Page 112 of Emperor of Wrath

I don’t give a fuck.

“Then I hope it’s fruitful, Mr. Leka. And I hope you’re able to spend some time in Kyoto enjoying yourself.”

“Maybe I will,” he says with a lackluster smile.

I nod, turning and making my way through the crowd to find Sota and Mal. On the way, I bump into Annika. I’m unable to stop the grin from spreading over my face.

For her part, she beams smugly as she holds up an iPhone in an X-rated manga case.

“Uh…what the fuck is that?”

She winks. “Tamura’s phone. You’re welcome.”

I snort, but then I shake my head. “Nice pull. It doesn’t change the fact that we can’t crack an iPhone.”

“You men, always thinking there has to be brute force involved.”

“I’m not sure I’ve heard much complaint from you about my brute force.”

Her face heats, her lip catching between her teeth, but then Annika clears her throat. “No need for brute force when you have the password.”

My jaw drops as she calmly types it in, unlocking the phone.

“How the fuck did you get that?”

She grins. “I saw him type it in. All I had to do was bat my eyes, show a little cleavage, ask if he wanted my number…”

I growl savagely and grab her arm, making her gasp sharply. Annika’s big blue eyes snap to mine, a shiver of something heated crossing them.

“Jealous much?” she teases, her voice husky and breathy.

“Maybe I just don’t like my wife flirting with other men,” I mutter.

“It was to get the phone,” she murmurs softly.

“I don’t care.”

Her lips curl into a grin. “You know, they have a name for that.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”


I roll my eyes as she giggles. She drops her gaze to Tamura’s phone, tapping on the screen and making a face.

“Okay, lotta anime porn on here. Jesus.” She frowns. “But also…spreadsheets.” I watch as she scrolls. “Oh, yeah, right here.” She turns the phone toward me. “Yeah, he’s skimming.”

She passes me the phone and pats my chest.

“I’m going to go grab a drink. You’re welcome.”

I watch her as she slips away. I’m not thinking about the damn phone, or even Tamura.

I’m still thinking about her lips.