“I love you,” he breathes.
“I love you, too.”
It’s quiet now.
I listen to the shallow, rhythmic breathing inside Kenzo’s chest and the drip-drip-dripping sound of the water down over the side of the walkway.
At times, my vision swims again. Then I’ll feel like something is twisting inside me. But I can’t tell if it’s what Valon injected me with or my mind, fucking with me.
I hold Kenzo’s hand, refusing to acknowledge the truth that’s staring me in the face.
We’re going to die down here.
I sniff back tears. When I do, a terrible realization hits me. It’s smelled dank and bad down here since I arrived. But something’s different now.
Rotten eggs.
My face falls.
The air…
I tremble when Kenzo’s hand finds mine and squeezes a little.
“I’m sorry,” he growls quietly. “I’m so fucking sorry for pulling you into my world.”
“Don’t you dare say that,” I whisper back, wiping away a tear. “Loving you has been the highlight of an otherwise pretty shitty life.”
“Fantastic endorsement.”
I grin through the tears as I lean up to kiss him.
“Our friends are looking for us,” I whisper more urgently. “They’re going to find us.”
“Definitely,” he grunts.
“They will,” I repeat.
“I know,” Kenzo smiles softly.
The sound of the dripping is maddening.
My brows knit. The splashing sound comes again, and I stand, walking tentatively toward the rusty railing and looking down into the inky black water.
A fish breaches the surface, then dives back down.
Holy fuck.
This is not how this ends.
I might be a lost cause at this point. I have no idea how long it’s been since Valon stuck me with that needle. I’m guessing I have…fifteen minutes or so left?