As her eyes opened Kira had felt the soft rolling movement of the boat, hearing strange creaking noises soft and muted which gently played into her head. She had smiled seeing his relaxed sleeping body beside her. His face was peaceful and the grim determination which was often there seemed softer that morning. She rolled silently off the bed looking around the room for something to wear. Lifting his shirt she had pulled it on rolling up the sleeves so that they didn’t hang below her fingers. She breathed in the smell of him from the material half closing her eyes with pleasure, before slipping out of the room. Quickly finding the galley she had explored several cupboards before retrieving the items she needed for breakfast, determined to surprise him.

Craig moved his arm his fingers brushing along the sheet. Feeling the empty bed his eyes had flown open in surprise waking him instantly. Moving to the edge of the bed he had pulled on his trousers before opening the door of their state room. Instantly his senses were bombarded by the smell of bacon and other breakfast items cooking. With a smile he had moved to the galley, leaning against the door watching as she prepared the delicious smelling food.

“Now why is it” he asked as she jumped in surprise “that a woman looks so much better in a mans shirt than he does”

Kira had giggled before looking disappointed “I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed” she said

“Oh no…this is much better” he had laughed. “Nearly every mans dream – a woman barefoot and in the kitchen”

“mmmm, i’m sure there is more to that one” she smiled “but let’s not go there shall we”

As she turned back to the spitting pan he had moved behind her lifting her hair from her neck and placing it over her shoulder before kissing the back of her neck while his hands had moved around to the front of her hips pulling her closer against him so that she could feel his excitement.

Groaning she had shivered

“Stop that Mr Kent” she giggled “make yourself useful and find me plates. He had laughed gently before moving to one of the cupboards and retrieving two plates. Soon she had given him a mug of coffee and a plate brimming with sausages, bacon eggs and toast which he had looked at appreciatively

“God i’m starving” he had said moving up to the deck with his haul, sitting at the table he had laid out the previous evening. Following him Kira had sat opposite and they had both enjoyed the food feeling the sun warming their skin

With a satisfied sigh he had finished everything on his plate patting his stomach “better not have that often” he grinned touching his lean sculptured body. Kira had looked on appreciatively at his physic

“I don’t think you have much to worry about” she said softly her eyes showing her approval, as he had flashed her one of his winning smiles

“Ok Miss Black” he drawled lazily “How do you fancy a bit of fishing and then heading for a lovely bay I know where the water is crystal clear and perfect for snorkelling”

Kira had laughed “You should sell day trips” she said mockingly before nodding her head at the plan.

As she had cleared away the dishes and galley, he had helped her, the two joking happily together. When this chore was done they had then shared a shower taking turns to gently wash the other, before he had lifted her onto the bed their bodies still wet as she squealed that the bed would get wet. His “it will dry” had made her laugh as they had began caressing each other, quickly losing themselves in the pleasures they invoked within the other. As they lay panting in each others arms Kira had suddenly experienced a sense of incredible sadness as the realisation that the next day she would be returning home had hit her. Sensing her change he had looked at her questioningly

“What are you thinking” he asked his fingers tracing small circles in her back

Kira slid over to the other side of the bed before standing and turning to look at him.

“I was just thinking about tomorrow” she said softly, seeing a shadow cross his eyes. Turning around so that he wouldn’t see the sadness in hers she had began to pull her clothes on. Grabbing her phone she had mumbled something about needing to phone before disappearing up to the deck to make her phone call, all a rouse so that he wouldn’t see the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

By the time he had dressed and joined her she had pulled herself together

“Did you get through” he asked softly

“No, didn’t seem to get a signal” she smiled up at him. Craig had nodded offering to take them further inland to pick up a signal. Kira had smiled in thanks and he had manoeuvred the boat until her phone had sprung into action. As she made her call from the other end so that he was not able to hear what was being said he had watched her. He had watched as her face had lit up while speaking, while she laughed softly at the person on the other end and how her whole body had relaxed.

As she rang off, she had remained seated looking out to sea lost in her own thoughts. After several minutes he had brought the vessel to a stop and moved up to join her.

“Everything OK” he asked casually

She had nodded biting her lip as though words she wanted to say were being held back, her eyes confused and full of conflicting thoughts. He stood silently feeling that something very important was about to be said, when with a soft sigh she had turned from him once more looking out to sea.

“Fine” she said softly

“Listen Kira, If you don’t want to go to this party tonight we could blow it off” he offered softly

“I’m sure everybody will understand”

She had looked at him with softness in her aqua eyes, which were the same colour as the shallow waters they had just left

“No, I’m good” she said brightly “It’ll be fun”.

He had returned her smile before pulling some fishing rods from one of the many holds which lined the side of the boat before showing her how to put on hooks and caste her line, the earlier mood quickly lifting as they both laughed at how badly she fished. He had moved behind her to help, making her laugh more as he had tickled her as she lifted her arms to cast the line

“You are not helping” she had giggled falling against him as he once again tickled her, making the two of them fall back onto the deck he with his arms holding her tight

“I think we have to face the fact that you are not a fisher” he had chuckled before moving back to the controls

“Maybe we should just see if you can swim better with them”

Still giggling she had looked back at him nodding her head.

Moving to a small sandbank he had put out the anchor before helping her into the small outboard vessel which ran behind the larger boat. They had taken this to the sand bank where they had put on their snorkels and mask to float gently in the cool refreshing waters. Kira was amazed at the clarity of the water in which they could follow the brightly coloured shoals of strange and exotic fish, and Kira had enjoyed swimming amongst the marine life following Craig, who was a strong and elegant swimmer moving through the water gracefully. He had always stayed close to her touching her to point out interesting fish and diving under her to pick up beautiful shells for her to look more closely at.

Kira had been disappointed when he had looked at his watch and indicated that they should come ashore.

“Well if we want to make the party we had better get moving” he had said gently helping her back into the small boat. Kira had been disappointed to leave having had such a wonderful day and knowing that it was her last, this fact more than any causing her to feel almost empty inside, however, if he noticed her silence he didn’t say anything lost in his own thoughts.

As he had taken the boat back to the berth they had left the day before, the two of them had sat together at the wheel, him sitting on the captains seat while she leant in between his legs against him laughing as she steered the boat. He had nibbled on her ear as he whispered instructions on how to work the throttle and other levers which covered the dash. He had made her laugh with comments such as “women drivers” and the journey had passed all too quickly.

Back at the villa they had moved back upstairs to their room to shower and change. Kira had watched as he pulled his tea shirt over his head, now only wearing the swimming shorts he had worn earlier. Swallowing a small lump, her whole body had been filled with such a desire for him born from the sudden realisation that tomorrow their time together would be over that she had moved forward and much to his surprise gently pushed him onto the bed until he was sat looking up at her. Placing a finger on his mouth as he began to speak she leaned forward gently whispering in his ear


Before her hands had moved under the shorts to gently stroke him until he had grabbed her arm with a groan “stop” he whispered huskily as she laughed seductively against his ear. Pulling the shorts off him she had stood between his legs her body swaying gently as she slowly began to remove her top. His eyes had followed her every move as she slowly danced, stripping for him before taking his hand and placing it on her stomach so that he could stroke her smooth silky skin, and follow the shape of her to her breasts which stood so erect. Turning she had allowed him to untie the bikini top she wore and to then let his fingers follow her shape down to the bikini bottoms which he untied at the sides so that they fell to the ground leaving her naked before him.