Page 59 of Dance With Death

My refusal to explain exactly why I’m not returning to the academy, and where I’m going, increases the volume of Rowan’s voice, and Grayson continuously glances at me as he can hear every word, even without the phone on speaker.

“Have you found the guy you chased? Is that what’s happening?” asks Rowan.


An exasperated sound comes down the phone. “Dorian refuses to believe that I don’t know where you are. He’s giving me and Leif shit. That’s unfair, Violet.”

“My father won’t hurt you.”

“Said with such confidence. Remind me again, is this the man who’ll do anything to get answers?” he says with snark.

“And you’ve given him all the answers you can.” I pause. “Does he know anything about Marci? Saw your memories from last night?”

“No. He’s only interested in the moment we found Holly and onwards.” He pauses. “Please, Violet.”

“I’ll return within an hour.”

“What if something goes wrong wherever the hell you are?” Rowan mutters. “Let me speak to Grayson.”

Grayson pulls the phone from my hand, and Rowan immediately starts pressing him to return to the academy. Grayson side-glances at me. “That’s physically impossible, Rowan. And if I leave, Violet will carry out her plan anyway. You know that.”

Rowan scoffs. “Well, good luck when Dorian finds out you’re the one who assisted Violet.”

I take the phone back from Grayson as he drops into silence again. “An hour. I promise,” I tell Rowan. “Explain to Dorian that I’m often uncontactable when I spend time alone with Grayson.”

“You know what that implies!” protests Grayson. “Rowan, don’t tell Dorian that.”

“Violet. Your father will extract this whole conversation from my head,” says Rowan.

“Hence the absence of facts. I apologize and will explain everything once we return.” I pause. “Is Eloise or my other fathers with Dorian?”


A slight shiver runs through me. Nothing to temper Dorian’s reactions. My return could prove interesting.

“I shall be at the academy in an hour. I assure you, I am safe, and so is Grayson.” Did Rowan just swear under his breath? “Goodbye.” But Rowan’s no longer listening, the phone call ended before I finished speaking.

People passing from the parking lot towards the hospital entrance eye us dubiously. The rain has stopped, but we’re sitting half-soaked on a bench close to a place we shouldn’t go. Naturally, they believe the pale-faced girl with her odd aura is a hemia vampire, too.

“You’ve really pushed your luck with Rowan,” comments Grayson.

“Dorian won’t hurt him or Leif. Besides, Dorian must behave appropriately if the human detectives are with him.”

“Who are also waiting for you.” Grayson runs a hand across the top of his wet hair them glances over his shoulder to the hospital entrance. “You’re forgetting the two issues here.”

I frown. “What issues? I’ve thought the situation through.”

“Firstly, I’m a hemia vamp, and we’re banned from human hospitals. Secondly…” He pauses and takes my hand. “Violet, if Holly’s mind isn’t right, what do you plan to do?”

“Your unwanted racial status could aid if we require a distraction, and if I discover anything untoward about Holly’s mind, I’ll remove her from the hospital.”

“What the fuck?” Grayson jumps to his feet. “Apart from the fact Holly’s injured and needs medical help, how? No. I’ve changed my mind. I’m not walking into that place with you.”

“Very well.” I stand too. “Are you happy to wait outside and report anything I might need to know? You could wait somewhere in the gloom and watch? Text me if you see anything untoward.”

He gawks. “Bloody hell. Now I understand how difficult this is for Rowan. You’re asking me—a hemia vamp—to loiter outside a human hospital in the twilight.”

“Then return to Dorian.” I smile, aware from his surge of fear that Grayson won’t choose this option.