“Put the sword down,” Valon says quietly. “And come here.”
My eyes stay on Kenzo. He doesn’t have much time. He needs to get out of here, soon.
My face is grim as I turn toward the monster leering at me. “You have a way out?”
“Of course,” he grunts, wincing as he clutches his abdomen, which is soaked with blood. “I don’t want to die here.”
“Then why did you stay?” I spit back. “Why the fuck wouldn’t you just leave?—”
“Because, puppet,” Valon leers at me, “I want him to watch. I want your husband to see for himself what a little whore his wife truly is.”
It feels like I’m being stabbed over and over as every horrible thing I’ve spent so many years burying comes rushing to the surface all at once.
“I hate you,” I choke as tears slip down my cheeks.
“I don’t care,” he hisses back. “Get over here. Eyes to the fucking wall.”
Kenzo groans as his eyes struggle to open.
“Ahhh, you can hear us, Kenzo?” Valon snarls darkly. “Good. Listen, you fucking prick. Listen while your whore wife moans for my dick.”
Kenzo’s arm lurches out blindly, his eyes yanking open as if by sheer will. Pure, unbridled rage explodes across his face as he lunges for Valon.
But he falls short.
I cry out and jump to go to him. But Valon’s gun jammed in my face stops me.
“Face the wall, puppet,” Valon hisses quietly. “Leave the sword, while you’re at it.”
I can’t really process the sheer injustice and unimaginable horror of this moment. I know this is going to break me, but when I turn to look at Kenzo, bleeding profusely as he slumps to the floor, I also know this is the only way to save him.
If it means damning myself to hell, so be it.
If it means killing my spirit, so be it.
If it means my love is disgusted with me and never wants to look at me again…
Tears stream down my cheeks as I grit my teeth.
So. Be. It.
“Fuck you,” I snarl coldly, not even able to look at Valon. I lean the sword hilt against the wall. My feet shuffle slowly, my entire body caving in on itself as I go to where Valon is pointing—the wall across from where Kenzo is slumped.
“Turn around,” Valon breathes.
My eyes squeeze closed as I turn my face to the wall. Instantly he’s on me, shoving me against it as his disgusting hands slide over my hips and body. Every touch feels like the slash of a blade, and I flatten my palms to the brick.
Just go somewhere else.
Shut down.
Let it happen without you knowing…
I dry heave against the wall as Valon paws at me. He grunts, yanking at his belt and zipper with one hand while he tries to shove my pants down with the other.
Suddenly, he screams.