As she stood there biting her lip to hold back the tears at who she would have been hurting he had groaned moving behind her to embrace her within his arms, rubbing her neck with his cheek softly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean………” he faltered. “If I phone Ben and he says it’s OK, would you like to go on the boat” he asked more brightly

Kira had smiled the idea of escaping her bed for a day on the high seas very attractive, and nodding her head she had skipped past him to find shoes

One phone call later and with instructions to pack a small overnight bag they were making their way down to the jetty which she had noticed as they were flying in.


The boat was not surprisingly, huge. It was motorised and was luxurious to the extreme. At one end it was equipped with fishing tackle and seats which Kira had twirled on with delight. In the belly of the boat were 3 state rooms, a large sitting room which was decked with all the latest electronic gadgets and a large galley which would have swallowed up her kitchen back home.

“You’re not exactly slumming it when you go fishing” she had giggled as she peered into every room. Each contained at least a double bed and en-suite bathroom. He had grinned lifting her bag into the largest of the rooms. “Hell no” had been his response with a wicked twinkle in his eye as he had dropped the bag onto the king size bed, laughing as she skipped excitedly around the boat.

“Well can we leave now” he had laughed down at her

Moving back up to the deck he had taken the controls and manoeuvred the large boat out onto the ocean. Kira had been impressed as to how well he navigated the large vehicle and been nervous as he had insisted that she take a shot. Very quickly she had mastered the basics gaining more confidence. As the boat moved she enjoyed watching the schools of dolphins which swam alongside, riding the wake made by them

They had spent over an hour at sea before he cut the engines declaring that they had worked hard enough, and tradition had it that they should now relax and worship the sun. Kira had laughed at the playful side of him saluting him in an equally playful manner

“Aye, aye captain”

Running down to their room she had quickly changed into a bikini which showed off her wonderful figure and long shapely legs. Pulling on a hat and sunglasses she had then rejoined him

Craig had groaned seeing her before changing himself.

For a glorious hour they had lounged on the deck on the plush double Lillo which he had produced. They had spoken little, enjoying the way the boat bobbed peacefully on the still water while the gulls cried overhead, the sound of the water plopping against the side of the boat so soothing. As she lay on her front enjoying the feel of the warm sun soaking into her still stiff body Craig had leant over her, his eyes scanning her body

“Not one mark” he breathed in wonder

Kira had laughed softly “Ah….you can’t hurt the righteous” she said

“Besides My skin is so thick I would probably just bounce off………or isn’t that what you think” she asked rolling around against him so that he was now looking down into her face. He had sighed wearily looking into the distance his mind obviously lost in some deep thought.

Feeling her fingers stroking his broad muscular shoulders he had once more turned to look at her, a small grin on his face

“Now don’t start me Kira………you know what Ben said……….. You need rest”

Kira smiled “mmmmmm yep lots of it…….so what’s for dinner……and more importantly who’s cooking it”

Craig had laughed loudly at her cheek before informing her that he was going to cook and rising began to disappear towards the galley

Calling after him she had asked if he knew how to, smiling on hearing the derisive laughter from him

“We have a microwave” he had said with a chortle

When she had tried to help he had shood her away sending her to the room with instructions to dress for dinner, and to take her time.

So she had showered before applying a light dusting of makeup and pulling her hair half up so that it showed her face to its full while still flowing down her back. She was glad that she had thought to bring a light summer halter neck dress with her. A soft coral colour it reached her knees and it showed off the tan she had developed in the few days she had been there. Slipping on a pair of low heels she had then moved out of the state room.

As she moved along the boat her senses were bombarded with the delicious smell of food and she realised that she was very hungry having eaten very little since the day before. Moving onto the deck she gasped in surprise and delight.

Craig had pulled a table and chairs over to the rail and placed candles around it. These were already lit, as the darkness had filled the sky and the large moon brightly illuminated the sea, making the ripples in the water appear surreal. In the background soft music played and she grinned, as he had appeared beside her dressed in a blue casual shirt and dark trousers, and Kira had looked at him her eyes shining

“You really know how to turn a girls head” she giggled as he moved in to gently kiss her

“OK I’m glad you say that now …..Because the food might be the deal breaker” he smiled

Pulling up a seat he had sat her down before gently placing the napkin on her lap his fingers cheekily brushing her knee as he laughed softly, before disappearing to return with a large bowl of pasta and another of salad. A bottle of wine was precariously stuffed under his arm, and Kira had helped to rescue it, allowing him to place all of the items on the table to join the cut bread already there, before he had taken a moment to check he hadn’t forgotten anything before sitting down himself.

“Enjoy” he said with pride

Kira had piled the food onto her plate her eyes opening wide in wonder at how good the pasta dish tasted. With a surprised tone in her voice she had declared how good it was much to his delight.

“A little thing my mum used to make” he said softly. Kira had smiled gently at him in understanding

“My mum was a good cook too” she had said her voice sad

Craig had looked up from his food, surprised; she never talked about her parents. Not even when they initially dated

“What happened to your mother” he asked softly. For a moment she had seemed in two minds as to whether or not to answer him before stopping eating to answer him, a pained look on her face

“She died…….of cancer” she said her voice full of such sadness “She was a wonderful person” Craig believed her, seeing the light glowing in her eyes as she remembered her mother.

“When” he asked

“When I was sixteen” she answered slowly

“Oh Craig, she was such a wonderful woman” she said gently her eyes remembering her with such love in them

“Nothing was ever a problem, she always had a way of looking at the positive”

Looking at her he couldn’t help but believe her, Kira was the same kind of person, wither she knew it or not she had just described herself.

“I wish I could be half the person she was” she said gently before forcing a brighter smile on her face and changing the subject.

Craig had swithered as to wither or not to let Kira have any of the wine before giving way when she had pointed out that she wasn’t on any medication and that if she wasn’t having any then he shouldn’t either.

They sat together eating the wonderful food as the boat rhythmically rocked gently on the waves under the starlight. Kira had thought the stars to be so much brighter than normal not sure if this was due to the way her heart soared at the way he held her hand and smiled into her eyes. They had laughed and talked like they used to and Kira had wanted that night never to end. As he cleared the table forbidding her to move she had sat back letting the soft breeze blow through her hair as her eyes closed with contentment.

“Are you tired” opening her eyes quickly she had shaken her head

“No, just enjoying the peacefulness “she had smiled

Taking her hand he had pulled her into his arms “well in that case ….. wanna dance”

Kira had laughed seductively

“mmmmm I think I could manage that” she said quietly moving with him.

As she had placed her arms around his neck her fingers gently combing through his hair she had looked up into his eyes, causing her hips to move in closer against him. He had placed one hand on her back and the other splayed over her buttocks holding her tight to him. His eyes had looked at her lips his groaning slightly

“You are a very sexy lady Kira Black” he whispered as his head came down to kiss her.

“A man could completely lose his head over you” he spoke softly as his mouth kissed along her cheek

She had laughed gently a silvery sound against his ear

“But not you Craig….not you”

He had laughed very gently back before bending down and lifting her into his arms as he continued to kiss her lips as he moved down to their quarters before placing her onto the bed. As they made love they clung onto each other their bodies demanding more from each other until exhausted and sated they had fallen asleep holding each other tightly.