Page 78 of Emperor of Wrath

Takeshi glares at me a moment longer. I nod at the phone in his hand.

“You see it’s coming with the new Akrapovic exhaust mount?”

Takeshi cocks a brow. For one second, his usual mask of violence and bloodlust slips a little, and I might have even caught a glimpse of something approaching “impressed.”

“You know bikes?”

I nod. “Yup.”

“Why, because you fucking steal them?”


He smirks.

“I mean, partly.”

“What’s the other part?” Takeshi growls.

“That I don’t get caught when I steal them because I know how to ride, too.”

Takeshi’s lips curl up a little at the corners. “What were you mad about. At the hospital.”

I stay silent.

“My brother?”

I glance away and he chuckles. “Yeah, he’s good at that,” he smirks. Then he exhales. “Okay, it’s a pretty fucking sweet bike.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I wasn’t thanking you. Though, it would’ve been nice to have it delivered to Kyoto instead of here.”

“Oh, are you going back to Kyoto?”

Takeshi grins widely as his brows shoot up. “Shit. This is going to be good.”

“I’m fucking sorry!?” I snap coldly as I barge into the kitchen.

Kenzo looks up from where he’s sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee and scowls at me. “Yes? Can I help you?”

“Kyoto?! I’m not moving to fucking Kyoto.”

He exhales slowly. “Well, I am, and you’re my wife. Soooo…”

“So go fuck yourself,” I hurl back. “I’m not going.”

“You can come or you can be brought. Which is to say, you can accompany me willingly or I can make you.”

“Like you made me last night?”

Okay, that’s a cheap shot. And a shitty thing to say when we were both so clearly into what transpired last night, including the use of force, and him pinning me down, and continuing even when I said no.

“Excuse me?” Kenzo growls, a warning note in his voice. I ignore it.

“I was blind drunk, and you knew it,” I snap. “The phrase ‘taken advantage of’ comes to mind, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Certainly not,” he snarls coldly, rising from his chair in a way that sends a bolt of lightning through my core. “And I do not take kindly to being accused of something like that.”