“I’m still scared.”
Yesterday was the best day I can remember having in a long time. Gavin stayed over after our fight that wasn’t much of a fight at all. We’re too old for those theatrics, I guess. We’re still quite good at cutting each other with words, though. Or maybe that’s just me.
Regardless, he spent the day with me by waking me up with breakfast in bed. After, we took a walk around Gasworks Park, since it wasn’t raining. He said I should get a dog, something tiny, yappy, and that looks like a hairball. I laughed off the suggestion, but honestly, it’s an appealing idea.
I told him I’ve never had a pet. I’ve never had a relationship.
He held my hand and said that the last part wasn’t true.
I changed the subject to Tori. When he had the chance, he changed it to Preston.
“You and me,” he said. “Just you and me.”
To which I said, “You’d have to tell me when you’re planning on seeing your ex-wife.”
And I hated myself for speaking it, for the pettiness it made me feel, and how insecure it made me sound.
“That’s the very least I’d need to do,” he said without judgment, then he kissed me, and I forgot what I had been so concerned about moments before.
When we got back to my house, he stripped me naked.
“Are you ready to give up your side piece?”
“I thought that was you,” I teased, but he didn’t find it funny.
“Drop to your knees, pumpkin. Take your punishment for that remark.”
“You shoving that cock down my throat is hardly punishment,” I’d snarked back. What was punishment is how he edged me for forty-five minutes before he let me come. Gavin has fucked me ruthlessly every time, but something changed in him yesterday. He was possessive and I liked it more than I can admit.
He left before lunch, needing to get to the iceplex. But not before he said he wouldn’t be fucking me again until I stopped my “play dates with the stuffy dude”. I missed him minutes after he left.
So now, I’m meeting Preston.
A breakup, of sorts. How do you break up with someone you are casually seeing? I typically stop accepting invites. That doesn’t seem sufficient enough for this situation. Gavin wants definitive. Though, I’ve made him no promises other than that I would try. It’s all I can do.
Try with Gavin and cut it off with Preston.
As a child, I thought love made you stronger, happier, a better human. It was like that when I fell in love with Gavin. And then it wasn’t anymore, and I lost a lot of that little girl. I no longer dreamed of wedding dresses and happily ever after.
Yesterday I felt some of that youthful euphoria again walking through the park. It was the first time I thought that a second chance might not be out of reach. I’m holding on to it with every ounce of strength, even though my instinct is to run as fast as I can to the nearest airport and board the longest flight I can find.
Preston is already seated at a table in the café when I walk in. His face lights up when he sees me approach, which only makes me feel like a bitch. Though, I never made promises to him, either. And really, he’s the one who is married.
He stands to greet me, leaning in to press a kiss, but I step back. Confusion dawns on his features.
“Odette? What’s wrong?”
“Sit, please. We’ll talk.”
The server comes by and Preston orders himself a glass of wine, while I opt for tea.
“I had something I wanted to ask you,” he says.
“What’s that?”