Page 60 of Winterfall Destiny

"Whoa," says Andrei as he walks in from the kitchen. "What's happening?"

"And you!" Jamie spins to face Andrei, striding over, almost nose to nose. "If this mysterious new Andrei does anything to harm Maeve, I will fucking end you."

"Jamie!" I look desperately at Tobias.

Andrei remains impassive. "I'll ignore the stupidity of that comment and reassure you of one thing. Yes, I'm a new Andrei, and I don't know what the fuck that means yet, but I sure as hell won't hurt Maeve."

"You weren't tempted last night?" he asks. "I know Maeve slept with you, which could've ended in disaster."

Andrei's jaw hardens. "I will never do anything but love Maeve and protect her. I'm barely touching Maeve in case I do hurt her in any way. Do you know how fucking hard that is? How hard would you find not loving Maeve in the way you want, Jamie?" He gestures. "Because Tobias knows exactly how that feels too."

"Jamie." I walk over and wind my arms around his waist, tugging him backwards and forcing him to turn and look at me. "I don't understand what's happening here, but maybe we should talk? Me and you?"

My mind and heart race—this side to Jamie grew slowly over the last few weeks. The guy I knew at the academy avoided conflict and didn't speak up a lot. Yes, Jamie tells people how he feels about their actions or words, but he rarely moves past terse exchanges and to loud arguments.

The witch bond. Jamie's never reacted in this way when I'm threatened—not overtly, anyway. Yes, the need to protect simmers within us both and pulls us together. Should I worry about Jamie's more extreme reaction and thoughts? Or be concerned that for the first time Jamie believes my life is under serious threat and that's caused his response?

If Jamie doesn't think we can beat the First with our current abilities, then my life is threatened. All of us.

And what's worse? That Jamie's suggesting we follow a darker path? Or that a part seeded inside me wants to master the magic everybody else tries to stop?



I pace around the bedroom as Maeve perches on the edge of the neatly made bed watching me, a blue cushion in her arms. I've succeeded in swallowing down the angry frustration that erupted downstairs, and that's now edged away by the guilt that I've upset Maeve.

But she has to listen, especially now I face losing her.

Ever since Maeve and Andrei became lovers, the idea he might turn her one day constantly ate at me. She wouldn't be Maeve anymore—not totally. Or worse, Andrei's blood could kill her.

Andrei reassured me several times that he's no intention of dragging Maeve into his dark world, especially as he'd do anything to leave the night and join her in the day. Now Andrei has joined her in the day, and I've watched and listened to whether he'll change his mind on wanting Maeve to share his immortality.

Now this. The First insisting Andrei turn Maeve, or we'll die.

Maeve doesn't want immortality and loathes everything about the creature, which creates a horrific scenario. We've two options: we defeat the First or we all die. Cursing Maeve to a living death isn't a third option.

But will Andrei allow us to attack the First once we figure out how? What if his tie to the First influences him? Hell, we've no clue if we've seen everything this new Andrei is yet, beyond his weird attack on Tobias. Andrei's adamant he'd never hurt Maeve, but we can't rely on that.

I have the solution. Everybody needs to get onboard.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" I ask Maeve, pausing in my pacing but not looking back.

Outside, the streets cram with cars, pedestrians dodging each other and the vehicles. Busy lives. Predictable lives. I take calming breaths, but the frustration pushes behind my temples. I want a predictable, boring life; not this.

"I do understand. But your outburst doesn't help, Jamie," she says quietly.

I turn to Maeve and move to kneel on the floor, taking her hands. Her eyes go wide at how the buzz of our magic connection is stronger than usual, my unguarded emotions and deep-seated desire to protect my bonded witch fuelling the magic.

"The answer. Use both of the families' magic: we practise the visions to see the future and learn to manipulate the shadows. Then use both against the First." I'm wary how Maeve might respond, sensing her pulse pick up. "Lex couldn't show you how to stop the shadows, only their effect on him, and that you should resist. Maeve, they'll always be with you. Control and use them."

Her throat bobs. "Shadows permeated the Blackwood house, and were once with me in the room Anastasia kept me in. They were part of Nikolai. There's something wrong about whatever spell they are."

"Because they're the only magic that can independently control a witch's thoughts and actions. They're not a spell." I sink back on my haunches. "Every witch knows about the shadows, but nobody understands what they are. Even the Blackwoods didn't. What if they're our First, Maeve? The witches' primordial power?"

"Doesn't that make the shadows even more dangerous? One ancient power wreaking havoc is enough right now," Maeve says wryly.

"Yes, but you are a Winterfall and a Blackwood. Opposites combined. The shadows could never corrupt you like they did pure Blackwoods."