Page 71 of Sinful Sacrifice

I tap my foot and mutter, “Don’t ask. Don’t ask. Don’t ask,” to myself until the door opens and Damien slips behind the steering wheel.

“Do you want children?”

And I asked. FML.

Damien stops mid-start of the Range Rover, and there’s a brief silence before he replies, “My mother is the only other person who’s asked me that question.”

“What did you tell her?” I croak out.

“That before I ever thought about kids, I’d need to make a woman happy as my wife first. And I wasn’t sure if that’d ever happen.”

My throat feels almost sore. “Why weren’t you sure?”

“My job, this life—it hurts families. It’s not for the faint of heart. Not only for me, but for whoever I marry as well. I need a woman who fully accepts me and the darkness inside my soul.” He turns to me, the light limited, and I make out his furrowed brows. “I want the woman I have children with to want a family—truly want one, not by force.”

He inhales a deep breath and continues, “Arranged marriages, like Cernach wants, can create hostile lives for children. Luckily, my parents loved each other. But Antonio’s? They’re miserable. Which is why I’d never agree or sign a marriage contract with Cernach unless you one hundred percent wanted it. Like I told you, I’d marry you in a minute, but I’d never force you.” His voice lowers. “Are you asking me this because children with me is something you’d consider?”

A lump forms in my throat, and my heart races. “I always pictured myself having children after marriage.”

“Any marriage?”

“A marriage that isn’t arranged,” I say with a sigh. “A marriage that started with dating and falling in love, built up over time. I’ll only try marriage once, so I want to be damn sure it’s the right one I take that chance with. I won’t settle for less.”

“Marriage once with me. I’ll take it.” He cups my face. “You, my sweet dancer, would make an amazing baby mama for me.” He smacks a gentle kiss to my forehead.

I laugh. “I think we have a loooot of steps before marriage and children.”

“Ah, yes, your pain-in-the-ass steps.”

I’m afraid steps won’t be our problem.

No, it’ll come straight from a monster in Boston.

If Cernach wants a marriage with me and Damien, I’ll never do it.

Damien and I could always run off and marry without his knowledge, like my mother did, but look how that turned out. I need to have a long-term relationship work out before making as big of a step as marriage.

I refuse to marry before I’m ready.

Refuse to be Cernach’s pawn.

Even if it means breaking my heart in the process.


One Month Later

Satan, aka Antonio Lombardi, must’ve taken a break from hell today because he—okay, most likely Amara—invited me to her birthday party.

Antonio’s parents are hosting the party in their massive estate’s backyard. The colonial brick home could easily house ten families, and that’s not counting the pool house built near the infinity pool.

The yard is like an oasis with brightly colored flowers, fountains that dump into the pool, and comfy furniture.

Now, I’m no accountant by any means, but unless the Lombardis have a shit ton of casinos—which, from my research, they don’t—no way can a single location bring in an income to support a home like this. There’s no way any of the homes I’ve been to, including Damien’s, is supported by one casino.

I drop my gift bag on the table next to the others, and Damien does the same with his card. I had him take me to three different stores to find the perfect gift for Amara. Thoughtful gift-giving is important to me. I try to pay attention to people, to soak in the tidbits about themselves, so I can gift them something meaningful.

From those three stores, I found a stuffed snake that resembles Ace and a dance bag, where I put pointe shoes, a ballet beginner’s book, and a dance outfit inside.