I’m forced to admit that I have no update on the brooch situation, and Rowan explains his encounter with Marci and Mrs. Eldridge.
“A secret meeting?” Violet says. “Isabella and Helen are involved with whatever Marci is up to, and this must involve the brooches.”
“Marci and her group met in the library. Maybe the group didn’t get everything they wanted?” I suggest. “You and the librarian interrupted them. Marci once took books to create a protective talisman for Rory. I bet she took one earlier today.”
“Yes. I’ve considered that the brooches are talismans of some description, which is why we need to get hold of one and examine it,” says Violet. “This time, the brooches may not be protective, and instead part of a plot to cause strife in the academy or damage to humans.”
“Then why are humans involved with the witches?” asks Rowan.
“We’ll intercept a meeting. Track the girls more closely,” says Violet. “What spell books were missing from the shelf, Rowan?”
“Potions and runes. Nothing sinister.”
Violet’s teeth clench. “I don’t like this. If we don’t find answers by tomorrow, I will accost Marci myself.”
“Yeah, smart idea. That’ll end well.” Rowan glances at me as I take a sharp breath at his sarcastic response. “Just saying.”
Violet stands and straightens. “Any reports of the wolf this evening, Leif?”
Hillside does own a Wolfhound, and I was with Violet when she witnessed the man walking the huge, hairy creature this afternoon. She pursed her lips, informed me the dog did not resemble a wolf, so this proved nothing, and we’d search tonight.
“I asked about the wolf, and most sightings are after nine.” I scratch my cheek. “Apparently it circles Darwin House and then sneaks towards the academy before disappearing.”
“Good. Then the visit hasn’t occurred yet. I’d also like to circle the academy grounds.”
“There’s something else I discovered earlier,” I say cautiously. “The latest rumor is that someone will die on the next full moon.”
“Good grief. Is this the racist werewolf theory again?”
“We can’t discount the possibility, Violet,” says Rowan. “If humans are being targeted, whoever’s responsible could take advantage of folklore and fears.”
“Hmm.” Violet turns her face upwards to where the clouds water down the moonlight to a faint glow. “When is the full moon?”
“Eight days.”
“Plenty of time.” She smiles at the cloudy sky as I exchange a look with Rowan. Violet expects to solve this within a week?
Rowan opens his mouth but clamps it shut again. I speak for him. “The wolf wouldn’t reveal itself with you walking around.”
“Good grief. Give me some credit. I can sneak. One scout around campus, and then I’d like to wait close to Darwin House.”
Violet stomps away, and I sigh. “I hope Violet finds answers soon. She’s getting harder to deal with.”
“I hope we find Holly soon,” says Rowan and stands too. “And that she’s in one piece.”
“Rowan!” I reply in hushed shock. “You saw how Violet reacted to Grayson when he suggested Holly might get hurt.”
“We’re all thinking the same things, Leif,” he whispers. “But nobody dares say anything.”
Rowan is right, but I haven’t admitted the idea to myself yet. Viktor screwed with my head. If the necromancer has Holly, chances are he’ll do something. But I survived. Holly could too.
We separate, but stay in sight of each other, sticking to the shadows as we move between buildings, and occasionally pausing to check in with each other. None of us have seen anything, nor has Violet sensed a shifter. If the wolf did creep into the academy tonight, they left again because they saw us, or the shifter never came at all. What if this really is Mr. Hillside’s dog or a figment of humans’ imagination?
The night cools more as the evening extends into night, but only Rowan feels—and complains—about the cold wind. Fortunately, Violet doesn’t comment on this, and the pair drop their frustrations as the night progresses.
But I’m sick of the fruitless search.
Our current vantage point under the sports hall’s eaves gives us a view of the rear of the darkened academy building across the lawns behind Darwin House where light shines behind curtains in almost every room.