Page 154 of Emperor of Wrath

“Get back there, bitch,” I snarl at Annika, forcing myself to look furious. I nod my head at the tunnel behind me. “Walk that way and keep walking until you get to the stairs. Mr. Leka and I need to finish our?—”

“Stop right there.”

Valon cocks the gun in his hand and throws me a look.

“The money, Kenzo,” he growls. “Now.”

I nod, lifting Tengan’s phone and pretending to thumb the screen open.

“Give me a sec…”

Quietly, I step forward, gradually moving in front of Annika.

“Okay,” I murmur. “Account number?”

Valon starts to rattle off numbers, and I pretend to type them in. Slowly, I back up, pushing Annika behind me as I guide her into the tunnel.

Valon finishes giving me his bank details.

Here goes nothing.

“Okay,” I nod. “Sent. A pleasure doing business, Mr. Leka. I hope this means we can both walk away?—”

“Wait wait wait.” He scoffs. “As if you’re going to walk out of here before I check?”

I finger the fob in my hand, my pulse quickening. My muscles tensing.

The whole world holding its breath before the storm.

Valon drops his good hand to his pants pocket, reaching for his phone. As he does so, his hand brushes the side of his jacket, and he stiffens.


Everything slows, time itself getting sticky and sluggish as his brow furrows and his hand lifts back up and slips into his jacket pocket, feeling for the trigger fob I know he just realized was missing.

Still in slow motion, I whirl, shoving Annika ahead of me down the tunnel as I hear Valon roar with fury.

A gunshot echoes through the stone room. Hot fire explodes in the side of my chest.

I push the button on the fob as I dive forward to shield Annika.

All I see is bright white as heat and thundering fire slam into my back and send me over into the black abyss.



My ears are ringing as I gradually realize I’m lying on the ground. Dust and grime choke my throat, and when I cough, gray ash wheezes from my cracked lips.

My mouth opens and closes. My vision cuts in and out as my fingertips curl against the gritty ground.

The ringing is all I hear, humming piercingly in my ears.

I cough again, breathing dust and smoke. I claw at the ground, wincing, shoving my knee up in an attempt to get to my feet.


The world sways, and I tip sideways against the wall. But I catch myself in time, clinging to it as the ringing whines in my ears and my legs wobble.