“Well I guess you’ll never know will you Craig. You forced me here and in a couple of days I’ll be free of you”

For a few seconds there was silence between them. Finally in a softer voice Craig spoke

“OK Kira, if that’s really the way you feel then your free to go”

She twirled round quickly to look at him her heart beating wildly in her chest

“What do you mean” she asked suspiciously

“I mean that if that’s the way you feel then all you have to do is go out to the car and tell them to take you back to Bill” he said his face emotionless

“But what about ….”

“No strings, no provisos, you can be free of me right now” he said his mouth clenched tightly shut

“But if you decide you want to stay then I’ll be waiting for you over there” he said pointing to a small group of men behind her.

With that he turned on his heels and walked away from her without a further word.

Kira stood stock still, not knowing what to make of the turn of events. Her head screamed at her to get into the car, to get away from him and escape the heartache that was coming crashing down on her head. Slowly she began walking towards it. However, her heart softly cried knowing that it was too late to escape, that no matter what she would be heart broken the minute he left her at the Superior. She still had three more night to spend with him and she knew that despite everything she wanted that time because no matter how fleeting, it was her only chance for happiness with the man she loved. Kira knew that she couldn’t get into the car and slowly she turned away moving back towards him.

Craig stood with his friends sipping his whisky waiting for her decision, as Kira moved over to stand beside him, unsure of what his reaction would be she dreaded seeing the look of triumph in his eyes. However, she was surprised to see such a warm look in them that she knew she had made the right choice. He had slipped his hand into hers and introduced her to his colleagues.

They did not stay much longer. Paul had walked with them back to the car once more embracing Craig and this time her also.

“Thanks Craig” the older man had smiled “I feel much better now”

“Don’t worry about it Paul” he had replied “This has to end… between us it will”

The two men had looked at each other with a sombre understanding before the door of the car closed and they were once again on their way to the airport, or so she thought. Once alone Craig had pulled her into his arms and kissed her so passionately that she felt completely light headed before he looked down on her with a glow in his eyes which she didn’t fully understand.


After several minutes Kira had become aware that they were not heading back to the plane and had looked at him in surprise

“Where….” She began, seeing an impish smile light his face

“Wait see” he said softly as the car had driven on to the main strip.

As they pulled up outside Caesars Palace he had helped her out of the car.

“Thought you might like a night on the town” he said smiling “I know I would”

Kira had grinned suddenly excited, before looking at him

“I don’t have any clothes” she said frowning slightly

“All sorted” he said

As they entered the foyer they were approached by the manager, who Craig obviously knew well, as they laughed together for a few seconds.

“Everything has been organised as you requested Mr Kent” he had said

“Mr Semple wishes that you use his own suite”

Craig had flashed him a smile

“Thanks Ted” he had replied receiving a warm smile back from the manager, as they were escorted to a private lift.

“Have a good evening” Ted had said opening the lift with a pass key which he gave to Craig. “I hope you both have a wonderful time”

As the lift moved smoothly upwards Kira had laughed

“If you’re trying to impress me…. Your doing a hell of a job” she had giggled

Laughing he had pulled her into his arms

“Glad to hear it” he said against her hair

Finally the lift had slowed down to a stop before the doors had slid open revealing a pent house suite. Moving into it Kira had gasped in wonder.

“Wow” she whispered her eyes like saucers at the size and luxury of the suite, before with a twinkle in her eye she had looked at him

“Hey I have a complaint….how come my first room wasn’t like this….. I believe that was your hotel”

He had chuckled back at her enjoying watching as she had moved from room to room excitedly appreciating her surroundings. Picking up an envelop from one of the tables he had opened up the French windows and moved out to the balcony examining the contents.

As she came out to join him looking at the view in awe he had lent against the rail looking down on the strip.

“OK Miss Black” he said thoughtfully

“Fancy doing the tourist thing”

She had nodded with a big grin on her face

“Dinner and a show” he asked smiling at her enthusiasm

“What do you fancy?”

As he sat down on the plush sofa on the balcony she had curled up beside him pouring over the different choices. Craig was not usually one who bothered with the many different entertainment opportunities which presented themselves on the strip as he was normally too busy for such things. However, he found her excitement contagious laughing as she dismissed or oo’d different options.

Finally they had settled on the new Cirque De Soleil show at the MGM and he had phoned to organise their table.

Kira had looked at what she was wearing scrunching up her nose. Are we dressed for this she asked him?

“Ah...” he had replied pulling her to her feet and taking her into the bedroom, where he had pulled open one of the cupboards. Inside was an assortment of clothes both male and female. Picking up different hangers she could see that they were all her size and assumed that his were the same.

“When…” she asked in surprise

He had smiled back “This is Vegas baby” he mocked her laughing

She had eventually chosen a red cocktail dress which clung to her figure showing it off at its best. Sequence on the bodice shimmered as the light caught it and Kira had felt very Vegas wearing it. The skirt reached to her knees at the front lengthening as it worked around to the back until it was just above the strappy heels which matched the outfit. She used the ornate combs to pull her hair back from her face, and for once went for a strong red lipstick to show off her beautiful lips.

When Craig returned from the other room wearing a dark suit which showed his long lean frame he had whistled at her appreciatively.

“Very nice……..wanna skip the show” he said his meaning very clear

With a chuckle she had allowed him to take her arm before they had entered the lift descending into the foyer. Although the MGM was close they were provided with a car to take them there anyway, much to Kiras relief, not relishing the thought of walking too far in the strappy shoes.

Not surprisingly they did not sit in one of the many booths which lined the stage, but were seated at what was obviously a table reserved for special dignitaries which afforded the best views of the performance. They were also given special menus rather than the set meals. As they sat drinking from a bottle of champagne which had arrived at their table an older man appeared by Craig’s side

“Craig…I thought that was you” the man cried shaking his hand “had to come down and say hi”

Craig was smiling warmly at the man before him, indicating that he should join them

“Tony I would like you to meet Kira…Kira Tony Sprite … he is one of the owners”

Tony smiled at Kira “Pleasure to meet you” he said

“You brighten up this humble abode” he said flashing white teeth at her. Kira had smiled back

Suddenly serious Tony had looked back at Craig “How is Paul” he asked “Anything we can do”

Craig had looked at Kira a hint of concern on his face

“It’s all sorted Tony….but hold fire just in case we need another partner”

Kira had not understood any of the conversation but Tony obviously had and he had nodded seriously.

“Whatever you need Craig and that goes for in here too”

Taking Kiras hand he had kissed it gently before rising

“Well I’ll leave you two alone to enjoy” he said “It’s a good show”

With that he was gone.

It was a good show and Kira had marvelled at the acrobats and the sheer glitz of it all. While Craig had enjoyed it also, however, he had more enjoyed watching her as her eyes had sparkled with wonder.

As they had eaten the delicious meal they had laughed together their fingers constantly entwining and their legs touching throughout. Eventually he had led her back to the pent house were he had slowly helped her out of the dress standing behind her to release the clips at the back. As it had fallen around her feet and she had stood naked, his hands had stroked her from behind as one had cupped her breast drawing her hard against him, while the other circled her waist so that she could feel his growing arousal against her while he kissed along her back and the nape of her neck sending shivers throughout her whole body.