Amelia's eyes spark with more life than I've seen since she arrived. "He's an amazing guy. I know we're bonded and that affects how we are, but everything feels perfect. Matt taught me to believe in myself." She chuckles. "And I taught him to not believe in himself quite as much—Matt makes mistakes because he thinks he's unstoppable and doesn't think straight."
"So I heard. And he's okay after Ravenhold?"
"That place needs tearing down," she mutters.
And I know a certain hybrid who intends to do that. "I think a lot will be torn down soon. And I will say one thing, Amelia. Keep away from everything Confederacy."
She scoffs. "Already do. Matt's seen first-hand there's corruption in the Confederacy."
I bite back telling her that Dorian plans to deal with that, and silence takes over again.
Amelia lowers her voice. "In a way, I'm glad we're not involving ourselves with you and walking away instead. Is that bad?"
"No. As soon as I find the chance, I'll do the same as you—disappear with the guys and just live. Not hide, but get away from the constant threat. I want peace, not power, when the world changes."
"Quite the collection of guys now." She smirks at me. "That'll keep you busy."
I chuckle. "Yeah, complicated guys. All of them."
"Ash told me about his issues with the dragons."
"Does Ash look different to you?" I ask. "As someone who hasn't seen him for a while."
"For sure. Don't you worry he might squash you?" Her mouth tips into a smile.
"He's a gentle guy." Mostly. "But he's good to talk to when I don't want to talk, if that makes sense."
"Ash was never clued up on witches and vamps. I bet he is now."
"Yes, but no. I can escape some of that with him. Ash sees things from a different perspective."
"And he'll protect you from Andrei and Tobias," she says, looking the other way as she drinks.
"Amelia. I don't need protecting from them." Her lips press together and she doesn't respond. "I am not the Maeve who came to the academy."
"Yeah, neither is Andrei nor the professor." She looks back. "You and Tobias. Curse broken. Can you really accept what he did? Truthfully?"
Now I avert my eyes, taking a bite of croissant rather than replying straightaway. "I accept Tobias's past. Sometimes it's difficult, but I'm removed from what happened to the Winterfalls."
"All his past?" I look up. "Maeve, he didn't only kill the Winterfalls. He could never take down a whole family as quickly and efficiently unless he'd killed before."
"Can we not talk about the past?" I say quietly. "Tobias saved me the day under the academy. He's committed to me and our future."
"Tobias saved you that day because the curse made him. What if?—"
"Amelia," I interrupt. "I have to focus on the future. On having a future. He's part of us now. I love Tobias and forgive him."
"And trust him? I don't. He was the Dominion's tool. Then the Confederacy's. I bet Tobias hasn't told you everything."
My chest goes tight. "Probably not, but he's told me the worst."
Her eyes fix on mine. "I hope so."
"Amelia. Stop."
"And Andrei?" she continues. "What's that blood done to him? He looks different… his energy feels different."
"I don't know, but Andrei isn't dangerous."