Page 15 of No Love Lost

Addison reached out to touch Nina’s arms. “Nina. It’s okay. There’s a complicated story involved.”

Another woman entered the room behind Nina, concern written all over her face, but after only a glance to make sure she wasn’t a threat, Heath turned his attention back to Nina.

“How complicated can it be? You tried every year since I was born to get in touch with him. And before that, too. He ignored everything. Ignored both of us.”

Heath opened his mouth to reply, but Nina rolled on. “Do you have any idea how hard it was on her? She didn’t have anything or anyone. She gave up everything for me. She might have been living on the streets for all you cared. Do you have any idea how much she sacrificed for me? How much she still sacrifices? How could you do that to her? To us?”

Tears streamed down his daughter’s face, and he wanted to pull her in for a hug, but that wasn’t his right.

Addy tugged Nina’s hand until the girl, who was almost the same size as her mom, sat in her lap. Addy wrapped her arms around her. “Let it out, Nina. It’s okay. Let it out, and then we’ll talk.”

Nina turned into her mom and sobbed, and Heath wasn’t sure he’d ever felt so helpless in his life. His heart might have been shattered when he’d thought Addy had turned her back on him. Now, that heart lay on the bottom of his soul in sharp-edged pieces that shredded him.

As her sobs quieted, Addy spoke to her in a hushed voice. “He didn’t know, Nina. He didn’t know about you until today.”

“But we sent him all those packages. We called and emailed.”

“You’re right. We did. But he didn’t get any of them. Someone messed with his phone and he didn’t get any of them. Not even one. He would have been there, Nina. He would have been there for you. But he didn’t know.”

Addy’s words pierced his grief. She had his back. A hundred percent of it. Until a few hours ago, she’d thought he’d turned his back on her. Now, not only was she proving she believed him, but she was defending him and supporting him to her daughter.

Addy Syrette was still the best person he knew. His parents had so damn much to answer for.

Eventually, Nina raised her head. The woman he hadn’t met yet grabbed the tissues from the living room and passed the box. All three women grabbed some, and then he leaned over to take some for himself.

Nina stared at him as he wiped the tears away. “Your mom’s right, Nina. I would have been there for every moment. I’m so damn sorry I missed out on you. I’ve lost so much time with you, time we can never get back. But I promise you, I will be there for you from now on. I hope you’ll give me a chance to get to know you. From everything your mom has told me, you’re a pretty spectacular human being.”

Nina’s dark eyes studied him for a long moment, and she looked from him to Addy several times. Finally, she nodded. “If mom thinks it’s okay.”

Addy squeezed her tightly. “It’s more than okay. I always told you your dad was a good man. He’s proven that to me again today.”

He nodded. “I’m moving to Phail.” He shook his head lightly. “Has no one ever thought of changing the name of this place? That sounds awful.”

Nina grinned at his comment, and that broke the tension. He knew there would be lots of tense moments ahead as he got to know his daughter, but he was thrilled that his offhand comment earned him a grin.

When Nina eyed the plate in front of Addy, he sat straighter. “Are you hungry? Can I get you a plate? I made lots.”

Nina’s eyebrows shot up. “You cooked?”

He nodded. “Your mom needed her rest, and I figured a meal couldn’t hurt.”

As if she’d just remembered her mom’s asthma attack, she leaped off Addy’s lap and squatted at her side. “I’m sorry, I forgot. How are you feeling?”

Addy laughed and stroked Nina’s hair. “I’m fine. There have been bigger things to deal with today, but I’m good.”

Nina turned her serious gaze on him. “Did you make her tea? Did you make sure she was warm and had a blanket? Did you keep her stress low? Her body isn’t always as strong as she pretends it is.”

Heath nodded. “I helped her do all those things. Although we were both pretty stressed for a while there as we figured out neither of us had been ignoring the other. It’s been a lot to handle.”

He studied Addy. “I remember the asthma, but I don’t remember it being this severe or you having a heart condition.”

Nina answered. “Her heart got hurt when she was pregnant with me.”

Addy brushed her hand over Nina’s hair again. “I’m fine, and it wasn’t your fault. It’s just a condition that develops during pregnancy. It’s all healed now. Besides, you’re worth it.”

They grinned at each other, and Nina rolled her eyes. “You always say that.”

“Because it’s always true.”