Page 37 of No Love Lost

Their mouths crashed together in a kiss that banished the sappy tears and sent her spiraling back into a world of pleasure.

As they kissed, their hands roamed and touched and teased.

They rolled across the bed and back again as they reached for areas that hadn’t been caressed, spots that hadn’t been kissed.

They bumped noses, missed kisses, and laughed between growls and gasps of pleasure.

Heath’s body was larger, stronger, and more beautiful than before. His patience was infinite as he found every spot on her that brought her pleasure.

She hadn’t known her body could react like this. For so long, her libido had been dormant. There’d been no time in her life for pleasure. She hadn’t cared.

Now, she wasn’t sure how she’d coped without feeling this way.

When she felt the next orgasm closing in, she grabbed Heath’s shoulders. “I want you inside me.”

He grinned, reached for the nightstand and grabbed a condom.

“Next time, I get to put it on you, Zaagi.”


And then he rolled them over until she straddled him. “Take me in, Addy.”

His hands stayed on her hips as she lowered herself onto his erection. With each slow inch she descended, his hands tightened and flexed. Their breathing turned to pants.

When he was fully inside her, she leaned her head back to absorb all the sensations, all the emotions.

Then she locked her gaze with him and saw her emotions returned.

She rolled her hips and watched pleasure flare in his eyes. At first she kept the pace slow, but the feelings were too big to contain.

His name dropped from her lips like a prayer, and he growled her name in return.





The orgasm shot through her like a supernova. Every part of her spasmed and expanded with joy. Heath shouted her name and followed her over into the bliss.


Losing Patience

Heath’s mood deteriorated rapidly as he contemplated his closet the next morning. He’d lost track of how many times he and Addy had made love, but he knew he’d never been happier or more satisfied.

Now, he had to face the people who’d ensured he didn’t have that for the past twelve years. Rage simmered as he thought about it.

Addy’s small hands reached around him from behind, and she rested her cheek against his back. “You okay?”

He ran his hands over her arms. “Not really. I’m so angry still. Part of me wants to turn around and head to Phail. Forget they even exist. But most of me wants some answers. I need to know why they would do that to us.”

Addy kissed his back and then squeezed more tightly. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I imagine they thought they were doing the right thing. They love you and were trying to protect you the best way they knew how.”

Frustration ran through him. “If that’s the best they could have done, they’re pretty pathetic human beings.”