…Thereby planting the idea in his head that he’ll be breathing after today.
Valon smiles smugly.
Yeah, it’s working.
“I can assume since you have this bag that Tengan is…no longer with us?”
I shrug. “You can.”
“Did he tell you before you killed him what else I’d requested of you, besides returning the money to Sota?”
I nod. “He did.”
My eyes lock with Annika’s, my lips pursing before I drag my gaze back to Valon.
“Give me Annika, and I’ll wire you however much you want.”
Valon barks a cold laugh. “Not a fucking chance, Kenzo. That’s not how this works. You think I’m going to hand over your true love, just like that?” He snorts. “On your word that you’ll pay me after?—”
“True love?” I bark icily. I sneer, shaking my head. “You’re mistaken, Valon.” I jut my chin at her. “You think I give a shit about this little fucking thief? She’s a fuck toy to me, nothing else. A plaything.”
Something venomous surges in Annika’s eyes, and her nostrils flare. She snarls something through her gag, but I keep my eyes fixed on Valon.
“I’m done with her. I do want her back, of course. That’s why I’m here.” I shrug. “But I can promise you, it’s not for love. It’s so I can kill her myself.”
It takes everything I have to keep my eyes on Valon, and not glance at the woman I love more than I’ve ever loved anything in this world.
But I need to sell this.
I have to.
Valon looks skeptical.
“Bullshit,” he grunts. “You think I’m a fucking idiot?”
I shake my head. “Of course not. But you can ask anyone: this little bitch has been nothing but trouble. She’s been skimming from me ever since that joke of a wedding. She’s been scamming Sota, too, and he knows it.” I frown. “Surely you know how skilled she is at what she does, and what she’s capable of.” I turn to spit on the floor. “Doesn’t matter how much she’s given, either. A thief is still a fucking thief.”
It’s slow, but a change creeps over Valon’s face, and I have to bite back my own smugness.
Yeah, that’s the look of him swallowing this shit whole.
“I never should have gone near her,” I spit. “You know, the first time we ever crossed paths, the bitch stole from me.”
Valon frowns. “Yes… I think I’ve heard this story. A necklace, wasn’t it?”
I shake my head. This time, I do look at Annika.
Right at Annika.
“A wallet,” I grunt. “Bitch stole it right out of my right jacket pocket.”
Of all the miracles I’m hoping to pull out of my ass right now, this one’s the longest shot. The bomb in that bag had a remote detonator. I’ve seen IEDs like that before, and I know the trigger looks something like a bare-bones cellphone.
Valon’s original plan was to have me deliver the bomb to Sota, then come back here, where he’d get me to wire him money before blowing Sota to hell. If I were Valon, I’d be keeping that detonator very close, most likely on me.
But his left arm is in a sling. His pants pockets are a maybe. But he’s not trying to cram his hand into a pants pocket for a trigger button. That’s why I’m guessing it’s in his jacket pocket.
The gamble is hoping Annika knows me well enough to understand what I’m saying right now.