"Has anybody heard from Violet yet?"
"No,” says Grayson, jaw tight as he watches students walk from the academy after the morning lessons.
I lean around him to look at Leif, who shakes his head.
“Has anybody spoken to either of you?" he asks.
“No. But if Holly doesn't show to class again this afternoon, people will ask where she is," I say quietly.
We sit on the gray stone wall outside the academy’s main entrance, as we did yesterday when waiting for Ethan and Holly. Ethan showed. Holly didn’t. The spring sunshine brightens the moods of those passing by but doesn’t touch our own.
"Holly isn't going to show, is she?" whispers Leif.
Dorian's black SUV has joined Ethan's car, both parked in the graveled driveway this morning. Are they taking us back to Violet’s place in Scotland? Mrs. Lorcan knows that Holly is missing and she wants me us to leave the academy with Violet to keep up the pretense that Holly traveled to Scotland as planned. Until the academy tells Holly's parents and calls the human police in to investigate, nobody can reveal the truth. Although, after Violet's tempestuous search of the academy grounds yesterday, people must already be suspicious.
Once we were forced to admit that Holly is missing from campus, Violet directed her fury at me as well as Grayson since we're the two who prevented her from killing Viktor. Not apprehending; killing. She’s convinced the witch we’re tracking is responsible for Holly’s sudden disappearance.
I haven’t seen Violet since she ended her search yesterday before walking away with Ethan and Dorian. Since then? Nothing. She hasn’t replied to texts, and when I went to Violet’s room to check up on her last night, nobody answered the door. I thought Violet might’ve returned to Scotland with her fathers, but with their cars parked outside the academy, I’m sure Violet is still here and ignoring us.
"We need to find Violet," I say. "Figure out how she's coping and what she might do. Violet’s response might be extreme."
Grayson scoffs, and the vampire’s startling eyes meet mine. “Might be?”
“Holly’s definitely missing, isn't she?" Leif asks.
"Looks that way."
"Uh. Grayson. If you speak to Violet about Holly, you need to sound more concerned than that," I reply.
"I am!" he protests. "And yeah, we’ll go to Violet’s room and check on her. All of us."
"Why? Safety in numbers?" I ask, half-serious.
Grayson bites his lip and looks the other way. I'm unsure what happened between Violet and Grayson last night at the reno house, but he received the brunt of Violet's anger over Viktor’s escape.
As I’m the one who stopped Violet's heart to prevent her from killing Viktor, I'm not exactly popular with the girl I’m bonded to, either. How fortunate for Leif that she’d already knocked him unconscious—maybe she’ll speak to him?
I half-expected no answer from Violet's room again, but she answers the door in moments. Violet doesn't step back to allow us in, instead blocking the entrance despite her small stature. Hair pulled back in a ponytail, she’s wearing the same short black dress and leggings as when we planned to leave yesterday, and despite the brightness in her blue eyes, Violet’s expression is closed off.
The others glance at me for an answer to Violet’s state of mind, but even though we’re bonded, I still can't get through the foggy screen around her thoughts unless she allows me to.
"Have you found Holly?" Violet asks evenly. Silence. Nobody is brave enough to answer. "No? Then I'm busy."
Violet begins to close the door, and Grayson jams his foot in the way. "Then you need our help."
A muscle feathers in her cheek. "Help, Grayson? You've been plenty of help."
"That's getting old, Violet," he retorts and shoves at the door with his shoulder. Violet's eyes widen, and she steps back. I glance at Leif. So much for treading carefully around Violet. "I'm not taking the blame for this. Come on. What do you need us to do?"
Violet blinks as Leif and I follow Grayson into the room. "I would rather not involve anybody else in the situation."
"Um. A bit late for that," I say in disbelief.
I wanted to hold and hug Violet the moment I saw her, but I know the look she has on her face now: nobody touch me. It's been a while since I've felt her closed down like this against me—us all—but she can't freeze everybody out altogether.