Nishi smiles seductively at me as her father dives into the crowd. She sidles close, her tongue wetting her lips and her eyelids batting as she runs one scarlet-painted nail up my arm.
“I was so sad, Kenzo.”
“Nishi, no disrespect, I don’t think you and I would have ever worked out. But I’m sure there’s a young man out there who would give his left arm to have you at his side.”
I frown when she ignores me and pulls even closer, her finger trailing over my chest. Then, over her shoulder, I realize we’re being watched.
By Annika.
She’s not really so much “watching” as “glaring death”. Her brow is furrowed deeply, her blue eyes spark with something wicked and fierce, and her lips are pursed as she stares dangerously at Nishi pulling closer to me.
She’s got a jealous streak as green as her dress that comes out sometimes. Even if she hates me and this situation, it seems Annika doesn’t like being fucked with.
She might be lowkey wishing a piano would fall through the ceiling and crush me this evening. But she doesn’t like being slighted by anyone. And that includes Nishi trying to breathe down my neck and trace my fucking nipple through my suit at my own engagement dinner.
“You know, Kenzo…” Nishi purrs into my ear. “You might be getting married, but we’re from the same world. I know we understand what this marriage really is.”
“I don’t need you to explain it to me, Nishi,” I growl, planting my hands on her arms to gently push her away from me.
She doesn’t budge.
“I can offer you a…different sort of arrangement, you know.”
“Take your hands off me, Nishi,” I mutter.
“My father just wants me to be happy, Kenzo. When I’m happy, he’s happy. And when he’s happy, he does whatever you ask him. So, you might have to be married to the cold gaijin who looks like she wants you to fall down a flight of stairs…”
Frighteningly accurate.
“But I could warm your bed.” Nishi’s voice lowers to a whisper as she leans even closer. “You could fuck me however you want. Do whatever?—”
She gasps as I shove her away from me.
“My advice to you, Nishi,” I hiss, “is to find some self-respect. And while you’re doing that, stay the fuck away from me. Are we clear?”
Her face heats as her lips purse. She nods quickly, the sultriness vanishing as she turns and quickly hurries into the crowd.
Christ, I need a drink.
I turn to hit the bar, and find myself walking almost directly into a tsunami of ginger and green. I halt quickly, my brow arching as Annika glares at me with a cold expression on her face.
“Enjoying the party?” she hisses.
I smirk. “Spying on me, princess?”
“It doesn’t take James Bond to see you all but fucking that woman in the middle of your own engagement party—engagement to me, I might add.”
I chuckle. “Jealous?”
“Annoyed,” she counters. “I’d like you to stop acting like you’re the only one getting screwed with this arrangement.”
“I’m pretty sure the issue is that I’m not going to be getting screwed with this arrangement.” I arch a brow. “Unless…?”
Annika flushes deep red. “Unless you go fuck yourself. Get used to it.”
“So, you don’t want to fuck me…”