As the two of them lost themselves in the pleasure of the other it was Craig who first heard the ringing phone. Pulling himself and her back to their feet, he walked around the desk to answer it. Kira quickly lifted shaky fingers re-doing the buttons on her dress, as she looked down in horror at the damage he had done. Keeping her back to him she fought to control the sudden urge to flee from that room.

“Hold on” she heard his clipped business like voice bark down the phone


She turned to face him her eyes still mirroring the mortification she felt at her actions, as he smiled cruelly, seeing the pain he had inflicted on her.

“We have a party Monday night. I’ve instructed the boutique to put aside a dress for you. Go try it on and pick it up… you have 50 minutes and someone will collect you from your room”

With that he had turned away dismissing her and began talking on the phone.

Wordlessly Kira had turned and walked to the door. She felt numb as though the last few moments had happened to somebody else. When he had kissed her she had collapsed like a deck of cards in a hurricane. The memory of how spectacularly she had failed to keep herself aloof and dignified in the face of his blackmail and assault on her body made her whimper in disgust at herself. He really hated her she thought, at pains to understand what he had to hate her for, he had gone to a great deal of trouble to trap her into a situation in which he had known she would do what he wanted, even to the point of ordering her clothes. With tears welling up inside her she wondered how she was going to be able to get through the next six days. However, for Bill and Marissa’s sake she knew she would have to.

As she reached the door she stopped and turning to him said in a low voice

“Craig” He looked up at her putting a hand over the mouth piece.

“I’m not on the pill…. You should know that” she said, as she saw him frown in surprise, and then she left.


Upon entering the boutique and giving her name the owner of the shop herself had rushed forward to assist her.

“We have the dress and accessories ready for you” she beamed, a little surprised at Kira’s lack of enthusiasm, as she fussed over the woman before her.

The dress was beautiful Kira had to admit, although a little on the revealing side. It was very expensive but she thought grimly to herself, her expression becoming bitter, he could afford it, he could afford to buy anything, and even it turned out her. As she pulled the dress on it fitted her perfectly, the material softly and sensually skimming her body. Backless, the front crossed over to create a halter neck which fastened at the nape of her neck with a long slit at the front which reached up to her knees enabled her lovely legs to be seen as she walked. The colour was almost a perfect match to her wonderful eyes, causing Kira to look stunning in the outfit.

The owner of the shop looked at her with admiration.

“Wow, that dress was made for you” she exclaimed the sincerity shining from her.

Kira however, just nodded miserably, before taking it off for the woman to wrap for her. Picking up accessories, shoes and a matching bag she had returned to her room to pack the rest of her things for the days ahead.

As she and Bill had only been staying in Las Vegas until the Tuesday she had only enough clothes to last until that time. Therefore, she re-packed the bag she had come with quickly, not taking long as she had not unpacked most of it, to upset from her encounter the previous evening. At exactly 2.00 O’clock as promised a tap on her door saw a security man smiling at her, ready to escort her to where she needed to go. He carried her bag and the garment carrier chatting pleasantly to her on the way down in the lift. Kira never one to hurt a persons feelings had tried hard to return the pleasantries, however, she felt sick to her stomach.

As her luggage was stowed in the boot of the stretch limo she entered the plush interior of the car to find Craig already seated.

“Good girl” he smiled

Kira bit her lip to keep back the words which came to her at his arrogant tone.

As the car drove off she fixed him with a hard look.

“I need to speak to Bill” she said

“No need I’ve already spoken to him” Craig said casually

She looked at him sharply

“What did you tell him?”

“Oh don’t worry” he said with a note of mockery in his voice “I didn’t tell your boyfriend what we were doing”

Kira glared at him

“He is not my boyfriend” she stated firmly between clenched teeth. Looking coolly at her Craig finally added

“I told him that you were going to give the presentation to a group of business colleagues who needed to see the plans and that as he had been awarded the contract, he was needed here to get started with the project plan”

“What did he say?” she asked more gently looking away from him

“He didn’t sound to happy, but ….I don’t think he had much choice do you” He watched her reactions closely.

“I’ll speak to him myself later” she said softly.

“Here” Pulling a mobile from his jacket he threw it onto her lap

“Phone now”

Kira made to give it back him,

“I’ll speak to him later”

But shaking his head the look on his face was icy

“No Kira now or never” he said with a finality in his voice

“And speaking of which... mobile” he held out his hand for her device.

Kira looked at him grimly

“No” she stated

“I mean it Kira”

He said darkly, his eyes serious and determined. She shook her head her hair falling over her face, her eyes finding his “There is somebody at home I need to speak to regularly” she said quietly

“Who “he asked with a frown

For the first time since meeting her he saw the shutters go down in her eyes

“Non of your business” she replied coldly

“Tough” he bit back

She looked at him an expression of fierce determination on her lovely face

“I have no intention of giving you my phone, and if you can’t accept that then you might just as well stop the car and let me out here” catching the look in his eye she added

“Not even for Bill”

Craig sat back a dark look on his face

“I don’t want you talking with Bill after we get out of this car” he stated frowning darkly

“Agreed” she said picking up the mobile he had given her before dialling Bills number

When he heard her voice Bill had become agitated, asking with great concern what was going on. Putting on as bright a voice as she could muster, she was unaware of how her hand had gripped the phone so tightly that her knuckles where almost white.

“Isn’t it wonderful we got the contract? Craig said he explained it all to you”

There was the sound of Bills worried voice querying if she was OK. To which she responded that she was fine. He had asked if she was sure about what she was doing given the way she had responded the previous evening. Kira had laughed trying not to make the sound as hollow as she felt.

“Oh it’s OK now we talked it out. Everything is sorted… Look Bill I have to go… I’ll see you on Tuesday”

She then finished the call and threw the phone back at Craig who caught it quickly in one hand placing it back into his pocket before she sunk into the corner of the car her arms protectively wrapped around herself looking out of the window her eyes not taking in the desert scenery they were passing.

Craig had watched her, a strange look on his face. Who did she have at home that was so important that she would risk her boyfriend’s future? Kira was not the open book he thought she would be and he had scowled.

The car had taken them to a small airfield, where Craig helped her into a small plane which was beautifully decked out with cream leather arm chairs, multimedia equipment and even a drinks cabinet. It was a far cry from the flight she had taken the previous day in which they had been squashed in with hundreds of other passengers. When in the air, he offered her a drink which she declined with a frown, watching as he had helped himself to a large whisky with ice before sitting opposite her looking completely at ease, while his eyes had assessed her over the glass. She sat uncomfortably looking out of the window trying to ignore his eyes upon her.

“This is nice” he finally said with more than a hint of mockery in his voice

Kira flipped her head around glaring back at him

“Please Craig I hope you don’t really expect me to be civil to you” she asked

As he shrugged his shoulders

“Up to you sweetheart” he replied gently

“Probably make the week more pleasant for you though” he offered

Quietly she continued looking out of the window before, a few seconds later, looking back at him

“Why me Craig….Are you really telling me you couldn’t find yourself a willing date for this week”