“I want to see you come without me touching you again.”

Logan’s face pinked, and he smiled shyly. “I’m not sure how that happened.”

“That was the single hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” I pulled one of his hands off the steering wheel and placed it on my swollen dick. “See what you do to me?”

“If you keep this up, we’re going to have to pull over and remedy this hard situation.”

It was my turn to roll my eyes. “God, you did not just say that. Puns are not your strong suit, baby. But I’m going to have to agree here. Maybe we should pull over at the next rest stop.”

“Seriously, maybe we should wait until we get out of Texas to mess around. Austin’s pretty accepting, but I don’t want to get caught by the cops with our pants down around here.”

“Fair point.”

I reached into the backseat for the canteen and gulped down some warm water as Logan fiddled with the radio. “Nothing but shit and static around here. Pop in a tape, would you?” he asked.

I handed him the canteen, and he chugged some water as I played one of his mixtapes. ‘Cruel Summer’ by Bananarama came on as Logan handed the canteen back to me, which I closed and tossed in the backseat.

Logan reached for my hand and curled our fingers together. His smile was small, but I couldn’t read his eyes behind his sunglasses. I smiled back and held his hand tighter as I leaned my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes for a little nap.

After lunch, eating some Tex-Mex because we were addicted to it, I called Mom while Logan was getting the car filled up with gas.


“Hey, Mom! We’re alive. Sorry I didn’t get to call you yesterday.”

“That’s fine, as long as I know you boys are okay. How’s the trip going? You two still getting along?”

“Yeah, the trip’s been amazing. We’ve been having a blast.” God, I itched to tell my mom about Logan and what was going on between us. I didn’t hide much from her, but this was one thing I couldn’t talk about without Logan’s permission. “And yeah, Logan and I have really learned to get along. He’s really cool, Mom. He’s let go of whatever’s been bothering him, and we’ve hardly fought at all. In fact, we’ve gotten pretty close.”

“Oh, Nick, I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. Finally. Wyatt will be thrilled to hear the news.”

“Thrilled about what?” I heard Wyatt say on the other end.

“Logan. He and Nick are really getting along. This idea you had of them traveling together was fantastic.”

“I have those now and then. Tell Nick and Logan I love them.”

Mom snorted a laugh. “Did you hear that, Nick?”

“Yeah, I heard. Love you both, too. Logan’s getting gas, so I’ll tell him.”

“Where are you boys off to now?”

“Albuquerque for the night, then we’ll head over to the Grand Canyon for a couple of days. After that, it will be Lake Tahoe, which is our last stop before we reach school.”

“Good, then you’re on schedule. We’ll be leaving here in a few days, driving straight through to reach you boys. Don’t tell Logan, but Wyatt is giving him the Mustang, so we’ll only be driving your car to California.”

“I’m so jealous. That car is righteous. Logan will be so excited.”

“Oh, and before I forget, the movers have delivered your stuff, and it’s sitting in a warehouse in Oakland. Thank god. That way, we don’t have to worry.”

“Awesome. Thanks, Mom.”

Logan pulled up next to the phone booth and honked. “Gotta go. Logan’s back from getting gas.”

“Call us before you reach the Grand Canyon.”

“I will. Love you.”