Addy’s, he was home.
Her taste was addictive, like her silky hair, her expressive eyes, and the body she hid under goofy flannel and fuzzy sweaters.
Right now, he wanted to see her, to explore her without a layer in sight. But he wouldn’t rush her. He was an adult. It wouldn’t kill him.
Addy moaned into his mouth and pulled herself more tightly into him. He put his hands on that glorious ass and boosted her. She hopped up to wrap her legs around him, putting their mouths on a level.
Her hands ran through his hair, and when they broke the kiss, her breath was shaky. She grinned at him and wiggled against his erection. “Hi there.”
Heath laughed and squeezed her ass, making her breath hitch. “Hi.”
Then they dove into another kiss that had him wondering if his knees were up to what holding Addy in his arms did to him.
Lust. Like. Love. More lust.
More. He wanted more.
The nearest surface was his couch, and he hoped it wasn’t out of reach. His entire body was on fire. He struggled the few yards, then flopped onto his back on his couch, taking Addy with him and making her laugh. “Smooth.”
He grinned up at her. “It was that, or my knees were giving out. The things you do to me, Addison Syrette.”
She wiggled against his erection. “The feeling is very mutual, Heath Wilcox. Any ideas what we should do about that?” Her eyes were dancing with fun and desire, a fascinating combination.
Heath ran his hands under the oversized sweater she’d worn for the trip. “I might have a few dozen ideas. Or a few hundred.”