Page 143 of Winterfall Destiny

“I don’t want to think what the preparations might entail,” says Jamie.

We’re also prepared for the possibility there’re Dominion inside—some with the blood or stronger allies of Gabriella’s.

We sit on the uncomfortable metal bench beneath the shelter waiting for one of the guys to return, Tobias and Jamie either side of me. I chuckle. “We really could be waiting for a bus. Where do you think we’re going?”

Tobias looks at me oddly, but Jamie taps his lips. “Hmm. A train station to get far away from this shit?”

“I thought the zoo.”

“What?” Tobias looks sharply at me. “Why on earth would you want to visit the zoo?”

I flick his nose. “Joking. I prefer Jamie’s idea.”

“Would there be tigers at the zoo?” Tobias replies with a small smile. “I’ve only seen a shifted one.”

“Omigod. Could you imagine if shifters snuck into zoos and hid? Or Dominion captured them? Or Confederacy?” I cross my arms tight. “Why does everything I think about always circle back to this stuff?”

“Until we catch my train, it always will,” says Jamie then stands. “Wait. The door’s moving.”

I peer across at the metal panelled doors with the black spray-painted tags. One’s open. Ever so slightly.

Tobias places a hand on my knee to indicate I wait as an elderly woman and her tiny brown dog wearing a bejewelled harness passes. We exchange the expected hellos and the moment the woman passes, the three of us cross towards the rundown building.

The force used on opening the theatre doors snapped the thick metal chain that held them closed from the outside, but I don’t pause to examine the damage, instead sidling through the small gap. My jacket snags on the doorframe and I glower at the tear in the sleeve. As if a torn jacket will be the worst that happens today.

I step into the old foyer, where the once gleaming tiles are now obscured by debris and scattered leaves that have fallen through cracks. Cobwebs drape the faded, peeling blue walls, and the once sparkling chandelier above me hangs with crystals dulled and layered with grime.

Andrei stands on top of a dust-covered counter beneath a black letter board once used to announce shows and times. Past intruders rearranged the white letters into names and swear words, and Andrei’s also busy rearranging them.

Jamie groans at Andrei as he places the last letter.


“Perhaps don’t leave an obvious sign that we’re here,” says Tobias with a sigh.

Andrei smirks and pulls the small letters from the board. “Just messing.” He drops them on the floor out of sight.

Leaving dusty footprints on the cracked tiles, I walk across to Andrei and beckon him with a finger. He hops down and I lean closer. “I told you, nothing’s changed, Andrei. That’s a typical you thing to do.”

“Teen idiocy?” asks Tobias.

Andrei scowls at him. “I’m not a teen.”

“But still an idiot,” says Ash with a grin and shoves him.

I straighten. “When did you turn twenty, Andrei?”

“A few weeks ago.”

“You never told us!” I protest.

“I missed the date because slightly more important things were happening.” He shrugs. “Come on, we can’t hang around and chat. If there’re people around, they’ll hear.”

I open my mouth to respond but he’s ducked through the nearest doorway.

“Huh. Never knew,” says Jamie.

Tobias shakes his head in answer to my questioning look. “I didn’t pay attention to birthdays.”