The path kept a good distance from the edge of the cliff itself, while still allowing her to enjoy the wild beauty of the craggy landscape. The wind from the water below was a relief from the humidity further inland, and she could smell the salt from the sea finding the numbness slowly seeping away from her as she soaked in the sounds, smells and sensations of the landscape itself.

When she was near the bottom of the cliff, about 20 feet up, she could see the beautiful beach, growing out from the jagged rocks, its golden softness tempting her. Suddenly she had an overpowering desire to sit at the edge of the water soaking her feet in the crystal clear waters, and with a small smile began making her way down.

Kira didn’t even see the tree root until her foot caught in it making her trip on the small path. Her hands frantically reached out for anything to grab onto with which to steady herself. However, there was nothing and she felt herself falling over the edge. Grabbing the side she had stopped herself momentarily, but dangling by grass she could feel the vegetation giving way. With a scream she plunged from the rock face down to the jagged rocks below.

Craig heard the scream his heart sinking into his stomach as he called out her name. Breaking out of the undergrowth and finding himself on the path he moved quickly along scanning ahead and below to see where she was. As he rounded one of the bends he saw her lying beneath him. Calling her name he could see that she wasn’t moving as a cold vice grip clutched at him. Skipping the relative safety of the path and instead scrambling down from the rocks, more quickly than was safe, he was finally able to reach her. The sense of relief when he had felt her pulse and seen that she was still breathing was intense, but as he knelt over her with real fear in his eyes, for the first time in his life he had not known what to do. Pulling out his mobile he phoned Ben, before sitting beside her gently stroking her hair talking softly to her.

As Kiras eyes gently fluttered open she could feel the softness of the bed under her. Confused she looked around her wondering what had happened. The room was quiet but a light came from one of the bedside lamps closest to her, and moving her eyes to look at it she could see Craig sitting on one of the plush armchairs asleep. He was still wearing the suit he had been wearing from earlier less the jacket and tie, but now it looked dishevelled and dirty, his hair a mess. His head rested against the high wing backs, but there was not that peaceful look he normally showed in sleep, but a tortured tight look.

As the memories returned she groaned softly remembering falling towards the rocks below. She had thought she was about to die and she had been terrified for the fraction of a second she had taken to reach the ground before blissful blackness had taken her

“Craig” she whispered feeling her mouth dry

Her voice had brought him quickly round and he had leapt forward

“Kira…..Oh thank God” he said his voice pained and heavy

“I thought you were…..” he stopped himself looking deeply into her confused eyes

“How are you feeling” he said softly lifting her hand into his own. Looking at him she was surprised to see how pale he was. There were deep black lines around his eyes making him look 10 years older

“Are you OK” she asked with worry in her voice as he had laughed softly at her concern for him.

“I am now that you’re awake” he said gently

“You gave me quite a fright….I thought when I saw you that…..” again his voice faltered

“I tripped” she said remembering the details

“I know” he replied softly “I found your water bottle on the path”

She began to try to sit up but fell back against the bed as the dizziness had suddenly hit her

“Lie still. Docs orders” he said gently

“Did I break anything” she asked ruefully, not feeling any real areas of pain

“Not that we can tell” came back the answer

Hearing his tortured groan her eyes flew back to him

“God Kira another few feet either way and you would have been in the rocks. It was a miracle that you landed on the sand……..saved your life. I should have been with you. I should never have left you alone. I’m so sorry”

She could see the emotion in his eyes as he spoke, the look of fear deep within them.

She reached out her hand to softly touch his cheek, wanting to comfort him.

“Guess I’m just lucky” she joked softly

“Get to come away for an all expenses paid luxury holiday … and still miss the rocks”

He laughed gently holding her open hand so that he could kiss the palm.

“What time is it” she asked

“About 2 in the morning………you’ve been unconscious for a while. I was getting really worried about you” he said raggedly

“Oh” was all that she could manage

“Doctor said you might have one hell of a headache…….but he can’t see any other damage”

Kira smiled her eyes starting to flutter slowly closed. With a little giggle she weakly joked

“Is this how all the girls fall for you Craig” making his lips twitch with a soft smile, wondering at her ability to laugh even now

Craig stood, leaning over to gently kiss her forehead.

“Get some sleep sweetheart” he whispered this time the sweetheart spoken gently and not with its usual dripping of sarcasm.

Quickly her eyes had flown open

“Where are you going” she asked

“I’ll give you peace and let you sleep” he said softly “I’ll go to my own room”

Suddenly there were tears in her eyes as she reached out for him

“No, please don’t leave me” she whispered, her heart crying out for him “don’t ever leave me” she had added so quietly that he had not been able to hear it

Kicking off his shoes he lay down beside her on top of the covers watching her. He saw the panic leave her eyes as he lay on the pillows beside her, seeing her eyes slowly closing while her hand held his tightly. He watched as her features had become serene and completely relaxed as she fell into a deep sleep. After a while sleep took him too as he watched her breathing slowly her long lashes sweeping along her pale skin and her beautiful mouth slightly parted. He felt such strange sensations at the realisation that he had so nearly lost her forever and he had shuddered.

As her eyes opened she could feel her head pounding. Groaning slightly she felt Craig moving beside her.

“Kira ….. You OK” his soft voice spoke as he pulled himself onto his elbow to look worriedly down on her

Licking her dry lips she gave him a weak smile “Did you get the number”

He looked at her in surprise “The number?”

“Of the truck that hit me” she chuckled slightly before the sharp pain in her head caused her to wince slightly “ow!!” she moaned

“Ben said you should try not to move” he spoke gently

“Ben?” she looked at him questioningly

“It was Ben who took care of you” he exclaimed

“Sometimes its handy living next island door to one of the worlds leading neurosurgeons” he grinned

Kira recalled the meeting with the couple. She remembered that Ben had been some kind of doctor

“That was really nice of him” she whispered

Craig nodded, gently brushing away hair from her face

“He is a very nice man, and he told me to make sure that you stay in bed” he said

Kira giggled gently “I don’t think I’m really up to that Craig” she said looking over at him

“But I appreciate the offer”

Craig laughed back at her “You are impossible” he said softly before kissing her tenderly

He was still wearing his shirt and dress trousers, which were creased and dirty, and his unkempt look was further obvious by the 12 o’clock shadow which gave him an even more sensual look she thought and she looked at him with a little grin

“mmm I like this new look on you... the pirate thing” she said softly suddenly feeling very tired feeling her eyes fluttering closed again

When she once again awoke she had felt much better. Even the headache seemed to have become nothing more than a dull thudding. She had been alone, and pushing back the covers she had shakily stood up. Taking her time until the feeling of dizziness had subsided she slowly walked to the bathroom taking one of the fluffy bathrobes from the back of the door and pulling it on, before leaving the room.

As she descended the stairs she spotted Craig talking with Ben and Heather. He had at some point changed and was wearing white linen trousers with a black t-shirt. As they spotted her slowly moving towards them he had gasped running up to meet her

“What are you doing up” he demanded

“Back to bed”

Kira had looked at him with impatience

“I am not spending the whole day in bed” she spoke defiantly

“Oh I think you are” he said with grim determination as in one fluid movement he swept her up into his arms and moved back up the stairs before gently laying her back onto the bed