Page 148 of Sinful Sacrifice

We don’t get much say in business decisions.

A long table is set up at the front of the room with circular tables surrounding it. I stand to the side, running my hands down my arms, and gulp when my gaze lands on Damien and Riona.

They’re talking with a group of people. Like with my mother’s change of character, it seems to have also rubbed off on them. Damien isn’t acting distant toward Riona. His arm is wrapped around her waist, and she’s leaning into him. While they don’t look madly in love, they don’t resemble an unhappy couple.

What the actual fuck?

He doesn’t look miserable.

They look comfortable, as if this isn’t the first time they’ve touched.

Fire sets through my veins.

My grandmother, Laosie, joins them, wrapping Riona in a tight hug. A twinge of jealousy hits me. I never had grandparents who cared. But from the stories my mother told me, she isn’t a caring grandmother. She turned her back on my mother as fast as the others did.

God, what is this, feel sorry for myself day?

I knew this would happen and thought I was prepared.

Cernach approaches the happy couple’s group. I cross my arms and glare at them. If there was one superpower I’d choose at the moment, it’d be to light people on fire with my eyes.

Or to be able to Stephen King’s Carrie them.

Yeah, that’d be better.

Cernach announces everyone should take their seats and prepare for a wonderful dinner. Like last time, there’s assigned seating. Unlike last time, I’m not across from the soon-to-be-married couple.

They’re seated at the front table, joined by Cernach and my aunt, along with the wedding party. Damien’s side looks empty with it just being him.

Cernach stands and raises his glass. “I’d like to make a toast to the happy couple.”

I can’t stop myself from rolling my eyes and already gulping down my champagne. Just as a server passes, I stand and swipe a glass off their tray.

I won’t toast to them.

I’ll toast to getting wasted and forgetting this night though.

“To Riona and Damien,” Cernach says, his voice loud and gruff.

I raise my glass, and the words are barely audible as they leave my mouth.

Okay, I don’t say, To Riona and Damien.

I say, “To Cernach going to hell.”

And it’s as if the gods like me for once because after everyone gulps down, Cernach loses his balance and staggers backward. The chair behind him crashes to its side, and Cernach falls.

“Cernach!” Aunt Fedelma screams, rising from her chair.

Gasps and chatter flow through the room.

Riona and Damien jump up from their chairs. Damien, as if a concerned son-in-law, helps Cernach to his feet. But without Damien’s help, Cernach slumps forward. The room turns into an uproar. Some race over to Cernach as he starts to seize while others, like me, are frozen in place, staring at each other, wide-eyed.

I sit back and sip my champagne, enjoying the show, as Cernach starts frothing at the mouth. He gasps for air, attempting to yell someone’s name, but can’t get the words out.

My mom starts crying next to me, but I only smirk in pleasure.

I might not have been able to Carrie him, but it appears someone did something.