“That one, yes,” he admits, “but who can blame me? With such a creature as yourself before me, how could I have eyes for anyone else?”
He smiles rakishly, but his eyes show a longing as he says that. I see no violence or possessiveness in that longing, but I can’t help but wonder if his attraction to Eliza might be strong enough to become something sinister.
Could he have felt such an attraction for Minnie? I’ve assumed that if he killed her, it was to avenge Oliver’s broken heart or protect him from ruining his own life, but now I wonder if he fancied her and was angry that she preferred Oliver.
Eliza smiles at Alistair, and it’s clear that she knows of her cousin’s interest in her. It’s equally clear that she tolerates it to a point, but not nearly so far a point as Alistair would hope.
“At least one of us found love overseas,” Oliver interjects. “Lucas, tell them about the lovely young lady you met on the dance floor.”
Lucas blushes red as a cherry and shakes his head.
“Just show them the mark on your neck,” Eliza says, reaching over and pulling down his collar. “I’m sure some of her lipstick is still there.”
Lucas flinches away, and Alistair comes to his rescue. “Oh, come now, you two. Allow our young man his privacy. A gentleman should never kiss and tell. Unless, of course, he’s telling other gentlemen to show them how much luckier he has it. But since we’re in mixed company, we’ll allow Lucas a fond memory without forcing him to reveal it.”
Veronica manages a smile, but it’s clear that she’s unhappy to hear that Alistair has indeed allowed Lucas a dalliance with a strange foreign girl. Alistair notices that look and quickly adds, “In any case, it was only a kiss. Lucas returns as pure of heart as always and remains faithful to Tilly. Though perhaps we shouldn’t tell Miss Fairfax about that particular dance.”
“I think that would be wise,” Veronica says, relaxing.
“Well, I hope you’ve all gotten it out of your system,” Sebastian says, “because tomorrow, it’s back to normal life.”
“Speaking of,” Veronica says, “Dr. Chalmers came to visit yesterday.”
Eliza blanches. “Oh?”
“Yes. I got the impression that he wasn’t entirely aware of the circumstances of your leaving.”
Now it’s my turn to be surprised. Veronica was gone when I let that particular cat out of the bag. Did Dr. Chalmers call her? Or does she just know Eliza well enough to know she wouldn’t be honest with her employer?
“Well, if Rupert has a problem with how I spend my free time, he can talk to me about it,” Eliza says curtly.
Color has returned to her cheeks, enough that Alistair points it out. “Lovers’ quarrel, cousin?”
“Shut up,” she hisses with shocking venom.
“She does prefer to call him by his first name,” Oliver says.
“Yes, that’s how adults speak to each other,” Eliza snaps.
“Though it’s hardly appropriate coming from a secretary to her employer,” Veronica mentions.
“He’s what, twenty years older than you?” Alistair says.
Eliza’s lower lip trembles. She turns and abruptly stalks from the room.
The mood sours immediately, not surprisingly. Sebastian has withdrawn into disinterest once more. Lucas’s grin is gone, and his shoulders are slumped. Oliver chuckles bitterly and shakes his head. Veronica wears an oddly triumphant smirk. Even Alistair seems subdued.
Finally, he says, “Well, I suppose I’ll have to apologize to her. I’ll wait until tomorrow, though. I don’t think I’d survive what she did to me if I talked to her again tonight.”
Conversation resumes, but it’s clear the life has been stolen from the room. I excuse myself next, pleading fatigue.
“Nonsense!” Alistair calls after me. “I don’t believe it! Behind that proper exterior lies a wildcat, I know it.”
I smile at him. “Perhaps one day you’ll meet her.”
His eyes widen. “Ooh, is that a threat, Miss Mary?”
“It’s a promise.”