With a soft sigh she had moved her hands between them caressing him under the clothing as he groaned. Turning her head she had met his lips in a deep kiss before turning her body in his embrace. Her fingers began to undress him kissing his contoured body as she pulled off each item of clothing. She had kissed down his stomach and gently bitten his nipples as her fingers had removed his belt quickly undoing his trousers and helping to push them down with eager hands until they fell to the floor leaving them both naked. Kira had then taken the small packet from him placing the protection on him herself before he had once again turned her around bending her onto the bed. With one hand on her hip and the other stroking her spine he had slowly entered her, thrusting into her with long deep controlled movements which saw her gasping with pleasure. Kira could feel herself losing complete control as she moaned with the sensations running through her until he had felt her body become rigid and her back arch upwards her head rolling forward as she cried out panting and gasping at the violence of her orgasm. Feeling her start to buckle against him he had held her hips tight to him, his fingers digging into her soft skin as he had moved faster and harder against her. He could feel the waves of sensations inside her as they beat against him, until he too cried out against her, becoming lost in the dizzy ecstasy which overtook him seeing him wrap his arms around her stomach as his final thrust held them both together.

For several seconds they remained like that as the tremors racked both their bodies causing them to tremble violently against each other until finally he had felt his legs fail and reaching forward had covered her with his body as they had both pitched forward on the bed. For what seemed an eternity they both lay like that catching their breaths both still stunned by what they had shared, both not wanting the feeling to ever end.

Finally raising himself from her he had moved with her under the sheets where they could hold each other, his arms around her shoulders and hers around his waist lying on their side looking into each others eyes in the darkened room.

“I’m glad you stayed” he said finally

“So am I” she whispered her voice so soft and honest that he had kissed the top of her head. With a small impish smile she had then added

“How else could I have scored such good tickets?”

He had chuckled throatily before pulling her harder against him and kissing her lips.

“Well exactly…” For a few seconds they had lain there smiling into each others eyes before his had become suddenly solemn

“Kira …….this thing with Paul”

She could feel his hesitance as he spoke

“Things might get nasty, do you know what I mean”

Kira had no idea what he meant and she shook her head gently

“Craig, he is your friend…..you have to do whatever you can to help him….I understand that” she said softly “and if they get nasty…..I’m sure that you can handle it”

He had looked deeply into her eyes at that point seeing that she did not understand, before sighing softly had pulled her against him cuddling her closely to him

“OK, get some sleep” he sighed sensing that her eyes were already half closed as she fell gently asleep in his arms.

When she had woken Kira had found herself alone. Pulling on one of the thick fluffy bath robes which hung in the large bathroom she had walked around the pent house looking for him. However, returning to the bedroom she had found the letter on the bedside cabinet which confirmed that she was alone. With a frown she had read the short note

“Sorry, Business to deal with. I will be back before 3. I have organised for us to return to the island after that. All the facilities of the hotel are at your disposal, just pick up the phone and enjoy. Craig x”

Picking up the phone she had ordered breakfast adding another couple of surprise items to her order which she was informed would be no problem. Then slipping into the shower she had replayed their lovemaking of the previous evening feeling her heart beating faster remembering the look in his eyes, as gentle as they had been just before. Yes she thought unhappily to herself, just before he had dumped her with not even a word of what was coming, at least this time she knew when it would be all over. Looking through the wardrobe with its assortment of clothes she had decided upon a pair of white quarter length trousers with a light blue cotton halter top which showed of her smooth shoulders, as she clipped her hair away from her face with matching clips.

Kira had then made her phone call, enjoying the conversation on the other end. She always felt happier after those calls and with her spirits once more raised she finished the small breakfast containing fruit and tea before picking up the pass key, and flip pad and pens which had been sent up with the food and moved to the lift. She had then happily wandering around the large hotel admiring the sheer opulence of the building before returning to the foyer to seat herself in one of the large comfortable chairs which covered the area. Pulling the paper onto her lap she had began to sketch a small statue which stood above the magnificent entrance doors.

This was the scene which met Craig as he moved back into the cool entrance of the hotel. Wearing a dark suit, the jacket of which he carried casually thrown over his shoulder, a white shirt and blue tie, which had been pulled down hastily to release the top button of his shirt he had strode into the foyer stopping in surprise at seeing her there.

Her attention was on the paper before her a serious expression on her beautiful face as her hand moved across the paper. He had stepped forward stopping in front of her before she became aware of his presence

“Now haven’t we been her before” he said lazily a soft smile on his face

Kiras eyes flew up in surprise before looking at her watch which read 1.

“Craig…. I thought….I never expected you” she said her large eyes looking up at him her mind thinking how sexy he looked with his tie pulled down and the sleeves on his shirt rolled up to show those strong fore-arms capable of giving so much pleasure.

“Your note said 3” she continued in surprise

He smiled disarmingly at her

“Things went a whole lot better than expected” he drawled before reaching out a hand to help her up from her seat.

“It does mean that things will be happening real quickly” he added watching her face to see if she registered any interest. Kira however had just smiled sweetly.

“Good…how is Paul” she had asked rising to stand before him.

He had put his free arm around her shoulder walking slowly with her to the lift as her arm had wound its way around his waist.

“A lot better.” He said with sincerity before pressing the button to go up.

From a corner of the room a pair of eyes narrowed watching the pair move across the foyer, the man standing silently in the shadows had been too slow. About to approach her he had been surprised as Craig had entered the building. He had scowled cursing his bad luck.

On arrival to their suit the phone in the study had began ringing. Craig had quickly moved into the room answering it. She had watched as his expression had become incredulous his eyes darting to her coldly

As he rang off he moved over to Kira, a cold glint in his eyes

“So Kira what have you been doing all day” he asked her a steely note to his voice

“What’s wrong” she asked in surprise

“Answer the damn question” he bit at her

Kira jumped in shock moving back slightly at the drastic change in him

“I explored the hotel and then sketched” she answered in total confusion her voice a little shaky

“What’s this all about” she asked

“Did you talk with anyone” he asked his eyes boring into hers

She shook her head the surprise tinged with fear in her eyes evident.

“Talk to who” she whispered,

“Stay here” he had said curtly before he had moved away from her entering the study room slamming it shut as she made to move behind him. Kira had stood in the middle of the room in stunned shock. She couldn’t understand what had happened, feeling the tears stinging the back of her eyes she had moved to the balcony standing miserably looking over the wall her mind full of questions not seeing the view as the bustling city moved below her.

In the study Craig sat furious with himself. Placing a phone call he had watched the downloaded video seeing how Kira had meandered her way around the hotel before taking her seat where he had found her. Frowning, and running his hand over his temple, the video had only confirmed what she had told him, as he watched her sketch the time stamp showing that she had sat there for nearly an hour before he had appeared before her, but still the doubt sat strongly in his stomach. He then watched another set of videos in which a man had entered the building hovering in the shadows before seeming to look to be ready to approach the woman sitting in the foyer. He had recognised him immediately, his mouth tightening angrily.

After viewing both downloads he had sat back in his chair his hand covering his mouth as his eyes frowned. Craig was not sure what to think, Kira genuinely had looked shocked, but he remembered how she had deceived him before and he scowled at the memory. Paul was no fool and he had quickly found out about Kira and it had taken him a long while to persuade him that she was not a threat. With a sinking feeling he cursed the fact that she had once more taken him for a ride, angrier at the repercussions for his friend. Neither had met, but that didn’t mean that they hadn’t meant to, remembering how surprised she had been at his early return. He picked up the phone making quick arrangements before standing up he had left the study searching for her. He found her standing on the balcony her back to him as she leant against the railing.