"I've managed to control him a couple of times without Tobias giving me a massive headache in retaliation."
Jamie arches a brow. "I won't ask what you made him do."
"Jamie!" I shove him in the chest and he laughs, the sound breaking through the wall of tension between us.
He pulls me to him, and our mouths meet in a gentle kiss, one that's filled with love and understanding, a reminder of who we are. Not just as lovers, but with the subtle flow of magic between bonded witches. Jamie is a part of me, and he's right—if my vision did show the aftermath of Jamie's death, there's no question in my mind that I'll take every single part of who I am as a witch to protect him.
Lex needs to show me how to control the shadows.
I'm happy Maeve's visions returned so that we have an advantage again, but not about what she saw. Jamie. He's already suffered from the fear that death waited for him. How will he cope with going through that again? Last time, we had little idea when and where Jamie's predicted death might happen. We only knew at the last minute, on the night Vince shot at Jamie. This time we have a clearer picture—not only of a possible death we need to prevent, but hopefully a location connected with Gabriella.
Possible death. Despite Maeve's protests, I'm sure that's why she had that vision. Andrei's words did sound as if he wanted advice on whether to turn Jamie. Maybe it's time I let them know my wishes too. I agree with Jamie—no fucking way do I want to become a half-vampire shifter. Do they even exist? Hidden like mids? Yeah, I've enough to deal with, thanks.
Since the vision, Maeve's spent time with Jamie discussing events in as much detail as she can, and they've also attempted more controlled visions. So far, Maeve's only seen a repeat of the same short scene, and nothing clear enough to speak to Andrei further, which frustrates us all.
Still, we've a better idea of the location. Maeve isn't the best artist, but she's managed to sketch more of her surroundings, including versions of the rune. Jamie's research hasn't turned up anything yet and so when Maeve's inside the vision, she insists on trying repeatedly to focus on the shape and not what's happening around her.
I've heard their conversations about Blackwood magic and the shadows, again something I don't entirely understand, but absolutely do understand Jamie's arguments. I have my own bond to Maeve that would see me fight to the death for her. Extreme but true—she isn't a mate in the shifter sense, but there's as strong a connection between our hearts and souls that goes deeper than anything I've felt before.
Secretly, I'm happy for the time alone with Maeve tonight, even if the circumstances could be dangerous.
There're two reasons for our visit to the dragons: information finding, and allowing Gabriella to know we're closing in. We've come to London to hunt, and our prey needs to know. That way Gabriella might bring forward her plans and slip up.
We're not revealing Andrei at all, which involves keeping him inside during the daytime. He's unhappy about this but promised that in this case he'll listen. Andrei knows the element of surprise later will help us.
Tobias and Maeve had a long, quiet conversation after dinner, before walking off for another mind-control practice session. Yeah, right. As if Maeve needs to have a 'quick practice' of that before we meet dragons.
Although Tobias agreed to tonight, he's clearly worried about putting Maeve in the unknown situation at the dragon's premises. We'll be in public and Ethan will accompany us—between us we've enough power to warn the dragon leaders not to mess with us and if they do, for us to easily protect ourselves.
This dragon mafia could be linked to the location Maeve saw and any information we can extract about where they conduct their less-than-legal business helps. Tonight, I'm determined to walk away knowing if they're connected to Gabriella and how intimately. She has clear links to Declan, and this dragon has clear links to him.
I wait for Maeve in her bedroom. I'm uncomfortable in the suit I'm forced to wear to fit the part. I haven't worn a shirt and tie—the whole works—since my cousin's wedding five years ago. I slide hands beneath the crisp grey shirt collar and grimace at myself in the mirror because the formal clothing accentuates the changes I'm fighting.
I'm larger, muscles more defined, even more than the effects from week after week of rugby training in the past. Don't most guys start to bulk out when they hit my age and lose the remaining boyishness? Jamie has over the last couple of years I've known him, Andrei too, but in a leaner way. Does Andrei stop changing once his hemia fully takes over?
I blink. He isn't hemia. Andrei's well and truly stuck physically as he is now.
No. The argument I'm moving from boy to man doesn't wash in my case, as I move towards the dragon even though I'm resisting shifting. I've seen the other dragon males and none of them are small, even in human form. Vince grew massively in the two years before he disappeared.
Disappeared. I drop my eyes, not wanting to look into those of the guy who pulled apart his brother. He wasn't Vince, by then a witches construct, but even though his mind had changed, that was my brother's body. I tell myself over and over that in the moment, it was him or me—if I hadn't killed what was left of Vince, he would've ended my life.
Only Maeve comments on my altering appearance, but there's no way the others could miss the changes. Each time the anger I hold on to explodes into violence; the more scales appear on my body. Not a significant amount, but enough that others can see, like the gold peeping out from my jacket sleeve as I finish tightening the silk blue tie.
Maeve walks from the bathroom adjoining the bedroom, thankfully interrupting the thoughts. We stare at each other, both speechless for a moment, until Maeve steps forward and runs a palm across my chest.
"You look different," she says. "Older." Her eyes lift to mine, and she tiptoes to press our lips together.
"The changes are more obvious, aren't they?" I ask flatly. Sure. The daily running explains the definition in my thighs and ass, but I don't spend time on press-ups or weight training. If I did, I could use that as an excuse for my altering upper body—but I can't.
"Well, you're not wearing the usual loose T-shirt and jeans, so your changes are more obvious." She half-smiles. "Plus, I've seen you naked enough times recently to know how you're physically different from the Ash I first knew."
Naked. I swallow and hold her away from me, arms outstretched. Maeve wears a sapphire blue dress that's snug around her curves, knee length but, thankfully for my sanity, not too low cut, even though her shoulders are bare.
I'm struggling with temptation as she steps back and turns in a circle. "What do you think?" she asks cautiously.