“And a Blackwood?” Kai asks me. “Your father must be the worst.”
“The worst what?”
“Y’know. Like mine. Annoying. Controlling.”
I give a sweet smile. “My father and yours are nothing alike.”
In the past, I would’ve given Kai a full run down on his father’s faults, but I don’t. Not only because I’ve learned that insulting people often ends their cooperation with me, but because I suspect Kai already knows every single one.
Holly remains in hospital under human and supernatural guard, and Violet visits daily. Everybody monitors Holly for any new physical or magical issues, and apart from the headaches and frustrating memory loss, she doesn’t display any more damage.
Dorian left and hasn’t returned to the hospital, which means he hasn’t yet met with Holly’s parents. Eloise persuaded him to wait to talk to the couple until their emotions aren’t running as high. Thankfully, Violet hasn’t encountered Holly’s parents either, as that would stir things into further chaos.
Holly’s parents would like their daughter to return home with them, and away from everything and everywhere connected to her disappearance but agreed to Holly remaining in the local hospital for now. Human medical staff pressed their preference that Holly stay a few more days too, so Dorian didn’t need to push his agenda.
Only Holly’s family didn’t know their daughter disappeared and were horrified to find out that the attack didn’t happen randomly one night. Violet questioned Dorian on the wisdom of joining in with Mrs. Lorcan’s lie but, even with distrust and dislike between them, the supernatural pair pull ranks. Following Wesley’s death, anything else happening to a human in a supernatural environment would intensify the turmoil and offer more proof why humans aren’t safe under Dorian’s government.
Is the full moon a genuine threat? The origins of the rumor amongst Darwin kids was pinpointed to an imaginative Cassie who claimed she overheard a plot. A plot by people she didn’t see, can’t name, nor can she remember specifics. I’m inclined to believe there isn’t any threat, especially now we’ve established the ‘werewolf’ is Dash, who was searching for Violet and not lining up a victim. Still, guards will outnumber students on campus on the night of the full moon.
Dash remains in a secret location, much to Violet’s continued annoyance, especially as Zeke and Ethan also had the opportunity to visit and speak to Dash, and she hasn’t. Zeke and Ethan demanded more answers from Dashiell about his origins. I’d picked up on his Scottish accent, and Violet informed me that there’s a past between Ethan and a Scottish wolf shifter community, but she isn’t aware of the details. Another connection or coincidence? Man, I hope it’s coincidence because I can’t deal with any more threads to pick apart.
Is Dashiell in Scotland? Dorian says not, but is he lying? Teens and their parents are adversarial, but Violet’s recent changes, and challenges to her father’s authority, aren’t helping.
Violet’s stalking switched to Kai’s mother, who enjoys the lifestyle that her family’s wealth and standing allow. Sarah Sawyer spends days out on everything from expensive shopping trips to pricey visits to an aesthetician—the source of her flawless, young complexion that Violet once thought was witch interference. Sarah also meets friends for lunches in nearby towns at more expensive restaurants, and is a member of the local golf club, where she visits the spa more than she plays.
So far, Violet hasn’t approached the woman, nor has she attempted to enter anywhere Sarah visits. So far. The more time that passes with no communication from Kai, the closer Violet comes to taking that step. We haven’t seen Sarah with anybody apart from humans, all females. Whatever Sarah’s secret, it must be in the past, or the people involved well-hidden.
The longer Holly remains in the hospital, the more agitated Violet becomes, even when we explain that Holly requires time to recuperate. Holly’s parents won’t allow any ‘witch hokum’ used on their daughter, and never leave her in the room without a nurse present.
With no further communication from either Vincent or Viktor, or any communication at all for several days, we’re at stalemate. Kai is Violet’s hope.
Kai contacts us the same day that Violet declares Kai an ineffectual waste of time and makes plans for an all-out invasion of the Sawyers’ house. You could never associate the word ‘jubilant’ with Violet, but Kai’s message that he has information pulled her out of brooding over Holly. Violet pulled a face at me when I suggested Kai isn’t such an ineffectual waste of time after all.
As Kai still isn’t allowed to leave the Sawyer home alone, we arrange a return visit. Kai ushers us into the lounge area inside his annex again, which smells worse than a few days ago—stale pizza and sweat, and spilled beer. He isn’t looking crash hot again either, dressed in gray sweats and a stained blue Henley, feet bare. I glance at Grayson and Leif. The decision to keep Kai under constant watch isn’t fair. I’d be stir crazy too.
He repeatedly drags a hand through his hair before peering through the wide window that overlooks the pathway between his place and the main house, before yanking down the beige roller blind.
“How’s Holly?” he asks sharply.
Violet takes an empty plate from the sofa and sits, placing the item beside a glass on the side table. “Improving.”
“Is anybody else hurt? Nobody tells me much.” He chews on his lip, eyes wide. “I heard rumors of more zombies?”
Violet opens her mouth, and I shoot her a look. “No. No more necromancy,” I say. Not that anybody has had a chance to interview any shifters since the elders still have the place on lockdown. At least Leif’s connection to Violet and Dorian stopped their insistence he join them—for now.
Leif folds his arms over his chest, brow furrowing. “Are you okay, Kai?”
“Of course I’m not fucking okay!” I arch both brows at Kai’s vehemence, and he clears his throat. “I’ve looked around Dad’s study, but I couldn't get into the safe.” Kai perches on the sofa and grabs his phone from the table. “No paperwork. He must keep that at his factory office.”
I huff and rest back. If Kai couldn’t find his way into the safe, he’s unlikely to find anything important. “Did you take photos of his office desk and shelves so we can check for anything magical looking?”
“Yeah, but he keeps his office fairly empty. I did look behind pictures and photos on the walls—that was smart, right?” Kai straightens with pride.
“And did you locate anything hidden behind them?” asks Violet.