“You’re different now,” Creed assures me. “It’s safe.”
“You complete him,” Jensen jokes, repeating a line from the movie Jerry Maguire and pressing his hand to his chest. They all knew the minute they saw me, though I have no idea how. “It’s addictive,” Jensen adds. “The windwalking, that is.” He inclines his head at Creed. “Not Creed. And if you disagree, Addie, I don’t want to hear about it.”
Creed ignores his jibe and pulls me close. “Ready?”
“No. But do it anyway.”
He doesn’t wait for me to change my mind. Suddenly, the most incredible force of energy lances through my body, and before I can fully process it and react, I’m standing on my back patio outside my condo.
A smile curves my lips. “Oh my God, that was so amazing. Can we do it again?”
Creed laughs and kisses me. “Many, many times,” he promises. “But not now. Let’s go inside before someone sees us.”
“I would, but the door’s locked.”
He holds up a hand, and I can feel the push of wind focused on the sliding glass door. Incredulously, the lock slides open and Creed pulls it wide. He’s powerful, far more so than he allows anyone to know, but maybe me now, which pleases me.
He steps inside and takes me with him, but sets me aside, holding a finger to his lips. It’s only then that I consider someone could be waiting on me inside. Creed draws his weapon and swiftly moves through the condo, scanning every inch.
When he finally returns, my shoulders slump in relief. “I can’t wait until this is over.”
“Soon, sweetheart,” he promises. “But I don’t like being here right now. Go get ready for work. I’ll follow you to the base, where you will be safe. Do not, under any circumstances, leave that base without calling me first. You go nowhere without me following.”
“Believe me, I have no intention of going anywhere without calling you. This is necessary, or I wouldn’t be doing it. I’ll be fast.” I hurry up the stairs, and Creed isn’t far behind. He’s nervous. He doesn’t even want to let me go right here in the condo. I’m not sure I want him to either, but I remind myself my father will not hurt me. He’ll protect me. It’s Creed I should be worried about.
I told my father he’s back.
Chapter Forty-Nine
I stand outside the security gates of Zodius City. The instant I step on the identity scanner, the wind shifts, and six soldiers surround me. Tad stands front and center, holding a snub-nose .38 special locked and loaded at my forehead.
“Your service will no longer be needed,” he says, a snide grin on that ugly mug of a face.
“Kiss my ass,” I snap. “You kill me, and Julian will not get Red Dart. I’m the one Brock West trusts.”
Tad chuckles. “I have it from a reliable source that West is locked up inside Lawrence’s lab, a nut job jacked up on some new GTECH serum. He’s useless to us now.”
“That’s impossible. Lawrence doesn’t have any more serum.”
“His attending doctor, Dr. Chin, says differently. See, I have Chin whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Funny how kidnapping his daughter can make things work that way.” His finger tightens on the trigger. “Would you like the bullet between the eyes or in the back of your head?”
In that instant, I believe that, as much as I despise Brock West, we had one thing in common. We would both do whatever was necessary to survive. And Tad—well, Tad was still an idiot. He’s left me unchained and able to escape. I fade into the wind. I’ll help Lawrence before I’ll die.
Chapter Fifty
I dress in a black skirt and crème silk blouse, pull myself together as best as I can, and inspect my green contacts in the mirror. They seem legit. I hope. My father is a sharp man, but he’s also self-absorbed. I’ll be fine.
Creed is waiting on me when I head back downstairs, apparently dead-set on watching the doors after he’d cleared my room. Our goodbye comes in my garage next to my car, and neither of us want me to go.
He scoops me close. “You don’t have to do this, Addie.”
“And yet, we both know I do, or you wouldn’t have agreed in the first place. Even if my father suspects I’m disloyal to him, he’ll question himself with me present. And most importantly, he won’t hurt me.”
“Are you sure about that, Addie? Because, sweetheart, don’t be angry, please, for me saying this, but you’ve thought a lot of things about your father that he’s proven wrong.”