She had only gone a few yards when a hand had gently grabbed her turning her around. Craig stood looking at her concern on his face

“Kira are you alright” he asked looking down on her seeing how pale she was

He wasn’t prepared for the way she turned on him, stepping back shaking his arm from her

“Don’t touch me” she spat at him, her voice shaking with anger

“And leave me alone” she turned and began walking away once more. However, she didn’t get far before the hand on her arm stopped her again, this time less gentle and more insistent

“What the hell is going on Kira” he demanded his face serious

“Damn you Craig…..let me go” she cried trying to break free from his hold. His fingers however, holding her fast.

“What has got into you” he said looking in bewilderment at her face

“Alison Reynolds” she threw back at him finally breaking free as he looked at her in shock

“What about her” he asked, his face still full of surprise

“Give it up Craig” she yelled “She told me everything”

“What did she tell you” he asked his voice quiet and hard

“That you were using me to get to her”

“And you believed that” he asked his tone incredulous

“It fits” she cried “you blackmail me to spend time here with you…someone casual you said…someone you didn’t have to have anything to do with afterwards. Isn’t that right Craig. God no wonder you were scared I would leave the other day… how else would your little plan work”

He looked at her quietly still stunned at her outburst

“Well how dare you treat me like I have no feelings” she cried, not caring that he could hear her voice crack

“Because I do Craig… I do……and I don’t deserve to be treated like this” suddenly the fight seemed to go out of her as she sounded so incredibly sad. She tried to turn away from him again so that he wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes.

Groaning softly he pulled her into his arms. She didn’t fight him but stayed still within his embrace.

“God Kira, I’m sorry” he said softly against her hair before pulling back to look into her sorrowful face

“I brought you here for reasons” he said seriously “But I swear to God Kira that none of them had anything to do with Alison Reynolds…. Or any other woman for that matter” he added

She looked into his eyes seeing nothing but honesty in them.

“She is very beautiful” she whispered.

He looked down upon her “She is not even in your class Kira”

Smiling for the first time since leaving the building she asked

“Then why would she say that”

Craig sighed

“Alison and her daddy are out to catch themselves a rich husband.” He grinned

“They did have one lined up, but that got called off when the poor man found her in bed with the pool boy”

Kira gasped

“So now she seems to think that I will be the next husband material………but not even if she was the last woman on earth” he said, adding with a little giggle

“Well maybe then”

Lifting her head with a finger under her chin he kissed her softly before she deepened the kiss with a sigh, her arms going around his neck.

“I’m sorry” she whispered against his lips “I know that come tomorrow we will both go back to our own lives, but I couldn’t stand the thought that you had done all this to use me that way…. Not after” her voice trailed away as he kissed her more deeply.

Walking back to the party Craig was quiet, once more thinking about the next day. Could he just put her on a plane never knowing when he might see her again? He frowned at the thought.

When they had re-entered the party Kira had noticed Alison frowning seeing the way in which Craig smiled down on her, his arm possessively wrapped around her shoulder as hers were wound around his waist. She had scowled seeing that her plan had not worked and a quick look of fear had passed her lovely cold eyes as Craig had held her eyes for a second with a look of such coldness that she knew that he was well and truly a man she should avoid from now on.

By midnight the party was starting to die and it was with relief that Craig asked her to collect her things. From across the dance floor Tom had waved to them his face shining with happiness as he held Marina in his arms. She had smiled softly back giving him a little wink, which he returned.

The helicopter ride home was short and once again Craig held her hand kissing it every now and then smiling softly into her eyes. Kira knew that they were going to make love that night she knew that it would be wonderful and she knew that when she left the island the following day her heart would be as broken as it had been three years ago.

Craig had brought her here to destroy her, she still didn’t know why, but she knew that he had succeeded. Tomorrow he would return her to Bill then he would once more walk away from her and leave her empty again. She swallowed hard knowing that despite knowing all this, she no longer even wanting to protect herself from the heartache to come. She wanted to have him even for this short period of time, knowing that she would deal with the heartache when it happened and not before.

Once on the ground Craig waved good night to the pilot who once more lifted off to some unknown destination. Hand in hand in the darkness they walked back to the villa, the two of them silent enjoying the sounds of the insects as they sang their evening song. As they neared the lights of the house Craig stopped turning her to face him. Gently he pulled her loosely into his arms bending down to look into her eyes

“Kira I think it would be an understatement to say that this was not the break I had planned” he said with a smile wavering on his lips

He touched a finger to her lips to silence the question he could see rising to her soft mouth

“I am ashamed of what I had planned” he groaned an apologetic look in his eyes

“I’m also ashamed of the way I made you come here” he added. Kira’s heart leapt at his words

“It’s been so wonderful….I can’t imagine you not being here” His eyes were now passionate as he looked into hers

“I want you to stay… to stay with me…..I know we can work things out” he said with sincerity.

Kira looked back at him. God how she had longed to hear these very words from him, she wanted to throw herself into his arms and tell him how much she loved him, but she remembered three years ago. She remembered the way he had looked at her in the same way only to throw her to the side with no explanation. What would happen when he bored of her again? This time it would be worse, this time it would be so complicated. Craig saw the shadow pass in front of her eyes and felt the panic rising within him.

“I can’t’” she said her voice miserable as she lowered her eyes from his

“Why” he pleaded with her

“It’s complicated….I have to think of….” Her voice trailed off before she looked back at him her eyes swimming

“Please Craig….it can only be for this time”

Pulling herself from his arms she then turned and started walking to the house. He followed her from behind feeling cold and empty inside. He should have listened to Tom he chided himself, should have never brought her here when his body had reacted the way it did to her in his office. What a fool he had been he thought and now she had done it to him again.

Somberly they entered their bedroom together, both of them lost in their own thoughts both of them feeling miserable in the knowledge that this would be their last night together. On the night stand Kiras mobile phone beeped indicating a message.

Looking at the caller ID Kira had picked it up, looking at him, knowing that she had to make that call.

“I need to make a call” she said softly before moving out to the balcony. When she returned a few minutes later he was sitting on the end of the bed with his hands in his head running his fingers through his hair

“Who are you calling Kira” he asked his voice low and pained

He looked up at the woman standing before him

“Tell me” he demanded a pleading note in his voice

She shook her head slowly a trace of fear crossing her wonderful aqua eyes

“No” she whispered almost inaudible “I can’t”

Jumping up quickly to his feet he grabbed her by the shoulders

“Tell me Kira I need to know”

Biting her lip she continued to shake her head.

Suddenly letting her go he stepped back

“Why won’t you tell me” he asked an angry edge coming to his voice

“God, you hypocrite, you have a cheek to react the way you did about Alison”

“Craig…”she began “I can’t”

“Just as I start to think that maybe…..” he said