Surprisingly the dinner with Tom was more than pleasant. Kira was relieved not to have been left to make small talk with Craig with the spectre of what was to follow hanging over them. Tom who initially had seemed cool towards her had soon relaxed and began telling jokes which had them both in stitches. They had laughed back at her stories of what some clients thought was good taste enjoying the way she was able to bring these stories to life.

“ze faux fur iz parfect” she dramatically gestured

“I vant it all over ze walls”

They had laughed uncontrollably

“Did you do it” Tom eventually managed

With a pained sigh she said

“ze customer is alvays right”

She had been surprised to see Craig laughing with her for a change. She had always loved his smile and laugh and it caused pleasurable sensations to run through her.

Tom was surprised to find that Kira Black was nothing like he had expected. She was smart, funny, and incredibly beautiful and there was an air of innocence about her that was very alluring. He could understand why his friend had fallen for the young woman but struggled to understand how she had done what she had to him. Tom was a good judge of character, and his senses told him that Kira was not the woman Craig had painted her.

“So Kira do you have a husband back home” he asked

Kira smiled shaking her head

“Some lucky man dragging his heels to get you up the aisle” he continued, aware of Craig’s sudden interest

She shook her head with a laugh

“Nope, I don’t need the complication in my life right now thank you”

“Really” he said with interest in his voice

“So there is nobody you need to rush back to” he had asked in surprise.

Looking a little uncomfortable, she had given a shaky smile........”Well I didn’t say there was nobody, just nobody dragging me up an aisle” she finished darting a quick look at Craig, who was frowning down at his plate

Ignoring the obvious sudden awkwardness in the air Tom had continued jovially

“In that case does that mean that you’re free for dinner some time?”

Kira looked at Craig who was glaring at his friend with disbelief on his face

“Well that’s very nice of you Tom, but come Tuesday evening I will be on a plane heading back home to the UK and until then I have a lot of work to do here – but thanks anyway” she chuckled

Tom smiled back at her aware of the glares being thrown at him from his friend. He smiled at Craig with a knowing look in his eyes before continuing.

“I’m in London a lot, maybe we could meet up for lunch”

Craig couldn’t believe Tom was flirting with her. He felt angry at the little scene playing out in front of him; his eyes warning Tom to back off as his friend smiled sweetly back at him.

“Why don’t we move next door for a drink” he finally said, a controlled anger in his tone.

Tom laughed, looking at his watch

“Sorry, no can do” he said “didn’t realise it was so late. I’ve got to be off…. Besides shouldn’t drink and fly”

Gently he took Kiras hand and kissed it gallantly “You can let me know about lunch”

Kira had grinned back, nodding gently

“Let me walk you to the pad” Craig insisted, glowering at his friend who seemed to be finding the situation amusing, as the two of them had disappeared leaving her alone.

As they had not eaten in the large dining room, but in the kitchen, Kira started to clear the table herself putting the plates into the large dishwasher. When she had finished she sat back down and poured herself another glass of the delicious wine which had accompanied the meal, suddenly feeling nervous again about the night ahead.

Outside Craig had demanded to know what Tom was playing at.

He had just chuckled.

“What’s the problem Craig?”

Craig had looked darkly at him

“You have no right flirting with her like that Tom. You’re out of line”

Tom chuckled

“Mmmm yes wouldn’t want to get out of line flirting with your date” he had laughed watching as Craig’s lips had twitched at an old memory.

“OK Craig, glad to see you have everything under control” he grinned throwing his friends earlier words back at him.

As they reached the helicopter Tom looked at him seriously.

“Whatever happened between you two in the past” he said his eyes no longer laughing, his finger pointing towards the house

“She is not the woman you described to me” he said sombrely

“Back off Tom” Craig said “She is exactly the woman I described. Don’t be drawn into that sweet exterior of hers.”

Tom climbed into the cockpit before looking back at Craig

“Well if that’s true, then you are the one who needs to take care”

As he left Craig watched, a thoughtful expression on his face before turning back to the house.

Returning to the kitchen he had found her half way through her drink. She had looked nervously up at him as he entered.

“Toms nice” she said

He nodded absently, his eyes watching her thoughtfully.

“Why don’t you go up to bed its late” he said catching her stifling a small yawn

“I need to send off some emails. I’ll be up soon”

Surprised at the soft tone in his voice, she left the room and went up to the bedroom as directed. As tired as she was, she felt the need to shower, and enjoyed feeling the cool refreshing jets bringing some life back into her tired body. She changed for bed, not into some sexy negligee, of which she had none, but into her usual short silky top and slipped into one side of the large comfortable bed. The cool soft sheets against her skin and the softness of the deep mattress, along with her having had little sleep the night before soon seeing her slip into a deep sleep.

After sending off the emails which could have been left until the morning, Craig had poured himself a large whisky and sat on one of the chairs. His mind was in turmoil. His plan had been to humiliate her, and yet he had enjoyed the dinner laughing at her stories. Listening to her gentle laugh had brought back memories of other times. Times which he had spent with her relaxed and happy. Suddenly he felt an overwhelming need to spend more such times with her. He groaned as all the old memories he had buried deep down within himself came rushing back to the surface. He had survived initially by portraying her as a user, but he now remembered the way they had lain in each others arms talking for hours, both so happy to be there enjoying each others company. Losing himself in these memories for some time he remembered how she had betrayed him in the cruelest way and some of the anger returned to him. Kira Black deserved to be punished he told himself with little conviction.

Closing his eyes he could see her lovely face, so sweet and innocent. He had fallen for that in the past and look what she had done. He clamped his mouth shut tightly, his body cried out for her and putting down his glass he rose, he was going to make sure that Kira Brown fulfilled his desires that night.

As he entered the room with the light still on, he saw her lying asleep in the bed. So child like and peaceful in sleep one hand, palm up, rested above her head while the other rested on her waist. Her long golden hair framed her perfect features and suddenly he had no desire to wake her, but watched as she breathed in softly her face completely peaceful in sleep. Moving into the large en-suite bathroom he showered quickly, before pulling on a pair of silk pyjama bottoms. Gently he had slid into the bed besides her turning off the light. It had been a long day, and suddenly feeling very tired himself he was soon asleep beside her.


It was Kira who woke first. During the night they had both somehow ended up in each others arms, and she now lay with her head against his naked chest, her arm thrown over his waist with his arm around her shoulder. Sleepily she wondered what had happened. She remembered lying down in bed waiting for him to come up, she had felt nervous but a part of her had felt excited also.

Looking at him she realised that he had let her sleep, and her heart had jumped at the thought of this small act of kindness, although she wondered if this was because he just hadn’t wanted her, the words “At my beck and call” ringing in her ears. However, the feel of his warm body against hers was causing small tremors to move through her still sleepy one. This was how they used to lie together, when tired and spent from their love making, they would fall asleep in each others arms, and the familiarity of it tugged at her. Kira raised herself to her elbow looking down at his still sleeping face. She watched as he breathed in slowly his long lashes brushing against his cheek. In sleep he looked so peaceful, yet she smiled, even in sleep he looked determined, the familiarity of this look making her heart flutter. Her eyes continued to scan his features from his well chiselled chin to his mouth, so sensual and full of promise. That mouth whose kiss had in the past caused her so much pleasure and at the same time disrupted her body so much, even now she acknowledged remembering the previous day’s kisses. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought to be once again in his bed and being there was causing so many different emotions to run through her.