“Oh, is that all,” she mumbles.
“NOW, Frey!”
Her sarcasm drops. “On it. Hang on,” she says quickly, sensing the urgency in my voice. “Gimme a minute.”
I can hear her keyboard clicking.
“Okay, I’m finding a back door right now. Shouldn’t be too…there we go,” she grunts. “I’m in. What am I looking for?”
Freya sucks in her breath sharply.
“He’s there?” she hisses.
“Yes. And he has Kenzo.”
There’s a pause.
“Did you hear me?” I mutter. “He?—”
“Yeah, no, I heard,” Freya responds, typing away. “I guess sentiments have…changed?” she asks, her voice lifting in surprise.
I nod, my heart wrenching. “They have,” I whisper. “Please. Find him, Frey.”
“Gimme a starting point.”
I rattle off the address for Valon’s rental house.
“Back up the footage maybe forty-five minutes or so.”
“Just a sec.” Her fingers clack on the keyboard of her laptop. “Okaaaay, here we are.” She swears. “Yeah, there’s Ulkan. Looks like his guys offed the guards at the house and dragged them inside…” She types some more. “Fast-forwarding—got it. Yeah, they’re dragging someone off the property…”
My chest clenches when her breath sucks in again.
“It’s Kenzo. They shoved him into a van and drove off.”
“Is he hurt?” I whisper, staring into the middle distance as Mal eyes me with concern.
“Yeah, Anni,” Freya says quietly. “He’s hurt.”
I glance up, my eyes locking with Mal’s as his jaw grinds grimly.
“I got the van,” Freya blurts into my ear.
I start to run back to the bikes with Mal hot on my heels.
“Guide me.”
“In my opinion, marriage is vastly overrated.”
I raise my head. My right eye is fairly swollen, but I can still glare at Ulkan anyway, despite the pain…well, all over.