As his breathing returned to normal he had looked deeply into her eyes, this time with no coldness in them, but the gentleness which had always been there in the past. He pulled her into his arms kissing her deeply. With a soft laugh which was reflected in his eyes he had said gently
“Now I could get used to this kind of wake up call” to which she had chuckled back, her eyes laughing back into his.
“Craig” she began her voice soft and low “I need to tell you...”
At that moment her mobile phone had rang silencing her. Sitting up she grabbed it from the night stand frowning as she read the caller ID. With a worried look at the man beside her she answered.
“Hi sweetheart”
Lying beside her she sensed his body stiffen
“Goodnight…. ”
After a few seconds passed
“I’ll phone in the morning ….. I love you”
As she closed the phone over she looked at him her eyes guarded.
His face had lost the softness which she had seen only a moment ago to be replaced by the same contemptuous expression he had used on her since they had met only two days ago.
“Who was that” he asked softly
Looking away she bit her lip not knowing what to say
She felt the covers being thrown roughly aside as he leapt up retrieving the pyjamas which now lay on the ground. Her eyes flew to where he stood pulling them back on. Seeing him standing there his broad shoulders bronzed and still slightly covered in sweat with his wash board stomach bare she swallowed at how sensual he looked. Her body still quivered with the sensations he had erupted within her and she wanted more.
“Craig…” she pleaded her eyes filling with tears
“Dammit Kira” he bit
His eyes blazed down on her his voice once again cold and hard
“Save me the waterworks sweetheart. Don’t worry I’m not interested in telling your boyfriend about us... Poor sod does he realise what a damned liar you are”
Kira looked totally devastated. Pulling her legs up to her chest she hugged them like a small child, with her hair falling around them.
“Craig” she begged “It’s not what you...”
“What I think” he finished his voice mocking her. He came back to the bed grabbing her by the shoulders and leaning down kissed her roughly on the lips. His kiss was hard and punishing, and as he pushed her from him she brought her shaky hand up to touch her bruised mouth.
“I’ve got work to do, do what you want but stay out of my way” his eyes colder than she could ever have thought they could be stared angrily down on her
“It really does run in your family doesn’t it” he hissed
“Wh…what does that mean” she asked in a quivering voice, shocked to hear him mention her family, she had never mentioned any of her family before, but he had already left the room slamming the door behind him.
She buried her head in her knees and the tears fell, Sobs racking her body. It took her over an hour to recover enough to stop her legs from shaking to enable them to carry her to the bathroom where she stood under the luxurious shower letting the water pummel her body. Closing her eyes she could still feel his hands on her and inside she ached. For three long years she had pushed down the feelings he had fired in her but now Kira realised that the love which she had kept locked up so deep within her had escaped and was now filling her heart, mocking her stupidity.
She remembered how he had just cut her dead. With no warning one day he just refused to take her calls. She had tried writing to him but all her letters were returned unopened. She had been totally destroyed and it had been Bill and Marissa who had helped her through that terrible time. When he had forced her to come with him she had determined that she would keep her emotions locked away and not let him make her feel the way he had before. However, their love making had rekindled those feelings and now her heart was falling apart with the hurt which invaded every part of her body.
Tears mingled with the water and she stood there for what seemed like hours, before finally managing to pull herself together. As with the first time he had broken her heart she had somebody who would get her through it, somebody who would fill that gaping hole he had left. A soft smile found its way onto her lips as she gathered herself for the next few days. She knew that she could do this because when she got home everything would be OK.
Fishing out her bikini Kira decided to relax by the pool, not wanting to stay in the room, the scene of their recent lovemaking and there seemed little else to do. Grabbing her books and other equipment she had made her way down to the large pool beautifully set within the lush tropical garden in which they had sat drinking lemonade the previous afternoon.
While sitting there, Maria had appeared with a variety of breakfast items on a tray, much to Kiras surprise and delight, which she had eaten gratefully, not really aware of just how hungry she was. She had given the housekeeper such a warm smile that the woman had promised to return later with more refreshments. After a relaxing swim Kira had sat on one of the many comfortable loungers scattered around the area determined to do something useful, mainly to take her mind off her situation. Not one to laze around she took the time to catch up on some reading and work on her presentations on the lab top which she had brought with her. However, her mind kept returning to their love making her body still tingling at the memory.
Craig had angrily left her lying in the bed they had shared that night. Moving into another room, which was the one he usually used when staying at the villa he had quickly showered. Pulling on kaki chinos and a black t-shirt which accentuated his long lean back and wide shoulders, he had then retreated into his study. Here he had spent several hours taking phone calls answering emails and reading draft documents, all of which he had planned to leave until returning from his break. He couldn’t understand the anger which sat so deep in his stomach. What did he care if she had a dozen boyfriends, in fact he thought he wouldn’t be surprised if she had. He had brought her here to close a chapter in his life and to make her pay for what she had done. Damn Kira Black he thought.
Sighing he moved over to the window to look out at the lush landscape around him. He had been surprised to see her and his lips twitched to see that she was working on her lap top. He remembered how she could never sit idly, but always had to be doing something. His thoughts went back to how they had first met.
He had been walking through the foyer of one of his hotels when he had spotted her, sitting on one of the comfortable chairs which littered the elegant hotel. He had noticed her because of the large notepad on her knee on which she scribbled while lying back against the seat looking up to the ceiling. He had appreciated her lovely young body and the long golden hair which fell around her and had watched her for several seconds. As he had moved towards her, not really sure what to say to her, she had become aware of him, and she had looked at him with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Craig Kent, who had been linked to many super models and actresses in his time, had been stunned.
She had smiled at him sweetly and said hello bringing him around. He had smiled back moving closer to see what she was doing, making some corny joke, which he couldn’t remember now, which she had laughed at, her laugh causing shivers to run up and down him. They had spoken for ages before he had finally asked her for dinner and so had begun their relationship.
He knew that she was young, but she had a maturity about her that exceeded her years. She was also smart and funny with a truly caring side to her nature which saw him needing to see her every day. Many women on finding out how wealthy he was treated him like some kind of meal ticket, but not Kira, if anything his money seemed to worry her.
He had known that she was a virgin from the moment they had met and he had not pushed her even though his desire for her grew with each passing day. They had dated for a month, in fact the day he had bought her the locket she still wore around her neck, before the night she had looked at him with such hunger in her eyes that he had been unable to hold back any longer.
His face grew darker as he began to remember how she had used him and how he had fallen apart when they split. He had started to date many women he would not have previously given the time of day to, not really interested in these women, but using them only for sport sex to purge her from his mind. It had been a downward spiral, in which he only cared for his work, spending more and more time ruthlessly dealing with all those who crossed him.
Watching her now he became angry at the way his body still yearned for her. He had brought her here, somewhere he had never brought another woman, to rid himself of the memory of her - to punish her for what she had done to him. Why then was he not enjoying her right now, because she had some other lover? He had blackmailed her to be here, so why did he care if she had some boyfriend, once he had finished with her after that week he would return her to him, and she would have to lie to yet another man. So why then should the thought of a boyfriend stop him from enjoying her now? Standing up with determination, he left the study moving out to the pool.
Kira had not noticed him until he had appeared beside her. Her lap top lay open on the table beside her as she had looked through a book for some information. He had noticed the picture of Bill Thomson on the screen saver with a woman he presumed to be his wife and a beautiful little girl her face scrunched up in laughter, her eyes closed, as Bill lifted her in the air, who he took to be his grand-daughter. This man was old enough to be her father he thought with a flash of anger.