He looked unbelieving into those large eyes

“Kira… please… let’s start being honest with each other” he sighed a tortured note in his voice.

“Can we at least do that?”

She pulled herself up a little so that she could look better into his eyes

“Then tell me what you think happened” she asked

Looking at her for a few seconds she watched as he fought with himself as to whether or not to go over the story. Finally he dropped his eyes from hers looking away in the distance remembering

“I’d never met anybody like you Kira” he said his voice soft “And I totally fell for you.”

She watched his eyes growing softer at the memory

“When we met my company was having some problems. I was the target of a hostile take over bid but was successfully fighting it. Then information started to leak out. Suddenly they knew things that they could only have found out from somebody high up in my organisation…or …..Somebody very close to me”

He looked at her to see if this meant anything but her expression had not changed.

“It was getting really bad and we came this close to going under. I very nearly lost everything, but I started to deliberately leave false information around and this seemed to get picked up. It saved me from going under…However; the only way this particular information could be getting picked up was from somebody in my home.”

Kira looked at him in disbelief

“You don’t think that was me” she asked in shock

He looked at her soberly.

“The take-over was being run by a man named Allan Rothman”

Kira gasped in shock

“m..my father “ she stammered

“So it’s my father who’s going after Paul”

He nodded

“When we met you never told me anything about your father, in fact you said very little even about your mother. You were very secretive about your past all together” he continued “I never made the connection because you don’t even have his name”

He sighed a sad hurt sound

“The day I was collecting you from your dorm I arrived just as your father was leaving. God he thought it was hilarious that I had been totally taken in by his daughter. Your father I didn’t give a damn about... him I could handle, but you…I wanted to kill you” he said slowly

“I wanted to go in there and drag you out and kill you. You broke my heart Kira”

She moaned against him

“I didn’t know” she cried an anguished sound escaping her lips

“Damn him” she said softly

Placing her hands on either side of his face she looked deeply into his eyes so that he could see the truth in hers

“When I was four my mother fled from my father taking a suitcase and me with her. Craig he was a beast, who used to beat her and humiliate her regularly. She had to stay on the run from him for years because he kept his detectives on our trail, not that he wanted us… just that he didn’t like anything escaping from him… from his control. I spent most of my childhood in different schools up and down the country.” She hesitated before continuing

“When I was sixteen she died” Craig kissed her gently seeing the pained look which crossed her eyes.

“She was just worn out, she had to work several jobs to keep us going and they were all casual so that he wouldn’t find us. She ignored the early signs of the cancer….she was too busy to get checked out. If she had then maybe……” she hesitated biting her lip to hold back the tears “I’ll always blame him for her death” she said the sadness in her eyes

“Craig I absolutely loathed my father. When she died, he tried to force me to come back, but I wouldn’t I told him that I would rather clean floors than be anywhere near him. He found that funny too” she said her mouth suddenly tight with anger.

“I worked evenings and week-ends and put myself through college, and then was lucky enough to get picked for the exchange program…. And then I met you” she said softly.

“The night you never showed up my father arrived at my dorm. I couldn’t believe it I just screamed at him to get out and leave me alone. He said that he had a business proposition for me, but I wouldn’t listen…… I just wanted him out…….that was the last time I ever saw him” she said

With a small ironic laugh she added “I guess I know what the business deal was now”

He nodded gently, “When I turned on you in Caesars…. It was because your father turned up at the hotel”

The look on her face was genuinely shocked “He…he turned up at the hotel we were staying at....why?”

Craig stroked her back gently “From what I could see, he was getting ready to talk to you……..I’m sorry Kira I thought you had both planned it……….that’s why I behaved……”

There was a cold look in her face

“I would never have anything to do with my father….. He killed the most wonderful person in my world – my mother and I will never forgive him” she said with a frank honesty which Craig could only blink at

“Oh my God” he said in a low anguished voice

“I’ve hated you for all these years and….” He pulled her in tightly against him her arms going once more around his neck

“What I almost did tonight…” She heard the pain in his voice

“But you didn’t” she said softly “you didn’t and that’s what makes you so different from my father”

Kira moved to kiss his lips softly at first and then deeper as the burning fire between them leapt once more to grip them both. Craig lifted her in his arms and still kissing her moved to the bedroom placing her on the bed to once again be lost in his need for her. They spent the night returning to each other over and over bringing each other to new heights of pleasure, until finally as the dawn broke they fell asleep in each others arms both exhausted and happy.


At mid-day the ringing mobile by her bed made Kira wake suddenly. Looking at the time she swore softly grabbing the phone and answering

“Hi, I’m so sorry… I slept in” she laughed softly “we went to a party last night. Didn’t get back till late… you didn’t pick up”

Craig shifted beside her raising himself up to his elbow to watch her.

“Hi sweetie” she said softly. He listened as she waited for somebody to finish speaking

“I’ll be home tomorrow, promise” He frowned at this

She looked over at him her eyes holding his.

“I love you sweetie….. See you soon”

Craig looked at her with a surprised expression on his face.

“What the hell is going on Kira” he said his eyes confused and questioning

“You said that you didn’t have a boyfriend…. ” suddenly doubts rose within him. Had she been lying to him last night too

She watched him silently for a second

“I don’t have a boyfriend Craig… I promise you that”

“Then who…” he asked

“Please, Craig.”She pled

“I’m asking you to trust me. I promise that I’ll tell you everything” her eyes looked widely at his

“I need you to believe me that there is no other man in my life…..just you…..there never has been” she finished softly

He wanted to ask her more questions, but something in the way she spoke silenced him. He would have to wait until she was ready to tell him. Some sense told him that she would, and that was enough for him at that moment.

He reached over pulling her down to kiss her softly

“OK,” he said thickly “take as long as you need”

The look she gave him back was one which made him gasp his heart fluttering wildly.

As he took her for a final walk along the beach he pulled her into his arms looking down on her soft features which looked back up at him

“Stay here with me Kira. Don’t go. Whatever it is we can deal with it from here, I can’t stand to lose you again”

She sighed a deep longing sound. “I have to” she said her eyes looking back into his blue ones.

As he looked away she added

“But I want you to come home with me Craig…..there is something you need to know. Someone you need to meet”

He looked back at her his eyes thoughtful and questioning

“Is this part of the secret you can’t tell me?”

Kira nodded slowly.

“Yes…. But you need to know. I know that now”

“OK” he answered quickly, happy that at last she seemed to be opening up to him. Placing his arm around her shoulder he led her back into the house, stopping at his office to make some phone calls. She jumped up and down with pleasure as he organised for her and Bill to be upgraded to fly first class with him. Flashing her a warm smile he had chuckled wickedly