That lingering hope of having Nick in my life grew exponentially to where the bubble was nearly bursting. This was the first time I hadn’t wanted to squash the feeling.
“You have me any way you want me,” I said.
He pressed his lips to mine again, owning and claiming. My body was no doubt covered in bruises, marking me as his. I wanted more of them.
“Did I ruin the moment?” I asked when we came up for air.
“No, baby. That’s impossible.”
“Don’t stop calling me that.”
“I won’t.”
This time, I was going to do it right. With all the confidence I could summon, I told him exactly how I felt without hiding and only a little bit of fear.
“I’ve always loved you, Nick. I realize you don’t feel the same, not yet, anyway, and that’s okay. But this is me. The real Logan. The man who’s loved you and hated you for so fucking long that it nearly drove me crazy and crushed me with loneliness. But this moment now has made it all worth it. If things don’t end up working out, I won’t regret a second of it.”
I swore his dark, emotional eyes bore straight into my soul as he dragged gentle fingers along my face before resting his forehead on mine. “And don’t ever stop telling me those words and how you feel. It feels good to be loved and wanted, and to know exactly where I stand.”
“I promise.”
Chapter 27
Day 13
“I’m going to fucking melt,” I complained. “My flesh has fused to the seat. How hot do you think it is out there?”
Logan stared out at the flat plains of Texas, heading north toward Lubbock, where we’d stop for lunch before moving on toward Albuquerque, New Mexico. The road ahead of us shimmered like a mirage of water.
“Who the fuck knows? Like, I’m totally not stopping to use a pay phone to find out. I guess everything’s going to be brown from here on out until we eventually reach Lake Tahoe in four days.”
“This place needs fucking rain. Good thing we aren’t camping.”
“I doubt the Grand Canyon will be much cooler when we reach it in a couple of days.”
“Yeah, but it’ll be a hell of a lot prettier than this hellscape. It’s nothing but a dry, flat ocean of brown as far as the eye can see. The temp has got to be over a hundred degrees.”
“All your complaining is making this car hotter.” Logan looked at me, smirking, and quickly brought his eyes back to the road.
“Ass.” I ran my hands through his thick, sweaty hair despite the wind gusting through the car windows. “Speaking of ass, does it still hurt?”
Logan squirmed a bit in his seat. “Yeah, man. It’s like I can still feel you inside me.”
“Ooo, I kind of like that you can still feel me to remind you that no one else is allowed in there. It’s like a ghost fucking.”
I cracked up, and he rolled his eyes. “Possessive much?”
“You love it.”
He moved around in his seat again before settling down. “Stop talking, or else I’m going to get horny.”
“Get horny because I plan on having you again tonight if you can take me.”
He snorted a laugh and stared at the road. When I glanced between his legs, he was starting to swell, which, in turn, made me hard. “Like that, do we?”
“Yeah, I want to do it again.”