Page 58 of Winterfall Destiny

Ash straightens. "The guy doesn't dictate my life, Maeve. If a dragon alpha won't, neither will Tobias. I'm literally taking a run around the park at the end of the street—a park filled with humans."

"Better not run too fast then," I joke, distracted by how much of his powerful legs the shorts reveal.

"Seriously though." He takes my chin between his fingers and tips it to look up at him. "I make my own decisions, but always with what's best for us all in mind. So does Jamie. It's the rest of you that get reckless."

"Hey!" I poke him.

"If I thought taking a run around the park threatened us, I wouldn't go, okay?" Ash pokes me in return. "And I'll run fast if I need to."

"Maybe mop up some stray Dominion while you're out there?" I suggest and smile.

"Absolutely." He grins and pulls me into a sudden hug, my head definitely lower on his chest.

"You've grown again," I tell him, cheek squashed to his chest.

"I've a few more scales too," he says into my hair, more nonchalantly than I'd expect.

I pull back to look at him. "Is that alright? Are you alright? Any more crap from Declan?"

"Ethan's arranged a meeting with local dragons. He wants Ash and you to join him, Maeve," says Tobias, walking in to perch on the sofa arm. "We should talk about that."

"Local dragon mafia," Ash corrects him. "You don't have to come, Maeve."

"She should go with you." My eyes widen in surprise at Tobias's out of character response. "The dragon ranks high up in an organisation involved in illegal trade. Ethan suspects he may have links to Gabriella, and could be helping her."

"Right. I'd agree to whatever because I don't like the dragon arseholes bullying Ash." I cross my arms. "I can see you half-laughing at me, but I'm serious. They need to not underestimate us."

"Understood, Maeve, but that isn't the reason." Tobias taps the side of his head. "I want you to use your mind skills on the dragons. Get any information you can."

"I'm surprised you're okay with this," says Ash, echoing my thoughts. "Aren't you the strongest mind-reader? Don't you want to join us?"

"No. The visit is partly why Maeve said—for you to show you won't take crap from dragons," says Tobias.

"Fine. Arrange the details with Ethan," says Ash. "You're better at logistics."

"Are you headed out somewhere?" Tobias asks lightly.

"A run."

Tobias pauses before replying, Ash's look challenging him. "Don't be too long."

"Yes, Professor Whitlock," he says and smirks.

Tobias huffs and makes to stand, but I walk over and touch his arm. "I want to speak to you before you leave," I say.

"Uh. I'm leaving." Ash presses a soft kiss to my lips and a few seconds later the front door bangs closed.

"How will we explain to Jamie and Ash what the First said without them freaking out?" I ask.

"I doubt we'll avoid that, Maeve. The First wants Andrei to turn you, otherwise the people you love will die. The news will hit hard." We both study each other for thoughts and reactions, but he's as unreadable as I hope I am. Tobias rests his fingertips on my cheeks. "There's a different way to stop the First, Maeve. We'll keep looking."

"But the things you said—what it's threatening us all with, including the hybrids' daughter." I blink. "I don't want anything to happen."

"We've one advantage," says Tobias.


"No. Sanity. The First's convinced nobody can beat her…it. And that isn't logical. Others have trapped the First, and we need to discover how. For instance, how did the Blackwoods and Winterfalls get the First into that pit? It wouldn't willingly accompany them to the academy, and the First would be hard to trick."