Page 165 of Sinful Sacrifice

We’ll take those steps together, just like we have every single other one.

Love: ?

Marriage: ?

Baby: ?

Maybe, just maybe, fate doesn’t hate me.

I said I wanted all the steps to true love, and while it wasn’t the easiest on my heart, it’s what he gave me.

Tears fall down my face as we start walking down the aisle. We don’t do it arm in arm. Damien won’t allow it. He takes my hand, clasping it tight in his, and stares at me the entire walk down the aisle.

He is getting his walk-down-the-aisle moment, just a different version. The closer we get to the altar, the more I notice his eyes growing glossy.

It’s us.

Our moment.

Our wedding, like he said.

We separate when we make it to the altar. Damien swipes at his eyes and casts me a reassuring smile.

The ceremony starts.

It’s similar to what we had at the courthouse, but this time, we have our vows and all our loved ones joining us. I asked him to save his until our official ceremony.

Damien says his first. He doesn’t take out a paper to read from. At first, it might look like an unorganized groom, but I know better. Everything Damien says comes straight from the heart. He’s probably had them memorized since the first time he told me he’d marry me, contract or not.

He doesn’t say them loud.

Just an octave above whispering.

“Pippa, shortly after I met you, I lost everything. My world crumbled, and you were there to pick me up, piece by piece, when I thought I was forever shattered. I came to your door, a broken man you hardly knew, and you comforted me. I think that’s the moment I realized I was in love with you. Even if it was early or that I’d skipped enough steps to build a skyscraper, I knew you were the only piece that could truly put me back together.”

A sob comes from his chest, and his eyes haven’t left mine once as he continues.

“You once told me your happily ever after would never come with terms and conditions, but, my sweet dancer, I owe you the terms and conditions of being your husband. I promise, in our marriage, I will treat you with all the respect and love you deserve. Every day, I will strive to be a better husband than the day before. You have my every promise that I’ll never break the contract of love you’ve given me and the faith of allowing me to have your heart. It’s safe with me. You’re safe with me.” Then, he leans in and mouths, “So is our baby,” to me before saying, “I love you.”

I don’t know how he expects me to say vows after those.

He literally just gave me vows that’d win a Grammy, an Emmy, and even a Super Bowl at this point. I’m sobbing, and the more emotion that grows in his eyes, the more worked up I become.

He takes my hand, squeezes it, and doesn’t release me.

I already feel like I’ve somewhat failed by pulling out my paper. Damien has always said he’s not good with words, but the man sure knows how to show the hell up. My hand shakes in his, resulting in another squeeze, as I start speaking in the same volume as he did.

“To my lover, my protector, my everything. The day I walked into Lucky Kings, I was terrified for my life. Little did I know, I’d end up meeting the person I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. You didn’t take my life. You gave me a life. You taught me not to fear the unexpected, even if it didn’t fit my step-by-step plan. Sometimes, life gives us detours. Thank you for giving me the grace of your patience and never turning your back on me, even when I allowed my stubbornness to not only get the best of me, but us. I love you and will love you until the end of my days.” I pause to smile at him. “And I promise to always dance for you when you’re down.”

I stare down at our connected hands, seeing our matching tattoos.

Live Once—the O being a heart.

We got them during our honeymoon in Hawaii.

After I broke down at dinner and apologized that I hadn’t realized that sometimes, we didn’t get second chances at love or life. I could’ve lost him because of my stubbornness. We only live once, and it’s too short not to tell the person you love that you love them, not to say screw all your rules and do what makes you happy.

Tears are streaming down my face.