I stare. “Sota, in eight weeks you have to be in New York for your next round of treatment?—”
“I won’t be going to New York for another round of treatment, Kenzo,” he says quietly.
Something breaks inside me. My face falls, my pulse skipping as I stare at my second father, every emotion roaring to the surface.
I’m not ready yet. I’m not ready for this man to leave this world. Not now, and definitely not like this.
“Sota,” I choke. “Whatever they said, there are other options. There’s a doctor in China right now doing some amazing breakthrough stuff with mRNA?—”
“I’m not going back to treatment, Kenzo,” Sota says with a small smile, “because I’m in remission.”
The world freezes. I stare at him, shocked and stunned, watching the grin creep across his face.
“Goddammit,” I groan, lurching to my feet and striding around the desk. “You’re serious?”
Sota stands, laughing as I hug him fiercely.
“Completely,” he smiles warmly. “Full remission after my last blood test.”
I grin, shaking my head at him. “You scared the shit out of me, you know.”
He grins, shrugging. “Let an old man have his theatrics.”
I exhale heavily, shaking my head again. “That wasn’t even the littlest bit funny. Do me a favor, don’t pull that crap with Hana. It’ll break her.”
Then, suddenly, I frown.
“What did you mean by me being ready?”
He smiles as he takes my hand and pats it. “I understand your father now. I understand the need for something different and more peaceful than the Yakuza. In two months, Kenzo, I’m done. I’m going to Italy without a return ticket, and I plan on eating good pasta, drinking fine wine, and kissing beautiful Italian women. And when I do…”
I tense up as it hits me.
“You’re ready, Kenzo,” he says quietly. “To be King.”
Seeing Freya again feels like a homecoming, even though it’s her who came to me. The original plan was for us just to meet up at the Mori estate. But I nixed that plan and insisted instead on going to the airport with Kenzo’s people so I could meet my best friend on the tarmac.
As an added surprise, Kir’s come along too, which is fantastic. He’s also brought Isaak, which makes me realize how much I had missed the big grump. I hug them all fiercely the second they get off the private plane. Then Kir is smart enough to step back and let Freya and I freak out together and scream and yell and do all the insane asylum shit we usually do when we’ve been apart for a while.
When we’re done alarming Kenzo’s security guys and finally get into the cars, Kir Facetimes with Damian, who’s completely on the mend and walking around just fine, thank you—just not quite well enough to be flying to Japan.
Back at the house, the anarchy gets right into full swing. Adding someone like Freya into the mix of me, Hana, and Takeshi is a bit like hurling some fireworks into a bonfire.
“A toast!” Kir smiles as he taps the side of his glass of vodka with a chopstick.
We’ve all just finished eating dinner in one of Kenzo’s gorgeous gardens, and we’re keeping the festive mood going with an impromptu party. Everyone’s here: Kenzo and I, Hana, Takeshi, Kir, Isaak, Sota, and a number of both Sota and Kenzo’s people are all smiling around the table in the garden, drinking and having a blast.
Well, almost everyone. Mal is missing, without much of an explanation aside from a text to Kenzo that he had “business” to attend to.
Party pooper.