Page 48 of Sinful Sacrifice

He holds his glass with two fingers. “Yes, working.”

“In the city?”

“Here and there.”

“Are you finished working here and there?”

“As much as I can. I prefer to work here. New York is and always will be my home.”

I nod, sipping my wine. It’s decent-tasting. Not the-most-expensive-wine-on-the-list quality—in my opinion—but still decent.

“Your uncle Cernach got in contact with me,” he says, straight-faced.

I recoil at the subject change.

I’d rather speak about anyone or anything. At this point, I’d have no problem going in detail about when I started my period at school. I was nicknamed Shark Week for the entire year.

“Samesies.” I frown. “He came to my apartment today.”

“According to him, you’d like me to propose to you?”

I spit my wine back into my glass. Sure, Cernach mentioned it to me, but I didn’t expect for it to go further after I said no.

“Excuse me?” I say after composing myself.

“I take it you don’t want me to propose, then?” He stares at me, skeptical, like maybe my goal was to reel him in for some business deal.

“Uh, negative,” I say.

Doubt is still on his face.

“If you were to get down on one knee and propose to me right now, no offense, but I would say no.”

“Should I test that theory?” He sets his glass on the table and starts to stand, gaining the attention of diners.

I dart my hand across the table to stop him. “Oh my God, no!”

He sits back down.

“You don’t trust me,” I mutter.

“I don’t know you enough to trust you.”

“Yet I’m supposed to trust you?”


“Pot, meet kettle.”

We’re interrupted by Tony and the food runner delivering our main course. I pick up my fork, waiting for Damien to do the same, but he doesn’t. My heart races at how intense his stare is.

Damien clears his throat when they’re gone. “If we’re being honest, I’d have no problem marrying you, Pippa.”

I blow out a breath, shocked I don’t fall out of my chair.

My heart pulsates in my chest at his declaration.

As good as it feels, all it means is one thing: If I ever marry Damien, there will always be the thought that Cernach is getting what he wants.