Craig had stood with his hands up in mock apologies

“Don’t shoot” he laughed

“You’ll both stay for dinner”

Heather looked at the two of them,

“Wouldn’t think of it” she said “wouldn’t want to play gooseberry to you two love birds”

The other woman was surprised to see a fleeting pained look cross Kira’s face before she had dropped her eyes.

“Oh please Heather” Ben chimed in

“You know fine well that you won’t give me a moment’s peace until you find out everything about this lovely young lady” he had said his tone full of humour

Shrugging her shoulders his wife had smiled

“What can I say …? The man knows me”

And laughing the four of them had moved into the house.

They had enjoyed a wonderful meal cooked by Maria, this time in the dining room. Kira had found the older couple great fun. She could tell that they were totally devoted to each other and Heather had made it her evenings work to find out as much about Kira as possible.

Craig noticed that whenever she was asked about her family she would change the subject or give vague answers. She would do it so skilfully that neither of the other two had even noticed, but he understood why, the reason angering him.

“So how long have you two been seeing each other” Heather had asked

Kira had not known how to answer this looking to Craig for guidance, as he had laughed

“For goodness sake Heather let the girl breathe” her husband had broken in allowing them to avoid the question.

After the meal Craig and Ben had disappeared into the garage to look at some new toy that Craig had recently had delivered

“Men and their toys” Heather had sighed, before fixing Kira with a more solemn look

“You and Craig must be really serious” she said looking at the young woman before her

Kira gave a nervous laugh

“Why do you say that” she asked her voice a little shaky

“Because he brought you here” she said softly

Kira looked at her in surprise

“Craig has never brought a woman to this island” Heather continued “Always said that it was his mother’s island. I think it would have to be a very special woman who he brought here”

She looked at her with eyes so full of meaning, as Kira felt her heart beating fast, wondering what the older woman would say if she knew the truth. Knew that he was forcing her to stay with him and that in a few days time he would casually throw her to the side yet again. What would she think if she knew that he saw her only as light relief to celebrate his success, something casual that he could pick up and drop with no consideration to her feelings? However, she kept her mouth closed and watched as the older women’s eyes had grown soft.

“She was a wonderful woman Kira you would have liked her… and she would have liked you”

Kira smiled softly back

“Thank you Heather” she said meaning it.

At this point the men had reappeared, Craig looking questioningly at her, as she looked thoughtfully over at him.

“Whatever she said “he chuckled “It’s a lie”

Heather had looked pained “I don’t lie” she said with a hurt note in her voice

Craig had bowed towards her

“My apologies lovely lady” he had said a wicked twinkle in his eye, as Heather had punched him playfully in the arm

“Pig” she said laughing

“How did you two meet” Heather asked suddenly

Before she could speak Craig answered his voice soft

“I saw her lying flat on her back in the middle of one of my hotels drawing a rose from a ceiling” he said his eyes holding hers with a look which made her heart beat wildly

“He told me a rose by any other name” she continued “with a corny line like that I took pity on him” she said her eyes laughing back at his

The other two had smiled knowingly at each other watching the pair

“Different” Ben had muttered smiling at his wife

“So how long are you here for” Ben asked Kira conversationally

“Only a few days” she had answered him truthfully, as the two had looked disappointed

“Will you be back soon” his wife had asked “We could have you both over”

Kira had swallowed noticing Craig’s silence

“Sorry, I don’t ….”

“Kira lives in London” Craig cut in. She noticed him frowning into his drink

“Yes” she replied dropping her eyes from his, ending the conversation as the other two had looked at each other in surprise.

Soon afterwards Ben and Heather had made their apologies

“OK lover boy. Take me home” Heather cried out and they had noisily made their way out of the villa.

After they had said goodnight to the couple, walking with them to the helipad they watched as they had disappeared out of sight.

Shivering slightly as a gust of wind tugged at her Craig had put an arm around her warming her, Kira smiling enjoying the feel of him against her.

“Want to take a walk” he asked softly as she nodded smiling brightly

Walking along the beach hand in hand they had talked animatedly about different subjects. Both enjoying each others company. As the sun set lighting up the sky with burning colours of red, oranges and pinks he looked down at her, moving so that they faced each other.

“Today was good” he said

She nodded in agreement

“I can’t believe you would remember the rose” she had laughed “I was a complete mess that day, oh and by the way I was not lying flat on my back”

He laughed “You took pity on me huh” he said before adding softly

“You were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen”

She gasped, biting her lip, as she looked up at him seeing the passion in his eyes before he bent his head to kiss her. Winding her arms around his waist her body had flattening against his, as his hands gently held her face, kissed her so deeply that she moaned with desire.

“I want to make love to you right now” he breathed against her mouth as she groaned with a matching need, before her eyes fluttered open

“We can’t” she sighed

Craig held his hand level with her face dangling a small packet in front of her eyes as he continued to kiss her

“I never get caught out twice” he sighed against her mouth

“Thank God for that” she whispered as they both sank down into the sand their needs driving them forwards to wonderful heights of pleasure which left them both shaken and panting in each others arms.

That night they lay in bed together their arms wrapped around each other. Their love making had continued once more erupting when they had moved back to the bedroom. In the shower, which they had shared they had washed each other their hands exploring each others bodies feeling the water sensually flowing down between them, before moving to the bed where they had once more come together in wonderful mutual desire. After many hours with their bodies entwined together, sleep had finally overtaken them. Kira, had not known such happiness for many years, but the knowledge that it was to be so fleeting ate at her, bringing a look of sadness to her lovely face which he had noticed as she fell asleep against him.

The next morning she awoke early, and quietly so as not to disturb him she had crept out of the bed to stand outside on the balcony, enjoying the dawn rising over the horizon while listening to the sea below and the birds noisily crying overhead, feeling contentment to her very soul. She ached a little from the feel of his body and his possession of her the previous night, but for the first time in many years she felt complete and Kira had sighed gently, a small smile playing on her lips.

On waking, Craig had looked for her in the bed beside him and when he had not found her there had looked around for her, missing not feeling her in his arms and frowning at his need to have her there. The thought that she would be gone in a few days caused him to lay back deep in thought. He had brought her here a victim of blackmail to use and humiliate her, to get revenge for the past, and yet he had found that he no longer wanted to destroy her, feeling cold at the thought that soon she would be gone. Their love making had been intense, familiar and he was confused. He knew that she was a liar, but surely nobody could lie that well with their body. She had wanted him with a hunger which matched his own.

Thoughts had filled his head of her staying in Vegas. It would make more sense if she was there rather than in Britain. Staring up at the ceiling, he knew that a few days was not enough to get her out of his system, knew he needed more time. Lying back he wondered how he could keep her there for longer, perhaps they could look at a more agreeable arrangement. This time it would be different, this time he knew what she really was, he had no illusions about her and he could make sure that she didn’t cause him any real problems. He had not had any serious involvement with other women since her, preferring to keep the relationships casual 1, 2 weeks at most before moving on. However, she excited him in a way no other woman ever had, and he began to think about how he could keep her in his bed. After all there were great benefits to being the mistress of Craig Kent.