Page 36 of Dance With Death

The mysterious wolf from campus?

Whatever the motive, there’s a reason this shifter is running. If they’re the one from campus, the shifter won’t escape me this time because the wolf’s speed doesn’t match mine. I catch glimpses of the gray fur within less than a minute, the shifter’s ears flattened as they sprint amongst the trees, crashing through bushes. Distantly, Rowan calls my name, but my focus lies elsewhere. Any and all clues must be followed, and I’m safe against a single shifter.

I can bet that Rowan’s calling Grayson who can locate me at speed.

I reach the bank of the narrow stream that runs through the woods toward the lake, then pause, gazing around for the wolf. Yellow eyes shine from within the prickled bushes opposite, the shifter’s head low as they pant and growl.

Not stepping forward. Not attacking.

“Who are you?” I shout, a dumb question since the wolf can’t speak.

Move closer. Mind read. Shifters in their animal forms don’t possess the same minds as a human, but I’ll find something—even if just the black void to confirm the wolf is a necromancer’s construct.

“I’m Violet Blackwood. Attacking me either alone or with any nearby friends would be pointless and painful,” I inform the shifter. “Were you looking for me on campus the other night?”

No response so I leap the stream to take a closer look, landing near the spot the wolf occupies. Occupied as he immediately dashes away.

“Good grief,” I mutter, and continue my chase.

Is this shifter leading me into an ambush? If so, I’m happy that Rowan can’t keep up with me.

The thud of paws stops, and I slow my pursuit, stealthily edging between tall trees in this denser parts of the woods before locating the shifter again. The wolf has paused at the edge of a small clearing and stays close to the thorny bushes that circle the surroundings. Moonlight breaks from the gloomy night and the world pauses.

Two figures lie unmoving on the ground—another wolf, and a smaller human figure. The wolf I chased whimpers, and pads towards the two figures. As the shifter turns their head to me, my heart lodges in my throat.

The wolf has blood on their muzzle.

Girl-shaped body on the ground.


Please don’t be Holly.

I no longer care if the shifter attacks me, or how many might be lurking nearby, as my hybrid stirs at the mere thought this could be my friend. If that is Holly and she’s injured, the creature nudging at her will die.

Sticks crunch beneath my boots as I move slowly across the stone-strewn dirt.

Curly hair.

My scream cuts through the night, bouncing through the trees, then becomes a hybrid yell at the faint smell of Holly’s blood. Mists of fury obscure my vision, and hybrid Violet tells me to throw the wolf to the ground and tear them apart.

But the other Violet that I cling to is drawn to Holly, and, as my yell pierces the air a second time, the wolf streaks into the darkness. I’d run and catch the wolf in several strides and tear the skin from them, but instead I fall to my knees beside Holly.

She’s dressed in the fluffy pink jumper and jeans that she’d prepared to leave the academy wearing, but a darker color stains the pink, the material torn from scratches gouged into her chest. More defensive marks cover Holly’s arms.

I touch her dirt-smeared cheek. “Holly.”

The girl who helped open me to a world where I care for others doesn’t move or speak. Blood seeping from her chest sickens me further, but at least Holly’s heart beats.

Instinctively, I push both hands against Holly’s wound, staunching the blood. She isn’t losing as much as I thought, the gouges likely not as deep as her attacker intended.


My vision sharpens again, and the hybrid pushes to the surface. I squeeze my eyes closed. No. If Holly opens hers, sees my sharper teeth and her blood on my hands, with no memory of an attack, who knows what the consequences will be?

As I press my palms to Holly’s chest, breathing calmer breaths to interrupt the fury, I glance over at the second body. A wolf, neck at an unnatural angle with blood seeping from a head wound onto the dirt. A stone larger than others lies on the ground beside the wolf’s head.

What happened here?