“Time to go Kira” he said

He had seen her jump slightly in surprise, before she had softly said

“I think I would like to go back to Bill now Craig”

He closed his eyes slowly a determined look on his face


He watched as her head had fallen forward

“I see” she said hardly audible

He moved forward grabbing her arm to turn her to face him. She hadn’t struggled but looked down so that he couldn’t see into her large hurt eyes. However he could see the way her lips trembled and her eye lashes were clumped together where the tears had fallen down her cheeks.

“I’ll give you 10 minutes to pack whatever you want to bring with you” he said more gently

“Then we have to go”

“I’m ready now she said” her eyes finally meeting his with a coldness in them along with the hurt

“There is nothing in this room that I want to keep” she had said “in fact the sooner I get away from it the happier I will be” she finished before moving out of his grip to go stand by the lift. The undertones of her words were not lost on Craig who looked over the balcony with a thoughtful expression in his face.


The flight back was so different from the one they had taken the previous day. Craig had sat reading over papers nursing a large whisky while ignoring Kira who had stared miserably out of the window her unfocussed eyes not seeing the clouds which passed them.

As the chauffeured car had approached them, Kira had ignored his hand as he had moved to help her in, making him frown.

“How long do you intend keeping this up for” he asked beside her as the car moved off.

She turned from him ignoring his question, until his hand had gripped her chin forcing her head around to face him

“I asked you a question” he angrily spoke his eyes flashing down on her.

“And I damn well don’t want to answer” she had bit back just as angrily returning his look

To her annoyance his lips had twitched as a smile had appeared on his arrogant face, and at that moment Kira had wanted to hit him to wipe the superior look from him

“That’s better” he said softly before releasing her

“So what would you like to do for the rest of the day” he asked conversationally

She glared back at him

“Go have dinner with Bill” she threw back at him

Craig had laughed softly

“You don’t know when to let something go do you Kira” he had said as she scowled at him

“Why are you asking me” she spat back “It’s your holiday….I’m just the light relief…remember”

He had sighed impatiently

“This is pointless” he began before she cut in

“You made the rules, when you blackmailed me to come with you”

Craig sat back in his seat watching her rigid body as she once more turned away from him. His face was angry as her words washed over him.

“Fine have it your way” he spoke as silence fell between them.

Kira looking out of the window felt numb and cold. Her heart was broken in a thousand pieces and she just wanted to crawl into a corner and lay there for hours feeling the misery seeping into her body. She had dared to feel the way she once had about him and once again he had destroyed her. He had used her and then turned the dagger into her heart and yet again she didn’t know why. Kira held back the tears which wanted to spill down praying that she could survive the next few days finally realising how much contempt and hatred he had for her. Kira Black had been hurt many times in her young life, but never as badly as she had been by him, and the worst thing was that she still yearned for him to love her. With a self loathing twist of her lips she blamed herself completely.

As they pulled up outside the villa once more Kira didn’t even stop to take in the wonderful building but moved quickly into the hallway. Stopping there, not sure where next to go, she waited for him to follow her.

She watched as he stood by the car looking out at the gardens, frowning slightly lost in thought before with a small sigh he had moved into the house to join her

“Kira, how about we just forget about what happened this afternoon” he said looking into her eyes

Kira stared back at him in disbelief “there is something very wrong with you Craig” she replied coldly “You are like some kind of chameleon….one minute nice the next cruel and ….” She didn’t finish that sentence seeing the flash of anger in his eyes

“You would know all about cruel wouldn’t you” he said “You are a master of it aren’t you sweetheart” he said his fingers digging into her arms.

“Let go off me” she bit at him, suddenly just wanting to escape into that corner and curl up and let the tears flow

But Craig had other plans and pulling her roughly into his arms he had dropped his lips to hers.

Kira closed her eyes clenching her mouth shut tight. As much as his presence was causing every part of her body to jump with electric pulses of need she felt completely heart sick and held herself rigid in his arms.

Pushing her away from him he had glared down at her

“So its going to be like that is it” he snarled in a low voice

“Fine, we’ll pick this up later”.

Before he had moved past her to go into his study

“I’ve work to do so don’t disturb me Kira….you know the routine”

As the door slammed shut she moved back up stairs to their room, curling up on one of the large sofas which covered the balcony she stared out over the sea allowing the sounds and smells to wash over her until she felt calm enough to function.

Pulling off the clothes from that morning she had changed into more functional shorts and a tea shirt along with walking shoes. She suddenly had a great urge to walk, and looking from the balcony had decided to follow a path which seemed to hug the cliff. Grabbing one of the bottles of water which sat on the bedside cabinets she had left the room

Moving down the stairs silently she had slipped out of the door so as not to be heard by anybody in the house. She had moved past the pool to join the path allowing the warm sun to soak into her weary skin. For over an hour she had walked stopping often to admire the birds which sang within the trees of the lush greenery, sticking to the path as she was not sure if she left it if she would find her way back again. With a derisive laugh at herself she wondered if that would be a bad thing. However, a face caught at her mind and she knew that once that week was over she would have someone special to return to. Her heart lifted at the thought.

In his office Craig sat at the phone finishing the final call which had to be made. Sighing he suddenly felt very tired. Everything was moving along even faster than he had intended, helped no doubt by the many different partners all as determined as him to remove the threat to their communitee. After replacing the phone his mind went back to Kira. Never before had he felt her hold back from him, she had always melted in his arms and he didn’t like it. There was no pleasure in her when she stood like that and he sighed again. She had called him a chameleon, but he struggled to understand the two people she portrayed, one the innocent and the other the schemer. Frowning he stood up leaving the room. She was only there for a few more days and he knew that if nothing else he planned to enjoy her to the fullest.

Moving up to the bedroom he hadn’t found her there, only the clothes she had been wearing neatly folded on the bed With a scowl he looked out of the balcony at the pool failing to see her there either. Suddenly with a sinking feeling in his stomach he remembered her mobile phone. What if she was feeding information to… His eyes moved over to the bedside cabinet on which she kept the phone seeing it sitting there, a small feeling of relief coming over him.

As he moved over to it flipping it open he was surprise to see that she had not locked the phone and was able to check her last calls, all of which were to one number marked HOME. Surprised he checked the number confirming that it was the same number he had on file. Checking the received he found several from the same number to her, but none from any other number. Checking he could see that she had locked out all other numbers but that one. Cursing slightly he realised that he had not checked her home when setting up his blackmail trap. He had very quickly found Bill Thomson’s problem and concentrated on that, not checking further into her own situation. With a grim look he determined to fix that to find out just what she was hiding from him. Shutting the phone and replacing it on the table he moved back out to the balcony. Suddenly concerned as to where she was.

At that moment he spotted movement near the cliff pathway. He could just make out her small figure near the base of the cliff. With a curse he moved quickly out of the room running down the stairs. The stupid fool he thought to himself she should have checked with him before going anywhere on the island, what the hell did she think she was doing. Taking a short cut through the undergrowth he ran to catch her.