Kira had laughed back before kissing him on the cheek, still feeling guilty at having lost them the much needed contract.

Left alone, Kira had decided on a shopping trip, thinking that perhaps some retail therapy might help lessen the disappointment of that morning. Returning to her room, she had quickly changed into more comfortable and casual clothes, happy to be out of the stuffy suit as she had pulled on a light blue summer dress which buttoned up the front, and releasing her hair, letting it flow down her back and around her shoulders. As she had picked up her over sized bag and sunglasses her phone had rang, and on answering was surprised to hear one of the panel members from the interview that morning.

“Miss Black”

“Yes” she answered

“Could you please come down to the Interview room again?”

Kira had frowned

“I’m not really dressed….” She began before the woman had cut in, her voice friendly

“That’s OK, It’s a more informal talk”

Hanging up she had made her way back to the requested room where she was met by the woman who had phoned her.

“Where is Bill” she had asked in surprise, no sign of him anywhere

The woman had shifted uneasily

“We couldn’t get in contact with him” she said, moving forward before Kira could ask any more questions

“Could you follow me please?”

The woman had led her to another room where she had knocked gently on the wooden door, before opening it and indicating to Kira that she should enter. She had been surprised that the women had not joined her, as she had moved into the wood panelled luxurious office. Looking around herself her eyes had been drawn to the desk which dominated the room gasping in surprise at seeing Craig sitting behind it.

“What the hell is going on” she demanded angry now at the way in which he seemed to be haunting her

Ignoring her question he had simply watched as she moved towards him

“Sit down” he finally said, as Kira had looked at him in disbelief.

“I think I’ll stand” she answered defiantly

“Suit yourself” he replied shrugging

“It was a good presentation” he said surprising her

She had looked at him her beautiful eyes full of suspicion; as he looked back holding her gaze, before very casually asking her

“Bill Thomson…. He is your lover”

Kira gasped in horror and surprise at his question

“No” she cried in outrage

“Not that it would be any of your damn business if he was. What kind of question is that?”

Fixing her with deadly eyes he had continued calmly

“Then why did he spend over an hour in your room last night”

She had looked at him a stunned expression on her face.

“Are you spying on me “she finally asked, as dumbfounded she had sunk down into the seat opposite him.

“Yes” he replied easily

“We had a lot to talk about” she found herself explaining, before stopping herself to ask in surprise

“Why are you spying on me?”

He however, had ignored her question, carrying on his tone business like.

“Do you know much about Bills business Kira” She sat silently a sinking feeling rising in her stomach

“No, I’m guessing not” he smiled, his handsome mouth curling into a smile

“Bill has taken out a sizable loan to finance the company....Did you know that?”

Kira still said nothing. She had suspected as much, but nothing had ever been said to her. Continuing Craig looked like a panther ready to pounce.

“He had to put up all his assets to get it – car, house ….. You know the kind of thing” he looked at her for a comment which never came as she sat silently listening

“Now I own that debt and according to the terms of the loan it can be called in at any time.”

Finally Kira had spoken

“You’re lying” she said huskily

In a low voice he answered

“I’m not the liar here” before throwing a folder at her to let her read the contents sitting back silently watching her face

She had looked through the paperwork which confirmed what he had just told her. Handing it back she had looked at him with concern

“Bill has nothing to do with this Craig. Whatever your argument is it’s with me, just leave him alone.”

Craig smiled

“Well that’s up to you sweetheart” he said in an unpleasant tone

“I can leave things the way they are and you and Bill win the contract to do the job…. Or I foreclose kicking poor Bill and his even poorer wife on the streets”

Kira looked at him in shock

“But why” she asked “What has he ever done to you”

“It’s not personal to Bill Kira….just you” he had answered levelly

Glaring at him and speaking between clenched teeth she hissed

“What do you want?”

He smiled in triumph his lips curling

“I want you” he said softly

Kiras eyes flew open in surprise and confusion

“What” she said

Rising he had walked around the desk to stand in front of her, making Kira swallow hard at having him suddenly so close to her. She could feel her whole being jumping in excitement at his long lean body which was now balanced against his desk, his arms folded over his broad chest and his legs crossing at the ankles. He looked relaxed, and yet his face stared down on her with a look which was following her every move.

“I just closed on the deal to buy this place” he gestured with open arms. “I feel like relaxing and unwinding, so I’m taking a few days holiday on my island and was looking for someone to spend it with …. Just something meaningless and casual and there you were…. you seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

He smiled seeing her flinch

“I want you to join me, and to be totally at my beck and call for the whole 6 days …. and 5 nights” he added the last part with a flick over her body

Kira looked at him in horror

“No” she cried “I won’t be your little whore”

His eyes flashed in anger

“You will be or I will destroy Bill Thomson”

Kira stared at him a hurt look on her face

“Why are you doing this” she whispered “I never did anything to you”

Craig moved forward and grabbed her by the shoulders pulling her up so that he could look her in the eye

“You have a really short memory sweetheart” he snarled before letting her go and stepping back once more completely in control of himself

“Either way Kira choice is yours”

Kira stared back at him in horror

“That’s barbaric…. You can’t be serious” she whispered

Craig smiled softly, an unpleasant smile which left no doubt as to his sincerity

“Well I need an answer Kira, my plane leaves in 1 hour are you with me or do I go alone and to hell with poor Bill”

He could see the defeated look in her eyes as she lowered her lashes and whispered that she would be ready.

“Why are you doing this…why do you hate me so much” she asked her beautiful eyes looking up at him full of sadness

“If anything I should hate you” she added softly.

“Hate… you don’t know what hate is” he bit back at her before raising her chin with his fingers. Looking down at her his blue eyes had glowed. Taking his other finger he had drawn it along her cheek, softly tracing down her long slender throat, as she had fought the tremors which moved through her, before hooking the chain and following it until he held the locket in his fingers

“I wonder whose picture you keep in here now” he had whispered his eyes looking at the small golden object.

Silently Kira had covered the locket with her hand removing it from his fingers. With a hard look on his face he had raised her chin even higher forcing her to look him in the eyes

“We should seal this deal with a kiss” he said throatily before bending his head and crushing her mouth with his. His kiss was hard and cruel, meant as a prelude for what was to come and she pushed against him as he snaked his arms around her waist lifting her harder into him, holding her resisting body against him tightly. Feeling him against her she gave up fighting and sighing in submission and with a passion that surprised them both she kissed him back, winding her arms around his neck as she leaned in, her whole body blending with his. He lifted his head to look down at her and she could see the fire and surprise in his eyes as with a soft groan he kissed her again this time gentle and searching his mouth moving to kiss her cheek, neck and lips causing her whole body to erupt in sweet sensations. Slowly he bent her down onto the large desk lying over her, kissing her while his fingers undid the buttons of her dress to reveal her perfect milky breasts. He groaned with desire releasing them from the confines of the lacy material which held them, and as his mouth covered her nipples she shuddered and gasped the sound spurring him on, as her fingers sunk into his hair.