Sinking down onto the bed she had tried to calm the fears rising within her. Seeing Craig had shaken her to her very core and she was suddenly terrified to have him in such close proximity. If he found out she kept thinking to herself, he couldn’t ever know.

A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts. Opening it Bill stood there.

“Ready” he said noting that she still wore the suit she had been wearing when he last saw her

“Need some more time?” he asked in surprise a small concerned frown on his face

Kira gave a small half laugh

“Sorry Bill, could you give me 20 mins”

He laughed gently, the concern still evident in his eyes

“Tell you what I’ll go down to the bar get a drink and come back for you – say 30 minutes”

She smiled in thanks

“I’ll be ready”

When he had gone Kira pulled off the suit she had flown in and jumping quickly into the refreshing shower had pulled on a soft baby blue silk shirt which clung to her slender body and a black knee length skirt which accentuated her long legs. After applying a light powdering of make-up and brushing her hair free from the clasp she had been wearing all day she went to answer the door, surprised as he was a little early, not like Bill who you could usually set your watch by

Pulling it open with a flourish, she laughed

“…God you’re keen”

However, it wasn’t Bill who stood before her, and reeling back in shock and horror she felt the fear slamming through whole body, as it sucked the very air from her. Gasping, her eyes wide, her face turning deathly pale at the sight of the man now stood before her, she had stumbled further back into the room on legs that shook so hard they barely carried her in the need to escape from him. Almost inaudibly she mouthed his name


The shock so evident in her voice

From the door he stood watching her reaction to him, completely self composed before lazily drawling

“I’m sure he is”

His eyes had scanned her from head to toe, before moving slowly into the room, closing the door behind him.

As the door had clicked shut, trapping her in the confined space she could feel her whole body trembling with the shock. With her legs still slowly moving backwards, she had sought to escape him, until with a sudden jolt she felt the wall at her back instantly halting her progress. With nowhere else to go she could only stare at the man whom she had never thought to see again

“What… what … are you doing here” Kira had finally managed to utter weakly, so very aware of how small the room seemed with him there, feeling her heart beat furiously within her chest.

As she watched helpless to escape, he had continued to move forward, stopping only a few feet from her, his eyes holding hers almost hypnotically, as her whole body tingled with the awareness of his tall imposing figure towering over her. He had smiled mirthlessly down at her, that smile not touching his steely blue eyes, those eyes which once had looked so warmly at her, but which now bore down so coldly causing her to shiver.

“What kind of welcome is that Kira” he mocked “…..what no kiss” his voice low and harsh

With will power which she pulled from her very core, Kira had closed her eyes, breathing deeply to force her body to stop shaking, to calm down. Digging her nails into the soft pad of her palm, she had fought to gain control of herself, the sudden pain in her hand so real she had felt the shock and numbness slowly receding from her. When she reopened her eyes, her look had been surer, steadier, and as she had stared back at the man standing so close that she could have reached over and touched him, she had pulled herself up tall and proud, lifting her chin defiantly at him, her eyes now flashing angrily as she had bit out between clenched teeth

“Get out Craig”

With a soft tutting sound he had only moved even closer, as she had felt her new found bravado begin to crumble, as he stood menacingly before her.

“Now what kind of a way is that to welcome an old…..friend”

His tone low and dangerous sensing the effect that his close presence was having on her

“What do you want” she whispered a small tremor in her voice which did not escape him.

Shrugging his broad shoulders, his eyes now openly admiring her he had looked down at her wonderful face with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Not green and not blue they truly were the colour of an Agean sea. Blatantly his eyes had swept down to admire her breasts and long legs, before slowly travelling back up her missing nothing of her perfection.

As his eyes settled on the small gold locket which she wore around her neck they had narrowed slightly, his hand moving slowly upwards as though he were going to reach out for it, before stepping back, his hand once more dropping back down to his side. As he had moved away from her Kira had gulped in a deep breath, unaware that she had held her breath the whole time his eyes had so openly swept over her.

“Just thought I recognised an old face in the crowd… thought I would say hi”

His bored tone in sharp contrast to the keen way his eyes were watching her

“You look good Kira” he murmured softly, a familiar note entering his voice.

By now Kira had managed to recover much of her composure, her slightly ragged breathing the only real sign of her inner turmoil, as she looked coolly back at him, her heart beating so quickly. Her voice now calm she had met his gaze with as cold a look as his.

“Thank you. Well it was nice of you to drop by Craig. Please don’t let the door hit you on the way out”

He chuckled softly, a note of humour in his voice for the first time since he had appeared in her room

“Now that’s not very friendly, I might think you want me to leave”

Staring back at him her expression emotionless while her insides continued to churn alarmingly she had replied softly

“Please feel free to think that”

Silently the two had looked at each other, the tension high in the air between them, broken only by the sudden sound of a soft tapping at the door.

With a small smile curling his lip he quickly moved back, pulling open the door to let in a surprised Bill, who stared at the tall man before him.

“Erm….hi….you OK Kira” he asked in surprise, a note of concern entering his voice as he looked over at her

“I’m fine Bill” she replied gently

“Mr Kent was just leaving” she continued, her eyes never leaving the tall man before her. Looking in surprise from one to the other, Bill was shocked at the venom which she used to say his name.

“Goodbye Kira, I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other later” Craig had smiled softly, his voice low, his eyes narrowing, and without even a look at the other man who he had opened the door to, he left pulling the door closed behind him

“Who was that” Bill asked his eyes open wide in surprise

Kira however had rushed into the bathroom and Bill could now hear her being ill. Standing in total confusion he had not been sure what to do. When she had finally returned he was concerned to see how pale and upset she looked

With a hard edge to his voice Bill had demanded

“Did he do anything to you….because”

“No” she moaned, a long anguished sound breaking from her lips, before sinking down onto the bed and bursting into tears. Bill had stood in complete shock. In the two years he had known her, he had never seen anything which could shake the young woman before him. She had been someone who could always be relied on in an emergency due to her cool head and ability to put emotions aside to get on with any job. And now she was falling apart right before his eyes.

Slowly he sat down beside her, patting her shoulder as she sobbed uncontrollably her face buried deep in a pillow. It took several minutes for the sobs to stop racking her slender body, but finally she was able to sit up her eyes blotchy with the tears which streaked down her lovely face.

In a sombre voice Bill looked at her with deep concern

“What’s going on Kira” he asked

She looked at him her expression one of complete misery

“Oh Bill, Alex…” she said before another sob escaped her.

Realisation suddenly came upon the older man, who gently pulled her into his arms patting her shoulders in a fatherly way while telling her it would all be ok.

Bill stayed with her for over an hour pouring her several drinks and talking with her until he felt that she was calm. He had ordered room service for them both, as she was in no condition to go out to the restaurant in which he had booked a table, wanting to make sure that she ate something. Not that this made much difference, as she merely pushed the food around her plate. Finally he had left ordering her to make sure that she had a long bath and an early night. She had smiled thankfully at him

“Thanks Bill…for everything” she smiled weakly but warmly.

At the door he placed a small kiss on her forehead “goodnight Kira” he said softly, pulling her into his arms for a reassuring hug,